Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

And Officer Hensley took charge of him from Officer Heymer and Officer Wurtemberg and did a more thorough search, found the magazine, and read him his rights.

Y’all make up anything at all for no reason.

Ya mean like the wound photos showing stem to stern?


Or that fun IM one where we and our posts are all under surveillance? I like that one. It’s funny as heck!


What really erodes the credibility of some people isn’t just the mistruths and outright falsehoods, but the misconstruing of facts.

I re-watched/listened to all of MHG’s testimony yesterday and today, and while she did testify that she wasn’t compensated by MB for her work riding the horses (mostly) and training his clients, she did testify to doing both. It doesn’t sound like that fact supports whatever assertions or insinuations a certain poster was trying to make.

She was also listed as a trainer for MB Dressage. She also testified to having her own private clients - it sounds like both there/in FL and in NC. So clearly, she DID work for MB Dressage, DID do work that generated income for MB Dressage, and that she had her own separate clients that ostensibly compensated her monetarily. I would assume from her testimony that any horses boarded for free were in compensation for her work for him. I must admit I was a bit shocked that she wasn’t monetarily compensated for her work for MB, but also recognize that living there and boarding her horses there and being able to operate her business out of the farm is a form of compensation.

As for the whole bit of testimony about the “why can’t we just tell her she’s being evicted” text. 1) key word WAS evicted, 2) Bilinkas did try to elaborate on that (IMHO a bit clumsily, I would have really hammered home on evicted vs asked to leave) and the supposed fact that she WAS asked, by several people - but 3) Taylor shot him down which led to angry sidebar and line of questioning was dropped because Taylor wouldn’t allow it.


How many times did that sentence apply to the trial? A lot. A lot, a lot.


And a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot during MHG’s testimony. It was really annoying!


It was interesting to listen to the recording of the sidebar that someone posted upthread. So much of it seemed to be Taylor just parroting whatever Schellhorn had just said, and then ruling in his favor.

I have a feeling that happened a lot, a lot, a lot throughout the trial as well.


I missed that. Was it the one regarding this issue?

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See 1:46:00. She describes it puns 1:44:00. Y’all really need to watch the trial.

In no way am I denying that her wounds and scars are horrific, but the photo displayed for the court doesn’t reflect her testimony moments prior accurately. (ETA; or more clearly, her testimony doesn’t match the photo accurately.)


No, different one. Just audio.

I did not realize that Law and Crime had posted videos of the sidebars. Did they do that afterwards?


Let’s see. You wrote this:

There were no pictures (more than one) shown. Only one picture was shown. Maybe you should take better notes?


I don’t know, as most weren’t caught on audio when I watched live. I did catch at least one other on audio when the trial was streaming live, but most were muted. I haven’t gone back to rewatch the individual videos much, except for when things were stated here that seemed to either be contrary to or misconstrue testimony I recalled. Just saw that one today!


Still doesn’t explain how it got there. Someone rendered unconscious twice would be vulnerable to having someone who was standing over them stuff their pockets. I don’t recall the magazines were fingerprinted? Or the box of bullets? Or the inside of the safe? Maybe they didn’t mention it because the wrong prints were on them? Can anyone point to any evidence that actually excluded anyone but MB/RC from handling the gun/magazine/safe or directly placed the gun in MB’s hand on that day? It wasn’t even in his hand when the officer found it…it was beside a severely broken arm. Is it reasonable to believe that MB could have stayed in control of a gun with a broken arm to the extent it was, and stayed in position of laying on top of it and the arm? He’d be defenseless from RG in that position. And LK said he broke RG’s hand while he was trying to get the gun from underneath MB……a man with a broken dominant arm, on his belly with the arm beneath him managed to break someone’s hand. I doubt it.


I am certain the reason he didn’t want MHG or anyone else to tell her she was being evicted was because he knew that was going to open a can of worms once she was served with a legal eviction. He knew she was going to be served and would have wanted the lawyer and the legal papers to do the informing. Telling people you are going to do serve them, sue them, call the police, geta a subpoena, is close to threatening and harrassment, until you actually do it. To serve her with an eviction was one thing; to taunt her about it days before it happened was something else and not cool. You ask someone to leave, you negotiate with them to leave, these things he did. If you are going to serve an eviction, get an attorney and serve it. He had given her plenty of warning, plenty of time to leave, plenty of options to relocate her horses, and the eviction was something he was doing, so if anyone was going to talke about an eviction it should be he and/or his attorney.

I recently found my natural parents, both deceased, but found I have a sister and brother, both physicians, and my daughter, a 40 year old adult, is beside herself with excitement. She wants to write to my sister and blah blah blah, and I had to tell her, no, its not her place, that I hadn’t contacted her myself, and didn’t know her feelings about the situation yet, etc. Please close and affected by a situation can want to step in and say things, like my daughter “What are you waiting for, lets call her, lets call her together”. And I think of my sister saying, no, I don’t want to overwhelm her, its my issue, my circumstance to address, at this point. I dont’ know if that’s a similar idea or not, but it comes to mind when I hear about MHG wanting to know why we don’t just tell her she’s getting the legal eviction, now.

It wasn’t anyone’s place to tell LK she was being evicted except MB’s attorney. Completely normal. Many times landlords don’t tell people they are legall evicting them, they ask for their rent, give the deadlines, work with the tenants as best they can, or can’t, then hire attorneys who do the contacting because they know how to handle these things. And ther’es a difference between telling someone to leave and a legal eviction. You tell someone to leave and try to make arrangements for them, as Michael was doing with JK, you let them know they have to leave, and when they won’t, you evict them.

The whole fam damly can aske her to leave, tell her she’s not wanted, tell her to get out, but delivering a legal eviction should be the job of the attorney, and the Sherriff, and Michael I am sure did not want that whole process to be flubbed. So no, no one can just go “tell” her she’s being evicted. Let the attorney handle it, now, would have been his response.


I agree that there is a process, and that makes sense why the answer was “Monday” and it was handled by attorneys… but some here want to misconstrue that and imply that meant she was never asked to leave. Which is not true, as per testimony and sidebar, apparently.


Actually in my jurisdiction lawyers tell landlords not to take rent if they are planning to evict.


No, obviously it wasn’t true, her father knew it and was trying to make arrangements for her. She knew it, she posted about it on social media. She ranted and raved about it. She stuck her head in the sand and pretended no body said a peep to her about it. She lied about it, but she knew, and was told.


I posted a FB post by her acknowledging she knew she had to leave. I think I posted it yesterday or day before.


I saw a different one that said of course she was going to leave, but not until she had finished her plan….