Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

That would be wonderful. I hope he doesn’t have to wait too long.


Just stop it. I am so sick of all of you making stuff up about who I am, what I believe, who I know, what I said or didn’t say, what I’ve watched or didn’t watch. You all do it all the time. You all accuse Lauren of lying all the time, but you all do it too, all the time. I’ve never seen a group of grownups act this way before.

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It was in perpetual reruns until the early 1990’s or so. And the first movie was in 1995.


I invision him taking 6 weeks - 3 months to decompress and rejoin society gradually with a very tight circle of friends and planning next steps with LO and his very trusted friends. Private therapy, his dog, horses, loved ones in familiar surroundings will be amazing for him and his family. I expect a SS hearing will be high on his list of priorities to facilitate moving on from the Kanarek nightmare.


Lauren lies all the time. Lauren admitted on the stand, under oath, in open court, recorded by the court that she lies all the time.

I’m confused as to why you have difficulty with us agreeing with her. Lauren lies all the time on social media. She lied in court and so her testimony was impeached.


Never done any of this. Are you sure you aren’t getting your logins mixed up? I’ve never said anything about who you might be. As far as what you know, you are the one who detailed what little you had done to become familiar with this topic, and so I have every right to call you on it.

For the record, it’s a trend for the LK support to waltz into a thread and pretend to be a new, fresh eyes insider defending the damsel and then pretty quickly devolve into repeating the tried and true narrative. It’s not my fault you sound like, and used the arguments of another very rude poster.


I have no idea but I’m 32 and I know all about the Brady Bunch.


Oh here we go again trying to provoke someone with a different point of view into a loss of decorum that will get her banned.


I’m not sure what you mean by us hassling you “all the time” as I’ve never seen you before this past week or two.


That sounds like a very reasonable plan. I hope that process can start soon!


And the second one moves in for the provoking.

Yes, I know she said she lies on social media during her testimony. I have never said that she doesn’t lie. I don’t know why you are acting as if I have said that.

What I did say is that you all accuse Lauren of lying all the time, but you all lie all the time too. I’m not sure why you think that says that I don’t think Lauren lies.

Personally, I don’t believe myself to be a liar. And if you’ve truly only been here for a week or two it seems a bit premature for you to make that declaration about me as well.

But if it makes you feel better, run with it.






Do some people literally come on here just to have tantrums?

I mean, you do you, but the pent up aggression is a weird flex.


Fortunately all of my experiences with actual bears have been somewhat positive and uneventful.


You are lying; you did some of that to me today.

But you were wrong - you said that I claimed I only watched the opening statements, and that is not at all what I said. You could have gone back and looked at what I said instead of just making up whatever you wanted to be true.

Please, please, please show me where I have supported Lauren. I have asked multiple people to do that when they have accused me of supporting her, and not one of you has been able to come up with even one word of support from any of my posts.

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It’s not like y’all don’t constantly try to dox anyone with a different opinion. Y’all constantly refer to me as a member of the Kanarek family except a little bit ago when I was suddenly deemed RG’s mama and papa at about the same time. Then there has been some of LK’s friends. It gets pretty amusing. If I am ever doxxed, y’all are going to be so disappointed to find I am just a nobody who doesn’t know anyone affiliated with the Kanareks, the Goodwins, the Barisones, New Jersey LE, the judges, the attorneys, did I leave anyone out?

If I know anyone that has ridden with Barisone, I don’t know that they have.

Most notably JK/IM. :roll_eyes: