Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I found one. There was a place where Deinenger typed “Plaintiff” to refer to Lauren, the plaintiff, and then he refers to “Plaintiffs” but there is only one plaintiff, so its a typo.

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There may be more to them being unwelcome and unlawfully still on the premises than we even know. He may have told them to leave in no uncertain terms, when it became clear the house was not habitable, and been trying to get them out since then.


OK. But RR said she didn’t watch much of the trial. So how would she know? Wierd.


Well she still though Marcia was getting everything better than she was. Same idea - Jan is someone who thinks she’s missing out on everything and everyone else has it better than she does while the rest of the world just goes about their day while she’s being persecuted.


I’ve been reading the “Major Discipline Reporting January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021” from the link that was posted. Not even half-way through it.

All I can say is “Whoa”. Really. Wish they had the report for 2019…


Thanks to the miracle of syndication and niche channels, I have no doubt it is airing somewhere even now.


We do not want to forget about the straight Not Guilty verdicts on the charges regarding RGG/JES/Superman and the weapons charges. I am not sure how they are calling those a success for the prosecution.

Are you talking about Squire L? Darn, that drawing is just amazing. Still my favorite of his drawings that we have seen so far.
It was fun to scroll thru all of the lovely drawings on the GoFundMe page.

@Jenerationx, this post is amazing. It explains it so well, in a clear and concise way. Exactly that.
We had a similar example to yours here just the other day. Dispatched as a structure fire, turned out to be someone stupidly burning leaves right behind their garage (too close really) and the neighbor saw smoke and flames and thought their garage was on fire. The call is not still called a structure fire. Such a clear and wonderful way to explain it. Thank you for posting that.


If someone is testifying they are not supposed to hear the testimony of others.

Sequestration is different. That is not going home and staying in court provided accommodations and its for the jury.

If someone is testifying they should not be watching the proceedings.


Hey, don’t be using them highfalutin foreign words here. Some folks have enough trouble understanding simple concepts like NGRI. No need to confuse them even further. :laughing:


Oh sure, now you have me signing their theme song in my head.

I do think that riding horses again will be some of the best treatment for him.

I am sorry, but this post needs further descriptions, maybe its own thread. One can not post about bear encounters and not give the stories. I assume we are not talking about at the zoo.


You know, I saw that in the previous filing and thought it was odd but figured the attorneys knew a lot more about things than I do and surmised that perhaps MB had done something in NJ to obtain legal residency, such as obtain a NJ DL or register to vote, etc.

Glad to know he is actually still a resident of FL and it is good Mr. D. amended the filing to reflect that.
[Edited to fix a typo]


Making sure to protect the primary residence from judgment. Makes the Florida property judgment proof as in FL a primary residence can’t be attached by judgment. Or something like that.



Yes - and again, I’m glad Mr. D. made that correction. I can imagine though that the K-Klan is disappointed as I’m sure their beady (greedy?) eyes were gleaming at the thought of his FL property being vulnerable.


I have no doubt this is exactly, precisely why they bought a house in the same town as him.


That is not “doxxing” and you know that, I expect.


I believe I remember Lauren posting somewhere (was it here before she was banned?) that she was held in a different room because none of the witnesses were allowed to watch the trial. (The comment was her explaining why her hair looked less than perfect, because she was napping in that other room until it was her turn to testify.)


@CurrentlyHorseless, just wondering if you have made any progress on this police report you posted that you had read. Since you do not lie it must be that you read it, right?


From what I remember she was a perspective boarder. I was living in Maryland at the time (I think) and only heard this second hand.


It’s a story of a lovely lady :notes:


Darn you! Just stop it.