Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

See, this just proves that you’re all just looking to be contrary - I got berated for not watching the trial, now I’m being berated for watching it. Again, I have never experienced a group of adults who are so incredibly immature.


It’s on youtube somewhere. People were saying she needed better hair extensions because they looked cheap or something like that. That’s when LK said she had been napping in the other room and she wasn’t wearing hair extensions.


Some light reading: Know your memes!

Right, how could I have watched the trial after it was over? It’s not like it’s available on YouTube for anyone to see any time. Jesus.

The Brady Bunch aired from ‘69 - ‘74.
I personally preferred The Partridge Family. LOL


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

You know, all you would have to do is say “after I made that initial post about not watching the trial I changed my mind and got all caught up on you tube.”

No one is berating you, we are just functioning off of the information you give us.


When changes like this are made to court filings, is it required to provide justification for the change and proof that the change is true? In other words, were Michael’s lawyers required to explain why they changed his residence from NJ to FL, and did they have to provide proof that he does indeed meet the requirements for FL residency?

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Thank you @Joanne. I knew she said something like that somewhere. I appreciate you reminding me where it was.


It was in the proposed amended answer/counter. That proposal was approved. LK, through her attorneys, never challenged that issue. They only challenged the added new counterclaim re: the illegal recordings.

If the other side doesn’t challenge it, then there’s nothing to prove, necessarily.


Thank you for the quick answer!

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You’re welcome!

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Right! Several days ago I mentioned 2 posters by name and one name escaped me at the moment so I entered a cute little name in place of the real name. Well, can you believe someone became offended and flagged that post and the moderator had to correct the name??!!! Goodness, talk about thinner skinned! The Kanareks always had a very good time with my user name and I was adult enough to ignore their terms of endearment.

I don’t find you sincere with your fractious posts. Sorry.


Well, I laughed at the cute little name so it wasn’t me who flagged it.

I don’t doubt for a second that you and your buddies here don’t like my posts, but describing them as “fractious” is about as over the top as whoever said my posts are “overly aggressive”. There is a large group of people here who like to get hugely melodramatic when someone posts something they don’t like. A great example is when you jumped all over me the other day for “defending the Kanareks” when I have never done any such thing. Someone else did the same thing yesterday. Unless I praise Michael Barisone, you and your friends aren’t going to like my posts, and I just don’t find anything about him worth praising.


No, it is the frequent misinformation and errors you post as fact and refuse to change your story or prove your point that is annoying. And sure reeks of Kanarek defense. Do you know Lauren? You wouldn’t be so quick to jump to her aid if you did.

Personally, I don’t care what you post as long as it is honest and factual with backup.


Pls stop generalizing. We are not “all” EB “friends” and we don’t “all” do the things you’re accusing “all” of doing. Thank you.


Yeah, so much disagreement…


Can you provide examples of “the frequent misinformation and errors” I post as fact? Regarding my points about the trial, the charges, and the verdicts, I posted the relevant parts of the trial right here in this thread to back up my points. All of you refused to watch it, and I can only assume that is because you know it will prove that I’m right.

No, I do not know Lauren. Go back and read again what I have written regarding my opinions of her and tell me if I am jumping to her aid.

Again, I have not defended or even said anything nice about Lauren, but since I don’t offer any praise of Michael, you just assume I am a Kanarek defender. It’s really weird.


What are you on about? It was said that LK was told not to talk to anyone about the trial. She did however, speak to people about the trial when she began commenting on YouTube while the trial was still ongoing. I don’t know how that proved that “you’re all” (idk who that is or entails) looking to be contrary. It was literally just an example of LK not following directions. That’s all.

You constantly berate people, so I’m not sure why you’re being so contrary?

Also, if there’s a group of adults that I see as incredibly immature, I generally avoid them and don’t continously come back and interact with them, maybe that’d save you some frustration? Granted, I’m not saying that you demonstrate the highest level of maturity, so maybe you fit right in and that’s why you keep coming back? :wink:


If you’re not a friend of eggbutt’s then I wasn’t talking about you. Calm down, it’s all going to be ok.

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