Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Right, once you start the legal process, you better not take any rent, it construes a whole new contract, in my area of CT, it starts a “month-to-month tenancy” which has its own rules in tenant law. You take rent, you are accepting their tenancy and making a tacit agreement to thier occupatino of the premises and you have to start the whole legal eviction process over again which is arduous, I think in CT once the judge says they are evicted, the tenant has something like 90 days to vacate the property, which sets the landlord up for tenants defacing the property, and many stay the full 90 days. You can’t turn off the electric/gas/water, you can’t take off the doors, and the sherriff can’t go pull them out of the place until after the 90 days. In Connecticut. Every state is different, so none of this applies to New Jersey. During that time, if the tenant tries to pay any of the money they owe you, you’d better not take it, because then you have entered back into a rental agreement, and your eviction is moot. Gotta start all over again.

So, depending on the NJ laws, there may have been a very good reason why MB hadn’t made an eviction on her any sooner, he may have been required to wait a certain number of days, may have been required to show certain months of non-payment, or show other types of reasons for evicting her, such as photos of the boxes of suboxone, or needles, or who lknows what other requirements were needed to be granted an eviction IN NEW JERSEY.


How do you know this? Where can you listen to the radio communication?

It doesn’t even make sense with how the 911 call went with LK. She did not say there was an active shooter, or that someone had a gun and was still trying to kill multiple people - she said she had been shot in the heart/chest, and that MB shot her. It would be radioed in as shots fired, unknown if the shooter still has a weapon. They are going to treat the scene as if someone is still actively shooting, but that is not what an “active shooter” means.

An active shooter is someone attempting to murder multiple people in a confined, public setting. This is not the case and has been explained over and over.


Hadn’t LK already made some comment about not paying MB another penny? That sounds like she wasn’t paying rent by then anyway.


I see them literally every day. Sometimes posted through a third party, other times posted by the rider themselves.


Remember how someone helpfully posted the FBI’s definition of “active shooter?” The term does not apply in this situation.


And who knows, maybe he had to wait until she hadn’t paid him anything for say, I’m making it up, 60 days, or something before he could legally evict. Maybe that wasn’t the basis for his eviction, maybe he wanted to rehab the house, take it off the market, sell it, there was no lease, so he could get her out under some kind of tenancy laws, but who knows what the legal point was. He also probably didn’t want to give her a legal eviction on her record, making it nearly impossible for her to ever get a rental again, and it looks like her father may have known this and tried to negotiate her leaving as in her best interest at that point. But she woulnd’t go. Daddy failed. MB failed. She wouldn’t leave. She ran everyone else out of the house, and sat there in it, a ruined torn apart house she wouldn’t leave, wouldn’t pay for, and her boyfriend wouldn’t fix. Whatever agreement they had for her being their she blew up. Whatever agreement they had for her leaving she snubbed. She was getting evicted.


So…. Poor police work. It’s a pretty shoddy pat-down that misses a full gun magazine.


How dare you? HH thinks the police work was exemplary. :rofl:


Actually, I think that applies more to people other than “y’all”.


What is dispatched is not always what is on scene. In fact, what is found on scene is frequently not what was originally reported. Two shots fired at one individual does not equate to an active shooter.

Yep, she exaggerated on the stand immediately before the photo that does not show scarring that matches her description. Why lie? There was no need to.


Were the implants put back in? Not being snarky just asking for clarification. If so, that would account for one surgery after the emergency surgery.

ETA: Sorry, @Graymaresrule already mentioned this.


If so, it would have been months later, and I doubt it. You can’t do that if there is old scar tissue, and she would have alot of scar tissue from the first surgery, so likely there will be no more implants for Lauren.

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Another thing to consider is Michael hired a private investigator at this point, as well as had been in contact with others who had issues with LK. I would not be shocked to learn that he now knew about her reputation of avoiding being served. The element of surprise would have been crucial in serving her with an eviction notice.

One more reason not to use the word “evict” particularly if he and MHG either suspected or knew they were being illegally eavesdropped upon.

We already KNOW she had been asked to leave many, many times.


Yes, I thought of that too. I wouldn’t have wanted to warn her ahead of time that there was a Sherriff coming to serve her.


I have been wracking my brain to find a pop culture touchstone for someone who just repeats themselves over and over in order to get their point across to no end. Which is odd, because I feel like when it happens here it is so familiar. It must exist somewhere in our pop culture vernacular! But I do feel like we are in an awful loop. It isn’t Dory… it’s much more calculated. Le sigh.


In the 48 hours segments it looks like she has already had that cosmetic procedure.


Was Yankee Duchess a pop culture touchstone? Because that describes her to a T


Hahahahahahah. No. I wish.

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Maybe a horse/bloodline reference?

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That’s not a characterization of service. That’s a reason for discharge.

This person sounds like they received a General Discharge (Under Honorable Conditions). Eligible for VA benefits but not for GI Bill benefits.