Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

We would never do that SoCoPony. You will be on the farm forever. It’s in the sales contract.


Does this mean my Mom doesn’t have to pay board anymore ???


Ya gotta believe!


Board? She does not even have to pay rent.


She will be so excited to hear that and I JUST know I am going to get some brothers and sisters…

** and maybe a little dog too.


A zorseicorn.


Let’s Jurassic Park it and put some Moose DNA in there, to see what we get!


A little dog who likes to yawn.


Where’s my wine? Someone bring me my wine!

Edited to add: Nm. The waiter brought a tray.


I’ve always thought that LK/JK wanted to take his farm.


Have to disagree with this.
I loved my pony to the moon but I outgrew her not in height, but also in talent. I started letting her be used for lessons and she and a little girl fell in love. Sold the pony to the girl, she ended up staying with them until she passed. We put first right in the contract because I really did love that pony, but she and the little girl were the perfect match.


I do too. I think they figured they would get that farm when they put him in jail, so they jumped on that Civil suit. Remember the first thing she wanted was for the judge in the civil suit to freeze his assets. The judge was like, why? He hasn’t lost anything. He’s not responsibile for anything.

I think they were surprised to find out about the LLC owning the property. So they moved in and bought a house near his farm in florida. I don’t know that they didn’t think they would get a chance to own that one, come to find out you can’t attach property in florida (is that true? I think it is).

But I do think they thought they would get the HH property. Anyone ever seen the movie “The Judge”? Its really really good. There’s one scene where The Judge (Robert Duvall) is coming out of court, having been arraigned for murder, and the victim, (a low-life scum he had given a light sentence to in the past who subsequently went to jail for murdering a girlfriend, and was out of prison, and gets hit by the Judge’s car on a rainy night), the victim’s mother says to the judge, out on the street “I’ll be living in your house!”

I think alot of not very bright people think they can get someone’s property through a law suit.

There are alot of procedural parallels in that movie. Not a ton, but some, and its a really interesting and well done movie. Definitely a good one to see. Robert Downy Jr., Vera Farmiga, Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Jeremy Strong, Dax Shepard and more.


For what purpose though? LK clearly has no discernible talent or work ethic because of her long-term drug addiction and JK doesn’t have the knowledge or financial acumen required to run an Equestrian business or farm. Maybe they were dumb/arrogant enough to think that they would just be handed the keys to the place, to do as they please with it if MB had pled guilty or been found guilty, but I just can’t see that working out.


Didn’t they want his horses frozen too, as assets? I think I’m remembering that right, correct me if I’m wrong, but if so, they probably thought they were going to be able to sell the horses to get money. Sell the farm to get money, no doubt.


That seems more likely. Running a farm takes, you know, work.


My imagination tells me that as Mistress of the Manor a person might think they can bring in some trainer to run the barn, ride and care for the horses and be beholding to them. Plus, they wouldn’t have to pay for the training and horse expenses if the trainer absorbed those expenses in order to keep the barn profit and run the barn like a lease situation. Or something like that. Then that $5000 a month pays taxes and maybe some utilities and that’s it.


It’s not, unless the contract is not a sale but a lease.

Once you sell it, it is the buyer’s property to do as they wish with. Nobody would write this sort of deal on a horse they wanted to guarantee a future on.

There’s no point in selling a horse with indeterminate future lifespan for a flat fee and then figure that covers your costs forever, especially if the horse is apparently rideable. Especially when your costs on a per horse basis, especially a retiree, are probably minimal vis a vis the total operation.

It’s less expensive to just keep the horse in your backyard.

I am guessing the sale of the horse was one of those “Lauren always gets her way” things.


More to the point, getting the assets frozen means he can’t sell anything to raise money for his legal defense, which is his weak point in all this. Still, I think there’s something we’re not seeing here, likely because we know so little about who and what the Kanarek family really is. We know that they are desperate to be perceived as wealthy and powerful, so perhaps taking the farm and horses would somehow serve them in that capacity, beyond the mere selling for cash.


Find another BNT to lease the facility for his/her business providing they make LK their first priority and star pupil, which is pretty much what she wanted from MB, narcissist that she is. Of course, LK, I mean Daddy, would not have to pay for boarding, training, etc.

The BNT would manage the facility, thus no need for LK or daddy to get involved in the daily business of running it.

I could see JK liking this scheme, as he wouldn’t have to constantly worry about her getting kicked out of yet another barn and having to run interference in extracting her from the situations she seems to create.



@Knights_Mom Jinx!! You type faster than I.:grin: