Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

So much this. She chose to take that as a snarky remark aimed at MB. Talk about utterly clueless and a total lack of self awareness. Breathtaking.


And who would ask a policeman about a legal document? As if a cop would know the legalities of random documents. They barely know the legalities of their own job, they don’t know how to interpret contracts, or at least shouldn’t be. Maybe that’s not a nice thing to say. But it seems to me that Cops aren’t the end all and be all on what is a legal document and what it covers. But she collects authority figures like charms on a bracelet to rattle in people’s faces. OOooo! Policemen and I have conversations and they know all about MB’s plan to kill me! OOOoooo!


Hey, I was watching that! Did you think twice about posting it?


Were you responding to my post? It looked like the link to the adorableness wasn’t showing up.


Trying again. More adorableness from the Boyd Martin Riding School.


Yes, it showed up the first time. I was watching.

That’s pretty adorable




Just a few observations.

Dienenger’s comments about the police sound very dramatic but they were hearing complaints of illegal recordings when no recordings were found even with a professional sweep. It was a civil matter. MB had plenty to evict her with the 3 day emergency eviction. The police could not remove a tenant without a court order. She has been invited by MB and lived there over 30 days therefore becoming tenants with tenant rights. The apartment in the farmhouse would then be their home. They then had access to the house and the barn where their property was kept.

It’s pretty hard to think MB was telling them to leave when they went to a show, a MP clinic, and had another show scheduled when she was shot.

MHG was not yet in partnership with MB. She did not contribute to his income. She did not pay rent or board for herself or her 8-9 horses. She was not in a position to make decisions about boarders as she had no legal role in the business.

Where did the ammunition for the Ruger come from and when? RC did not bring it.

As far as the facility being public, in New they don’t mean public facilities, it’s where the public can go. So, anytime there was ever a horse show or training event open to the public, the facility would then be public. No videos where privacy can be expected. Recordings of audio require one person consent so someone could have a recorder on their person. Or, as I said, I think gossip had a lot to do with it.

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The farm was private property. If a homeowner has a yard sale the public is invited, but the home is still private property.

The barn is not a domicile. There are no tenancy rights to a barn. It could have been closed, locked up, shut down.

Illegally recording someone is a criminal matter. It can also be a civil matter. But it is a criminal matter. It’s pathetic that no action was taken for that. As testimony admitted it happening, failure of law enforcement to take action to prosecute for that is a violation of the protections of those illegally recorded.

MB told them to leave. It’s not even debatable.

As far as MHGs contributions or status, I think it’s pretty clear that in August 2019 she was a trainer at HH as well as MBs romantic partner. The rest of it just isn’t your business or LKs business.

There is no defending LK. No matter how you try to twist things around, her behavior, words and actions are apparent and loathesome. The world has noticed it all. There is no redemption for her. You are trying to defend the indefensible.

Her presence at a show or clinic does not in any way negate my point of view. I have no doubt that MB would far prefer to have her with him so she could be under constant watch and distracted and not left home alone to run amok while the cats away.


Yes, she did. She testified that she had one full magazine and one she couldn’t remember how many bullets were in it but it wasn’t full.


Well everyone responded to that as I was about to say, so I won’t repeat it.

People have got to stop lying and misrepresenting facts over and over. Its just stupid how often three or four people repeat these lies, and I call them lies because they know they aren’t true. Just freaking stop already.


I bet LK told everyone at the police station and JK told all his attorney connections that LK was the owner/lessor of that property and MB was someone who had no right to record her activities.

Edited to correct spelling error.


That is the only way any of the police’s actions, and the lifetime training for Jay-T, and RG’s continued commentary about how the house belonged to them, makes any sense.


I agree. I think they told the police it was their property.


Yes! We had a local woman years ago who would “close the barn” when she was tired of certain boarders. She claimed she was not boarding any longer and give all a month’s notice
of course she sold all these people their horses so it worked well that she had room for more sales horses.


The box of 9 mm ammo still in the open safe, not the ammo in the magazines. RC didn’t bring it.

Oh. Thanks for clearing up what you were referring to as your previous statement was not clear at all and implied RC brought a gun and no ammo at all.

Why does that box matter though? It’s not like that ammo factored in to whatever happened on Aug 7th?


The details of them stalking MHG’s children are chilling. I had forgotten just how far they went.


IMHO People like these get away with this stuff because they choose marks that don’t have the balls that they do.


That made me laugh! Thanks for sharing.