Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I know that the authorities declined to charge him. I know that MB is not suing RG in the civil suit for anything, including tor the injuries to MB incurred when RG subdued him.

Yep, and none of that knowledge equates to you knowing what the police thought, nor does it equate to RG using self defense because of a lack of conviction.


I am so very sorry about your brother. My cousin was killed by gunshot and although he was a grown man (46), it was still a devastating time for his mother and sister and daughters (as well as for the rest of the family). Those kind of losses leave emotional scars that never heal. Hugs to you and your family.


Thank you. I appreciate everyone’s very kind words.


RG is an assetless, jobless drug user. He is judgment proof. That’s why he wasn’t named. Had he assets, a job to attach, property, ANYTHING at all, he would have been sued.

Realistically speaking, spending $100 just to have him served was already $100 you would never get back.


I think I paid $350 for a lesson in the 1990s.


So glad someone got it hahaha

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oh my gosh and I think my coach is $$$! $350 in the 80s would be about $950 now. :open_mouth:

Who first described it as an “active shooter” situation? Was it the 911 dispatcher? That may have been the person who mischaracterized it but I can understand why given that he/she did not know the full circumstances at the time. All they knew was what they had been told by the caller - that someone was there with a gun and had just shot them. So yeah, I could see how they might call it in to PD as an active shooter situation.

Still doesn’t make me think of RG as a “hero” though. The shooting stopped because the gun was empty, and I have a lot of questions about why the first officer to search MB didn’t find the other mag in his pocket but the second officer supposedly found it there. I mean, how the heck do you miss a full 9mm magazine in the pocket of someone’s SHORTS, for Christ’s sake? Esp. when you are a trained LE officer?

Edited to add that the speculation that MB may have then gone on a murderous rampage against the CPS worker and others at the barn sort of negates the narrative that he was carrying out a plot to murder LK and RG. :roll_eyes:


I feel that there should another “retreat”/“planning session” for the K supporters coming up soon. Its so tedious to see the continued nonsense and superfluous rhetoric. Yes, I have the 3 on ignore and am working hard on my scrolling efforts.


Unfortunately, you have misread that entire post.

On another observation (not directed at CH), didn’t LK write, in her manifesto, that she had this grand idea to “offer” her BF to do renovations in exchange for whatever? And, yet, just above, she talks about MB begging RG to do work? Am I misremembering, or is this just another example of inconsistencies?


International breeding farms advertise horses for sale and breeding. On Facebook.
Why wouldn’t you?


That’s how out of touch I am.
The time I was in that circle of people training with MB was in the 90s and since it was way out of my price range, knowing how much it was was actually not relevant. “When you know to not even ask cause you know it’s more than you can afford”, kinda thing.

That said, I’ve seen video of clinics held with riders I knew, and I really missed an opportunity.
Even auditing would have really benefitted me.
He is an excellent instructor/trainer.


No, you do not have it right, but no shock there. Try reading for comprehension and not looking for the opportunity to twist things to your liking.


Officer Wurtenberg arrived within a couple of minutes and testified he kept RG in sight the entire time, that RG only opened the door to place the dog inside, and at no time did he lose sight of him.


I keep saying the call on the radio came in as an active shooter and they responded as the same. That is a fact, testified to in court by Heymer, Wurtenberg, and Bailey. The definition includes enclosed and public area and also enclosed and populated area. The definition is constantly changing and changes between agencies. They keep trying to come up with a standard definition for the purpose of record keeping.

You are misrepresenting the chaotic scene LE entered and my comments. I am not nor am I lying.

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but A LOT can happen in just “a couple of minutes”


No, you don’t have that right.
It’s about nuance. :wink:

No, eviction is not a secret, but it’s certainly an escalation.
LK herself would school you on the legal difference between the two, asking/telling her to leave and eviction, as per her blue suede shoe chipped fingernail law firm … but she’s not here, so…

If the difference isn’t obvious, well I’m not sure how to help you.


I have all three on ignore and the function glitch is driving me mad, because their shambolic crassness keeps cluttering up the feed with monotonous regularity.