Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

But, you kind of did. I think people can be forgiven for thinking the other “bits and pieces” didn’t amount to much, and that by your own admission you didn’t watch much else or keep up with the threads.

ETA: thanks, @Sdel for the screenshot. I knew that wasn’t made up from whole cloth!


RR also accused posters of attacking her family member for receiving mental health care. To my knowledge, that never happened, would not be tolerated by mods and when asked to repost “the attack,” nothing was ever produced.


:clap:t2::clap:t2: aren’t screenshots just the best?


Now, how do YOU know what was on a video given to Lauren by the Judge that told her she was to be sequestered?


And then she immediately hopped on Youtube and commented to everyone about the trial.


If people could consistently control their own actions, these threads wouldn’t even exist now.

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I think @Rubyroo was trying to say that Lauren wasn’t sequestered by the judge (meaning barred from hearing others’ testimony) because RR didn’t hear that on video of the trial. I find that curious given that by this poster’s own admission they watched very little of the trial, and because so much sidebarred discussion was muted. We have no idea if that is true or not. That said, I would think it’s common sense not to watch footage of a trial you’re testifying in.


It’s very true.

No. Those of us of “a certain age” remember a television character named “Jan”.


And IM/JK was supposed to be sequestered from her testimony. Judge Taylor specifically said he was not to be allowed into the courtroom for LK’s testimony. The reason was to prevent possible influence on his potential testimony. He was here, reading the forums where we were talking about her testimony.


Rules don’t apply to them. They don’t have to follow a judge’s orders, or respond to subpoenas or any of that stuff regular peons need to do.


I keep thinkint eh 60’s, but it was probably the early 70’s. SO, 50 years ago if it was the 70’s, and 60 freaking years ago if it was the 60’s and I wanbt to say the 60’s, because I thought they were my aage at the time, and I was like 10 in 1969, so…


Jan was a whiner and a complainer, and felt her sister Marcia was getting all the favoritism. Her sister had better hair, her sister had better clothes, her sister had better things happen for her, and it wasn’t fair, but it was Jan’s perception, that her younger sister got all the good in life, and she was missing out on everything. Calling someone “Jan” is calling them someone who is making life difficult for themselves while everyone else is pretty well adjusted.


After every prosecution witness testimony the judge warned them not to seek information on the trial. The reason why: the defense had not put on its case yet and was allowed to recall witnesses. In fact, in one side bar the judge had concerns that one of the witnesses was able to hear the testimony of another. LK might not have been locked into a hotel room without access to the outside world, but she, and her family, was certainly expected to keep her nose out of what was going on with the trial.


Oh, it just isn’t fair!


Wasn’t Marcia the oldest sister?


o, I thought Marcia was the younger one? Now I’m Corn-fused!

Marcia was the oldest, Jan the middle, Cindy the youngest. Jan throwing a temper tantrum “Marcia Marcia Marcia” happened pretty much every episode.




Despite the fact that the show has been on the air pretty much my entire life, I only remember seeing one episode of it, where the dad gets mad about the high phone bill, and takes out the regular house phone and installs a pay phone instead. And then, of course, when the dad has to make an important business call, he doesn’t have enough change or something. Lol.

The wide range of guest stars throughout the series is pretty darn crazy, from Don Ho to Joe Namath to Vincent Price.