Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You repeatedly have refused to acknowledge the information you posted was false, or to take the simple step of verifying that it’s false. Does that qualify as “knowingly” posting false information? Yes.


No one here needs to attempt to smear you.

You cannot seem to grasp with fact you are your own worst enemy and smear yourself constantly.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, first we practice to deceive.”
~ Sir Walter Scott


Most barns require more extensive and detailed liability waivers that go beyond the one sentence stated on the signs.
However, if she had signed the standard barn liability waiver when she first arrived in 2018 and/or 2019, I don’t see why MB would need a simple waiver re-signed on Aug 4.

I have to wonder whether the document contained changes to the board and training contract, or whether there was no written contract originally and MB was asking her to agree to terms that she had not previously agreed to.

The sign on the wall would not make a more extensive liability waiver superfluous.

Oh, look squirrel!!!



Only if your daddy is friends with the banker and the DA and the chief of police. :laughing:


Is this a serious question? Do you really still not know who these people are?


Your posts are spot on. Thank you for saying what I’m to lazy to convey.



With a little help from a friend. Thank you!


I had to sign a new one at a place I had been at for three years because the BO’s husband (who knew absolutely zilch about horses or horse-keeping) decided to take control of the business instead of letting her manage the trainer who was managing the place. He 1) increased the board; 2) changed the barn hours to 0900 - 2000 M-Th, 0900 - 1400 Fri; 0900 - 1800 Sat, and 1300 - 1700 Sunday (yes, only four hours on Sunday afternoon). 3) forbade boarders from bringing any visitors (including spouses or SOs) unless it was cleared ahead of time with the trainer/manager - and children under the age of 14 were not allowed at all, ever; 4) forbade boarders from bringing dogs, no matter how well mannered they were or the fact that they were on leash the whole time; 5) forbade boarders from chatting with or querying barn staff about what was going on with their horse; 6) warned that “chat” among boarders could be construed as gossip and gossipers would be shown the door very promptly and permanently; 7) advised us that horses would no longer be turned every day but would instead go out for 2-3 hours every other day (despite plenty of nice paddocks); and 8) the most egregious of all - advised us that every horse would be on the same feeding program, including amount of hay and there would be no more specialized diets for special needs horses (even though we were paying the extra costs associated with specialized diets), AND that there would now be a $25/month charge for extra labor incurred for each horse being fed supplements by the barn staff (even though the clients were paying for the supplements). Yes, he was a peach (/s) and the reason I left that barn less than two months later. :angry:


Your thinking is so backwards. Why?

Are you prepping for a debate exam or do you just enjoy playing devils advocate? If it’s the former you really should at least try to see it from the other side.

You have this weird way of looking at EVERYTHING, it’s so skewed. It makes no sense unless you have an agenda. Do you?


She would never document or even admit she was asked to leave. She’s LK, she does things, her way, on her time line !


My ex and I and his daughter tried and debated the merits of a Walther and a rugwr for some time, and she wanted a Walther in the end. Thats why the posta about a ruger stuck with me. I thought. Interesting. I would have thought she would Like the Walther better. That’s why it stuck with me


Good Lord. Pls stop with this.


You have been told this a few times and deliberately chose to ignore it… boarding contracts and waivers can be amended for a variety of reasons and would need to be resigned at any point when it is deemed necessary.

A variety of reasons might include being an insufferable, smirking person whose obvious mission was to create as much stress and chaos at a barn as possible - while thinking she was so much smarter than everyone else (been there, done that). So yes - I can see barn and arena hours being changed… security measures being changed… anything to try and stop the turmoil that was such fun.

I am sure you think that LK and RG were very polite about the new paperwork and merely quietly said they would not be signing it as opposed to pitching an entitled hissy fit complete with threats and shouting and even - GASP - staring/menacing. Reference material: LK’s own posts about the “licence to kill” and other nonsense.

Which is why she said she was being bullied out of there, forced out, had to leave ASAP to keep her horses safe etc. Anything but admitting she was “asked to leave” in those exact words. But her intent was clear and gained great sympathy from those offering to help…


I always wondered where that DA thing came from, as though she already was part of a case where there was a district attorney involved. But then I remember she’s a name dropper, and I’ve figured it was just something she made up to make herself sound important. As if she has some kind of working relationship with a DA. But then, she always did act like the DA in the MB case was her personal attorney.



Btw. Why does your tone change when addressing @eggbutt? You come across as agitated. Are you?

Additionally, when you discuss MB you use very harsh direct words and adjectives and when discussing LK you use softer kinder words. Why?


If there is anything that documents contacting the DA, it was the police lawsuit. That filing made brief mentions of things included or not included in each police report. I know it says that the police report says she told the police about the recordings and the police failed to mention to Barisone that she was recording him at the time.

It might be worthwhile to take a refresher.


I just had a brandy. Would anyone like to join me for another?:tumbler_glass:


Yes he called 911.
You’re assuming he called because they wouldn’t sign, in spite of evidence that more happened than that refusal to sign.