Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes, it definitely feels that way doesn’t it. And none of them can admit that in order to have found MB not guilty on the counts for RG the jury had to dismiss the direct testimony of RG and LK that MB aimed the gun and purposefully fired on RG and that he went to make sure that he was successful. Forget the lack of casings, LK and RG directly both stated he aimed and fired. And that direct testimony was ignored. The jury ignored the “victims”. Why on earth would a jury ignore direct statements from the “victims” unless they thought they were lying about it?


Every once in awhile something sneaks through the ignore feature, it’s usually in a series of quotes, and that happened to pop up, what a gem :joy:

I’ve been accused of “being worse than LK” by HH and I’m still waiting for proof (not). It’s as if they just throw outrageous claims or expressions out there to get a reaction, almost as if they’re tr…ah, never mind. :wink:


YD was banned for arguing with Mod1 about being banned from CE and refusing to acknowledge they were wrong, in Tech Support. The doxxing YD did had nothing to do with a Barisone thread or a poster in connection with a Barisone thread. It’s well documented what happened.


more appropriate for this thread is
I’m not a snitcher I just tell it like it is- Cindy


Well, as we’ve seen in these threads, time and time again, something can be well documented and what actually happened, but some still live in denial and rather live by their own oddly constructed narrative. So :woman_shrugging:t3:

Honestly, both sides get a bit weird at times.


I’m sitting here all loaded with “Up your nose with a rubber hose”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BaBaBa BaBaBarino… .


or maybe this one

You ask a foolish question, you get a foolish answer.


Nothing wrong with lurking - CH, HH and RR all have posted in other topics in this forum. Who knows what inspires anyone to post, but they certainly have a right to. I feel that the Barisone threads get people pretty passionate on both sides.


If an insane man suddenly opens fire aiming in your general direction, how would RG know for a fact that MB was trying to aim for RGs head, as opposed to shooting at LK erratically?

The jury could have believed RGs statement that he perceived he was being shot at, but realized that RG had no way of knowing for sure who MB was aiming for. They could have believed his testimony but wanted additional evidence beyond the testimony. Because no bullets connected with RG, there was considerable doubt, even if the jury thought RG was honestly reporting his perception. I believe RGs testimony, but would have voted NG as the jury did.

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So how many decades ago did the Brady Bunch air? I also have trouble with these “cultural references”.

HH is definitely old enough that they should have gotten the reference.


I used to watch the Brady Bunch but was unfamiliar with the use of that line.

I love all the feigned innocence like I wasn’t called RG’ mama and his papa by two different posters up thread and others suddenly decided I had just started saying y’all like I haven’t used it for years on these threads.

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Brady Bunch was on TV in the 70s, I believe. Then there was a movie, or maybe even two movies, in the early 90s.

I can imagine missing the reference. That’s not a reason to go off in a tizzy about doxxing anyone.


Hmmm….frustration about something?


The cultural reference is a modern invention. It became popular recently. It’s a way of saying I don’t believe you.



What are you talking about? I just wrote a post this evening stating that the jury did not find that the prosecution met the burden of proof for any of the charges involving Rob, and so the verdict on those charges was Not Guilty. CurrentlyHorseless said the same thing at the same time I did. Why do so many of you just make up whatever stories you want no matter how wrong you are? It’s really weird.


Easy enough to find. Especially for a graduate of Google law school.


Truth be told, the insta conspiracy tickled me LOL


Oh, gee, reading comprehension issues again. sigh


I just hope MB gets released soon. I’m sure his people will get him the best care and they will protect him from negative influences. I’d like to hear of him riding again and enjoying the peace and tranquility of his beautiful Florida barn surrounded by friends and family again, day by day growing stronger with his pup and horses.