Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

One would think.

That homestead exemption is a tax break that greatly restricts how much your property values can increase yearly so I can totally understand why someone with a valuable piece of property would not want to apply for it. Not having this tax exemption does not equal not being a primary residence. I should think someone who is a google expert would know this tid bit. Or, maybe they did know this part but did not mention it.


There are some states (7, I believe) that allow you to live in a different state and still be able to register your own whatever in a different states. Maine and NY are two of them.

However, itā€™s illegal to do in FL. So if MB has vehicles registered in FL, which I believe he does, he would have to be considered a resident of FL.


It has nothing to do with market value. Homes sale at the market rate. It has to do with how taxes are determined.

I re-read your post. Correct. One does not have to have a homestead exemption. However, it protects a certain amount of property from being taken for debt and it reduces taxes for the elderly. I forget that people are not always aware of the benefits of the Homestead Exemption. So many on this forum are away, I made and assumption and you know what that does.

Now you know there is a difference between market value and appraised value for tax purposes. Also, appraisals for tax purposes are updated by law and may only reflect a percentage of the market value even without the elderly holding a Homestead Exemption. They may not be updated every year. It just depends on the state and the law.

Even if a property has a place for appraised value and market value the law may say the appraised value is 80% or other percentage of the market value and the market value may not be required to be updated for years.

The tax exemption is not the same as the exemption from creditors. They are called the same thing, but they are not the same thing.
At least that is what Google says.


Pardon me. Please see my comment about protecting a property for being taken from debt and it provides tax relief for the elderly. I should have clarified private debt as a Homestead Exemption does not necessarily protect against public debt such as the non payment of taxes. Also, the protection may be limited to one house and a set number of acreage, not the entire original parcel.

Some friends of mine in New York used to have a trailer registered in a different state, which was perfectly legal.

But there was a cop who patrolled a nearby highway who did not seem to approve of that law, and he would always pull them over whenever he saw them. Eventually they ended up taking a detour whenever they were going that direction that added something like 200 miles to every trip.


Have you verified the status of the Kanarek property? Youā€™re so adept at sleuthing, Iā€™d like to know the status of the FL property, value, tax status, exemption status, mortgage status, and while youā€™re at it, please do the same for the NJ property. LK has said she still owns property in NC and if that is true I donā€™t know where it might be. The house she rented for quite some time was sold by the landlord a while ago. Iā€™m sure Barisoneā€™s attorneys will be pleased to know if she owns anything in this stateā€¦but I suspect they already know exactly what she owns.


My, my, the proxies are at work.

Anyhoo, I believe a long time ago that I posted about my suspicions as to what could be wanted out of the lawsuit:

MB: his farm (because board is getting expensive)
RC: her half of MHGā€™s horse (who was actually competitive at GP)
SGF: the money to continue funding the pony princess dreams

But, considering how close we must be getting to a response time to having to turn over the texts and emails containing the plot, maybe the lawyers are having to revisit things. Anyway, new scare tactics of twisting to try to make us (or Michael/someone they think we are connected to?) scared just like always before the big flop it seemsā€¦.


In my state,there is a homestead right,which is constitutional (state). There is also a tax reduction for agricultural land. It has to be over a certain number of acres and must gross a small amount from agricultural sources.

They are two separate things.

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Yeah, Michael has been using his profound psychic powers to direct the Mob in what to post and when on this tiny forum. Itā€™s storming here but perhaps he can boost his signal to reach my drug addled noggin.


Kudos again to @Moderator_1 and all those who may have helped out the latest bad seed. Our spidy sense is still functioning well and I personally appreciate weeding out the chafe.


Oh no. @eggbutt may complain. Oh waitā€¦haha, my mistake. Already happened.

Will you PM me the original poster? Iā€™m kinda lost. And too lazy to surf

House went up for sale and immediately a viewing request. Wasnā€™t expected. Amazing how fast you can spit shine 3500 sq ft


Oh gracious no, I havenā€™t complained, simply pointed out hypocrisy. There will be no mistake when I make a complaint.

Since you have shown that even a novice can uncover property info in FL, perhaps someone else will rush to do the assignment and let us know how the Kā€™s stand property wise in that state. :slight_smile:


Itā€™s hard to tell. Sometimes you tell me to leave you alone, never tag you, you put me on ignore, you will never respond to my posts again, blah blah. Then you keep tagging me when I donā€™t post for a while. Itā€™s just all so confusing.

I did not see any complaint. I just saw someone mentioning that if someone did that about Lauren you would have been screaming Doxing and any other catch term you could come up with about it. But some how it is OK for you to do it to Michael.
Since you have done it for Michael, why not go for it with Lauren?


Congratulations! I hope they make a generous offer!!

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Tell me about it.

We shall see. Not looking forward to moving again. 3rd time in less than 4 years. Back to rainy, gloomy WA