Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Because you do not want to tell us where that police report is or because you have not ever seen that police report?


I verify information to the extent that time and interest allow.

I may sometimes post something incorrect, but I have never, ever, not once knowingly posted something false.

Police reportsā€¦.oh, I know who has seen itā€¦




Because I feel like ignoring you, @trubandloki!

But you canā€™t post that the police report does not include that information and not be willing to share the police report with us so we too can read it. Where can we get it? Can you just post the file for us to read?

Not posting it makes it seem like you are intentionally twisting something, kind of really lying since you do not know what the police report actually says.


How convenient.


So @CurrentlyHorseless, can you please tell me if you have seen the police report? Or could you at least tell me where I can find it?

You know since you have decided to ignore @trubandloki and all?

Shhhhh, it will be our little secret and we wonā€™t tell @trubandloki!


I just donā€™t feel obligated to answer your questions, @trubandloki.

Okay, so what if someone else asks where you saw the Aug 4 police report? Will you just manually ignore that request as well? I have to admit I was wondering how you would have seen it.


And yet you expect us to answer your questions?


Sounds like someone got caught with their hand in the cookie jar!!!



No, I donā€™t expect you to answer my questions. LOL

Yes, first and last monthā€™s board, with first monthā€™s board payable within one hour of the horseā€™s arrival, and the last monthā€™s board due no more than 5 days later. I will say though that at the last facility, I did not have to pay the last monthā€™s board up front because I had been a former client there and was coming in with two horses as well as references from other barns/trainers where I had been in the interim. So the BO gave me an exception regarding upfront payment of the last monthā€™s board.

[And I am so far behind on this thread now it is ridiculous! Blame work, being sick, and trying to decorate for Christmas!]



Talk about being an insider! Has anyone here seen the police report @CurrentlyHorseless says sheā€™s seen? Seems she canā€™t produce what sheā€™s stated sheā€™s seen, so I wonder if there are any other insiders here who have seen that police report or any other police report pertaining to this case. Seriously.

Or wait, is Shelley actually posting here? Would make a lot of sense!


I only know of one person who claimed to have seen that report.

CH, any chance you will answer any of us about whether youā€™ve seen it? Simple yes or no question.


And that begs the question, if theyā€™ve seen a police report, have they heard any secret recordings?!


LOL. Iā€™m not an insider. Iā€™m not ā€œShelleyā€.

If it amuses you to think Iā€™m an insider, go right ahead. Iā€™m starting to find it amusing myself.

Do you think Iā€™d be inclined to indulge a request from someone who just went though a tedious cycle of attempting to smear me by saying that I knowingly post false information, @BigMama1?

Thatā€™s not a simple yes or no, but nevertheless clear, I trust.