Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I see horses advertised by the top people in the world every day. Sometimes horses don’t get ads because as soon as they’re up for sale someone snatches them up so there’s no need. Usually top top top horses have people ready to buy them the second they’re available.


Like I said, I’m not a dressage rider, so I’m probably not going to spend any time poking around dressage horse sales groups on Facebook. But thank you for not only answering my question, but also answering it without implying that I’m a jerk for asking. I appreciate that.


I’m from the jumping discipline world, so I was thinking that I have never seen Olympians like McLain Ward, Kent Farrington, Beezie Madden, Laura Kraut, or even any of the tippy top hunter trainers selling horses on Facebook. I certainly was not saying by any means that I know for a fact that no top riders advertise on Facebook, just to be clear.

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They probably have people waiting for any of their horses to be for sale so there is no need to advertise.

I can well imagine a person approaching them with “I really like your horse Moet Champagne Du Doodoo and I’ll give you $1.5 mil right now for him”. Or “If you ever want to sell your horse Jewels Twist just give me a call” and leaving their info.


Yes, absolutely - I assume the majority of sales made by Olympic level riders/trainers are through word of mouth, which is why I was surprised that Jay-T was advertised on Facebook.

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Don’t forget threatened the well being of other people’s horses by feeding them treats when she was specifically asked not to. Having a large supply of suboxone, she could have drugged a horse at any time easily enough. So poor RC was sleeping in the barn aisle to watch over the horses.

Didn’t someone else complete most of the tile work in a bathroom? He indicated he was working just enough to what he thought would cover board, so slow rolling whatever he was doing, but then it wasn’t clear how much of it he was doing vs. other people were doing.


His price indicates JT was more in schoolmaster range and not so much as a hot competition item at top levels.

That’s an entirely different market.


You don’t want to rehash the point the IM has been proven to be wrong and posting complete falsehoods? Can’t say I’m surprised.


And never to make it less, always to portray her situation as more dire.
It was dire enough, there’s no need to embellish.


The difference is that Jay-T was not an Olympic level horse. He was a regionally successful PSG horse at that time, and his ideal home would have been with a JR/YR. If he had been winning CDI’s left and right, he might have been listed on Eurodressage or sold privately. But…he wasn’t. And he apparently has shivers, so that makes him even harder to sell to high end clientele. So Facebook it was!!


Yes, but there is always a huge market for a top level horse at the end of his top level career, ready to step down and be a schoolmaster for a rider looking to step up. This type of horse should be an easy sell by word of mouth by an Olympic rider, unless there are health or soundness issues that would keep the horse out of the “schoolmaster” category.

He had shivers.


Again, I’m not a dressage rider so I’m not arguing at all about Jay-T being advertised on Facebook. Thank you for answering my question!

Thanks that could be the difference.

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You were incorrect when you said I had ignored a point that you wished me to address. I had already addressed it earlier when someone else had brought it up.

You can go back and look at my response, or not, whatever you prefer.

Up thread in LK’s manifesto that was posted, LK stated RG stopped doing work when they began hearing “nefarious things” (my words, can’t quite remember her exact statement) on the recordings. Who knows when she actually began the recordings. Tried to find ekat’s wonderful timeline, I want to say as early as April but can’t be for certain.

That said, I do take all of that with a grain of salt since LK also said RG’s work increased the property value by 500k (also in manifesto). Considering you hardly ever get 100 percent back from what you put into a renovation, and the fact that a 500k project would be the equivalent of a very nice indoor arena, I find a 500k increase extremely hard to believe. Who knows if RG even completed a project.

Also if what LK said was correct and MB had enough money for 500k in renovations, I hardly think Mb would be hurting for her money which ironically contradicts the K’s narrative.


I am so sorry for your loss. That must have been devastating.

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They showed pictures of her scars in court. Yes ma’am they were stem to stern. The pictures were after she had healed. Further surgeries could be going back and trying to minimize the scarring.

Let’s see here:

Situation 1: shooter has body armor and is armed with an AR-15 semi automatic rifle. He is unknown by the patrons. Shooter opens fire in small, packed public area killing 5 and injuring 25.

“The owners said that when they reviewed surveillance video of the shooting, they saw the gunman pull up heavily armed and wearing a military-style flak jacket. Mr. Haynes said the gunman had entered the nightclub with “tremendous firepower” — a rifle and what appeared to be six magazines of ammunition — and began shooting.“https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/11/20/us/colorado-springs-shooting

Numerous witness accounts as well as surveillance video verified that Richard Fierro, assisted by Thomas James tackled the shooter preventing more death and injury.

The city of Colorado Springs confirms this account here:

“Two heroes intervened inside of Club Q. This is part of the investigation; therefore, specifics of their actions will not be shared, out of respect for the judicial process. With their permission, we want to acknowledge their heroic actions.

They are Thomas James and Richard Fierro.”

Situation 2:

All we know is Lauren Kanarek is shot twice. Despite was RG initially told police, there is no video (that had been confirmed or released at least). There are no witnesses as even the “ear witness” accounting of the call dies not align with the perjured testimony of RG and LK.

LKs account given here on COTH does not match her court testimony, and the police failed to do forensic testing which could lend clarity to the actions of the day.

The weapon is a small handgun that belongs to RC. It jammed according to LK /RG (I could be wrong on this… their accounting of the event has changed so many times it’s hard to keep up) or the gun only had 3 bullets. The initial officer on the scene did not find an extra magazine in MB. He does find RG on top of a very beaten MB, complete with dog bites.

Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are NOTHING alike. Not even a little. The only people who are calling RG a hero are you and the Kanareks. The nation is calling Mr. Fierro a hero and rightfully so. Please stop comparing the two situations.


The people involved are nothing alike. However active shooters were stopped. Just because you don’t approve of the entire life of RG does not change that he stopped an active shooter.