Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Try using my entire quote instead of lying by omission. Here, I’ll help you.

“I don’t know RG’s status. I referred to the veteran that stopped the Colorado Springs shooter.

What I have said about RG’s status is that if he is a veteran and to me if he even tried to serve and failed then that should be respected. Now if he did something so horrible as to dishonor the service or sedition, etc, then that is different. People get released for medical reasons, downsizing, failure to adapt, compassionate discharge, drug use, etc. their intent is good.

I’m just glad RG stopped MB. LK got a call in to 911 along with the neighbor across the street and ED. If RG hadn’t stopped MB then an agitated incoherent man with the gun and second magazine would have headed back to the barn and at some point would have run into LE.

Now, everyone can recover and continue their lives. Otherwise, what would the body count have been?“


At birth.


No, HH. Quoting exactly what you said. Everyone has the capability of pressing the down arrow to see your entire quote.

What I said still stands. You should speak less on something you know little about. Trying to bestow some sort of honor on RG as a veteran when even you admit you do not know if he is a veteran is entirely inappropriate.


The gun was actually empty. RG was wrong about it jamming. Y’all need to listen to the trial.

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The final decision is the court under advisement of the medical staff. The court is to consider that someone who has committed a violent act has demonstrated a danger to themselves or others while those deemed to be a danger to themselves or others have not yet shown that they are. I found that rather convoluted but it’s in the state (of New Jersey) vs Fields 1978. Try reading it.

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I am not comparing their lifelong accomplishments. I am comparing their reactions to an active shooter. There is a vice article about the online hate groups targeting Fierro.

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As described yes.


Something tells me that a very amateur friendly GP trained schoolmaster would command every penny of that 75k asking price….


So you were positing that coth members are part of the online hate groups?


Your reading of the law is the last place I will take advice from, but thanks for the very silly suggestion.
I prefer to take legal advice from people who actually have legal knowledge, not someone who has proclaimed themselves too smart to actually understand what is being said.

This only proves that Lauren Kanarek was shot twice, not who shot or how the shooting happened.

The evidence showed that the blood everywhere was Michael’s, not Lauren’s, as was also proven by her shirt having almost no blood on it.

This only proves that Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman was beating up Michael.

So strange that the first officer that searched Michael did not find this magazine, no?

To me this proves that Michael was truly scared of Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E stark/Superman.

Darn, that is not really how that testimony went, was it? I believe Ed the Amazing Ear Witness actually testified to the fact that he heard screaming and then two noises that he later assumed were gun shots after Lauren Kanarek told him she was shot.
Add that he also impeached himself more than once on the stand.

All these of those people were impeached on the stand.

Who bought the extra ammo is a great question, but you know as well as anyone does that if there was anyway that Michael bought it the prosecution would have brought it up at the trial.

Even the law enforcement admit that Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman was allowed to run around the scene without supervision so there was plenty of ways the scene could have been modified. But heck, none of that matters because the police did not bother to look for any evidence that anything else could have happened.


Head wounds bleed like a stuck pig. He had multiple severe ones.


Google says Ahmaud Arbery was 6’ tall and slender. Not something that I would find threatening.


I went back and listened the the thoracic surgeon who operated on LK.

Apparently LK’s heart never stopped twice. It sounds as though heart rhythm may have stopped once, began again, and then there was an issue with maintaining blood pressure. They clamped the aorta and repaired the lung damage which stabilized the blood pressure.

I seriously do not understand the compulsive lying surrounding the details of this entire incident.


We’re going to need a fresh bingo card.


Too much time spent in NC recently perhaps?


I addressed that point a day or two ago when someone else brought it up. I don’t wish to rehash the point.

Are you surprised? They may have lost her pulse or she may have momentarily stopped breathing, but that isn’t the same as flatlining. Just like an ambulance ride isn’t the same as being airlifted to hospital. Strange how some here persist in repeating her stories word for word though, isn’t it?


Exhibit A: The imaginary helicopter. :helicopter:


I did watch the trial. Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman said it was jammed.

But heck, let us go with the fact that it was empty (which it was, but that does not mean that is what RGG/JES/Superman said), either way, jammed or empty both mean that RGG/JES/Superman was not stopping anyone shooting. Empty guns do not shoot.




Yes. And naming me as one of them.