Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

What does this even mean? “One of your own” (whatever that means) brought what up?


Aren’t you the one who admitted you had only seen the opening statements? Nor were you willing to actually go read any of the back threads…including the one where we were all discussing the trial in real time?


It was @Knights_Mom who brought up the topic of the verdict by asking why, if the cops and prosecution did a good job, wasn’t MB found Guilty?

She asked. I answered.

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You really need to listen to the trial again before making accusations. How many LE have to testify under oath that the all went out as an active shooter call? It doesn’t matter if no one listens to their testimony or reads the literature about the disagreement on definitions.

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No, I said I watched some, but not all, of the trial. Today I went back and rewatched some of it, and posted the part that confirms the points of the charges and verdict I have claimed here, and instead of actually watching the parts that I referenced, some of you are still insisting I’m wrong. It’s insane.

Also, why would I go read your commentary of the trial while it was going on? If you don’t understand the charges and the verdict now, I doubt you understood any of it then.


Sometimes you have to go back a little further than the quoted post and read the entire exchange to understand what’s going on.

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There is no disagreement on definitions among law enforcement. Only with you. Dispatch often does not have all of the information at the beginning of a call and classifies as the highest priority to get proper help rolling as it’s easier to downgrade than upgrade. Being dispatched as active shooter does not mean that MB was an active shooter. I dispatched a structure fire when someone saw smoke coming from a neighbors garage roof… rolled the whole FD… it turned out to be a car in the driveway burning. We didn’t refer to that as a structure fire for the next 3 years.


Why are you saying “sure Jan.” So you think that is her name? Are you trying to dox her? Y’all got YD banned for doing that to someone on a private message.

That’s true. But from prior threads, it seems the best way to short-circuit the endless repetitions from the Dory Crew (Finding Nemo :fish: :tropical_fish: reference!) is to simply reply as succinctly as possible with No or Wrong and leave it at that. Dunno, maybe it’s no longer effective, but might be worth a try. :upside_down_face:

Can I respectfully ask that posters Not get creative with names? In this case, the man was doing his job, whether we agree with how he does it or not. I get that feelings run high when it comes to the individuals involved in the altercation, but I just see no reason to play games with names, particularly those of the professionals involved, regardless of what their job entails. When they (people in general, not referring to the legal pros in the case) go low, we go high and all that. :v: Just a suggestion and MHO. :woman_shrugging:

Hmmmm. Are you sure KM? I’m starting to wonder if some of these screen names have multiplied strangely. I don’t understand how new names pop up on these threads, exhibit little to no horse knowledge, yet have clearly followed many of the Kanarek/Barisone threads here, and become vehemently involved suddenly. Other than a few legal types who have stated a general interest in court cases and followed the trail to this board expressly for this case, it seems weird for those who claim no such legal background or interest. Maybe I’m off track, and really, it doesn’t matter at all, but…HMMMM again!

Carry on…!



It’s a cultural reference.



The Brady Bunch.


Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!


Plus it’s already hard enough to keep all the players straight.


Ah, for some reason my brain didn’t connect those dots. I’m trying to make circles out of squares or something.

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Oh my nose!!


EmilyM: ooh look the thread has hundreds of new posts. There must be a development


Scrolls by force of will

Not sure why I keep expecting things to be different.

Meanwhile @ekat graciously updated us on an amendment with nary a comment to thank her. Thank you !


I have no idea if this is a snide response or a genuine one, but I do know that conversations evolve beyond a single quote. What you saw as 2+2=4 I was seeing as 2+3=4


Holy sh*t :rofl:


Je-sus H. Christ. First you accuse COTH posters of being members of gay-bashing hate groups, and now since you apparently live under a rock and miss a simple Brady Bunch reference, you are accusing people of Doxing. Take a breath and step away from the keyboard for a bit.

YD got herself banned by her own actions.End of story.