Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Seems like the night shift didn’t show up for work today. Not that I’m complaining lol.


Oh now be nice. The stuff is miraculous in marinara sauce, a white roux, or pound cake. But don’t leave it out for Santa. I’ve heard the good stuff is life changing but beyond my pay grade.


It’s a tawny port. I’m sitting at my my desk at the window looking out at the pony standing on the manure pile, piles of old newspapers and copies of The Chronicle of the Horse piled around me, in an old cardigan smelling faintly of cat piss and covered in dog hair, jabbing madly at my keyboard. (This is an old reference to an old long gone poster SLC -Slick of yesteryear- I had made up about her in my head and have decided it’s an apt description of me, now).


I have read Ekat’s timeline.

When either one of the two parties in a trainer/relationship decides to end the relationship, if the financial relationship was both complicated and murky, some negotiations on terms of the departure of the client would be necessary, whether the party ending the relationship was the trainer or the client. MB explicitly stated that his plan was to make her so miserable that she would beg to leave.

I have never been divorced, but if I were the one to end the marriage and file for divorce, negotiations between lawyers would be necessary. The existence of those negotiations would not be evidence that my husband was the one filing for divorce. It’s like that.

Negotiations of the terms of LKs departure would be necessary not so much because of the 5 horses, but because she, RG, and MB had these side deals with unwritten agreements — the renovation in lieu of board, the possible free board for life for the horse she bought from MB, etc. I can see that negotiations would be necessary whether MB asked her to leave or she decided to leave. Therefore the existence of the negotiations in “late July” does not establish that MB asked her to leave any more than the existence of divorce negotiations would establish which party filed for divorce.

That’s a blast from the past, but apropos of the drift into insane barn rules.


I mean, apparently the DA is aware I “doxxed” her. (I posted her public record, which is legal.)

ETA: I don’t know why I took screenshots of my own screenshots but here we are.


I do not believe that it was a “kill LK and get out of jail free” card.

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Good Lord. Things like this make my eyes roll into the back of my head. Detectives do not have the time to talk to nut cases about public record versus doxxing. My husband would have told her to kick rocks. The DA does not care one bit about someone sharing public record online. I’m sure her top 10 global tap dancing law firm is happy to bill her though. What a bunch of puffery.


Jefferey Simms was MB’s original lawyer.


I am still stuck on the beliefs they seem to have that the measly board JK paid or didn’t pay as the case may be was in fact something he actually needed.


Trespass into the clubroom……where the office was….where MB put RC’s gun for safe keeping…that LK knew she brought from her recordings.

And then a few days later the FM was contacted about the people sleeping in the barn and they were removed. Seems like problem solved as far as interference in accessing the clubroom/office.


You seem confused. She’s a BOARDER. The horses must go. NOW.

Any attempt at coercion, I mean negotiations after horse vacatur can be done in court. This was not a marriage. It’s horse boarding.

Get the F out of the barn. Now.


I swear were it me as barn owner I would have relocated the barn, padlocked every area, removed everything, shut power and water. They would have to buy their own brooms, wheelbarrows etc and if still there, the horses would be removed for them, seized as chattel.


Forgot one. This was about Aug 1st


I can’t believe anyone would have stayed. Crazy.


Exactly. Her barn rules! She sure was a hoot. I think of SLC often reading the total crazy of some of the posters on this thread, tripping over their own lies and make up factoids, trying to imagine what the dickens could possibly be going on in their head.

Edited to add, though, I agree, a certain poster here has obviously never boarded horses out or had a trainer agreement, much less a BNT. She doesn’t even sound like she has experience interacting with horse people or boarding barns. I too doubt she’s ever even had a horse.


Are we talking 5 pm during the week? Is that now the norm?

I usually couldn’t hit my barns until 6 on days I was working, which sometimes included weekend days. Between grooming, riding and cooling out, I was usually pushing at the end to be out by 10.


She wasn’t MARRIED to MB! She was a BOARDER! Do you even know what a boarder is? You obey the BO’s rules for the barn the property, whatever they are, or you get out! If you break the rulse, you get out forthwith! No notice, leave. Tonight. Tomorrow. There’s no lawyers involved. You just go. There’s no excuse for staying whatsoever, especially if you have myriad places waiting and ready to take your horses. Its a boarding agreement for horses. The end.He let her stay on the property because her horses were there. Get the horses off the property, and get yourselves gone. Stay in a hotel. Not my problem. Are you saying that if it were you, you wouldn’t leave?? Get a grip, woman! You don’t act like this in real life! You don’t make up scenes in your mind where you wouldn’t leave. This was real, she bullied MB and his family and everyone else living in that house right out of the house. What a nightmare. You are starting to sound like Lauren Kanarek!


I find I get worked up over the misconception that a boarded horse has the right to stay as if a spouse or a tenant or a business partner dividing up a corporation.

As God is my witness I would have given 3 days notice then tented the barn for fumigation and locked it shut like Ft Knox. No one is getting back in.


Exactly. A BO has the right to decide not to board any horses at all at any time if he wants to. Get out, now!