Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

That’s what I wondered

Which occurred during the stressful event of saving your fiances life, no less.


Oh, wow, Cutter, that’s great.

Where I live, it’s often a coin toss whether the helicopter will mean shorter transport time because of how long it takes the chopper to get to us.

What tips the point in the chopper’s favor is that there’s always an Advanced Life Support on board, usually a full Paramedic or an NP.

The transport times work out to be roughly the same.

Again, I don’t have all the information. I’m speculating. But we have someone who was lucid, talking with no alteration in LOC. Yes, she was bleeding and yes, it was life threatening. But if the bleeding was controlled and her airway wasn’t compromised, I would have voted for ambulance rather than chopper. Chopper ride can be pretty bumpy and it’s much easier to work in the back of an ambulance. It’s really, really tight in the back of the chopper.


Some people are released. Here let me correct you yet once again:


Yes. She had a collapsed lung. Yes, she lost 50% of the blood in her body. Her organs were swelling and she was cut open “from stem to stern” because they were pushing on her lungs and interfering with her breathing.

To stop the bleed out, they had to call in a thoracic surgeon to the trauma center and he had to cut in a semi-circle under her arm so they could clamp the aorta. This is after she was opened up and loosely stitched back together by the trauma team who couldn’t stop the bleeding.

She wasn’t carried off in a helicopter, it was an ambulance but by that point she was not conscious. She spent days on a ventilator.

This was all posted again upthread with the video of the heard photo of her scars that was shown in court. There were more photos of her injuries but they were so horrendous, the judge wouldn’t allow them to be shown to the jury as they could be prejudicial against MB. I disagree with that but several of the legal people spent some time on these threads calmly explaining why those kinds of pictures are not shown in court. I still disagree. People should see the damage done in all its awfulness. Posts like yours prove my point. It’s amazing she survived.

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Well she certainly avoided good choices.


I appreciated you providing us the the link to Lauren Kanarek describing how she was cut open. It is so strange that what she described was not what the photo showed for scars.


Stem to stern implies from approximately the clavicle area to your pubic bone. Is that what her scars show? I only saw the ones from the side view. And they didn’t show a continuous scar.

People walk around with collapsed lungs all the time. I’m not saying it’s comfortable or not a problem, but it happens. My friend coughed too hard and caused a part of her rib to splinter off and this puncture her lung. It was missed originally and she ended up with an abscess. Stuff happens.


I thought you originally stated the “stem to stern” happened post surgery from fluid overload. Are you changing the story now? You’re saying it happened right after she was shot due to internal bleeding? Those are two different scenarios.


Your record of being wrong continues. There is a record of any filing paid for like a petition and I’ve had many landlords come down to court to run the name of a potential tenant. As does certain agencies like police, FBI, military and others during a job application process. But now with courts going electronic visiting the court house isn’t necessary any more as the records are all online. So if I knew a potential tenant lived somewhere I could just go to that courts web page and look them up.

As this is all public info one can find if a case was filed, if a warrant of eviction was issued, if there’s a money judgment and you can see how many cases in that jurisdiction someone has.

So you’re wrong yet again.


I said “you’re not automatically released without conditions”.
You disagree with that?

Poor hyenas, they don’t deserve this.
Vultures is more appropriate.


I guess the groups where I hang out dont have folks getting evicted or at least not they are talking about on social media.


That is not how that works. Besides, she was on a ventilator. That did the breathing for her.


yeah these are just local neighborhood watch type groups, so all makes of life. Plus you never know when it could happen to you or your friends. Life can be hard for some at times! Not the case in this instance obviously lol

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In that particular case both were correct. In some places a bed can be found immediately, in others you could wait an indefinite amount of time for a bed. The mental health system here fails everyone.


I think that might be incorrect-if you have no reportable income in some states at least you would be shepherded into the State Medicaid program–which, if they did not expand the Medicaid program (to poor low income able workers) I am not sure you have any options.(Now I am going to have to look that up!)

Anyway, in the least I know in the state I am in if you make below a certain amount–you will have to sign up for the expanded Medicaid (which has its pluses and minuses.)

I just point out that needs to be explored (and not assumed) if anyone is in that situation or thinks they might end up in the situation.

edited to add summary and link:
Adults who fall into the coverage gap have incomes above their state’s eligibility for Medicaid but below poverty, the minimum income eligibility for tax credits through the ACA marketplace (Figure 1). Medicaid eligibility for adults in states that did not expand their programs is quite limited: the median income limit for parents in these states is just 41% of poverty, or an annual income of $8,905 for a family of three in 2020, and in nearly all states not expanding, childless adults remain ineligible.1 Because the ACA envisioned low-income people receiving coverage through Medicaid, it does not provide financial assistance to people below poverty for other coverage In contrast, in states that have adopted the ACA Medicaid expansion, Medicaid eligibility is extended to nearly all low-income individuals with incomes at or below 138 percent of poverty ($17,609 for an individual in 20202).

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RG didn’t want to be questioned on the hand injury caused probably by the gun or slide so he omitted the injury from testimony. IMO


If a person doesn’t declare income then both the taxes they pay are nominal and the people of the State of NJ pays for stuff. Like suboxone.


This is a screen shot from the trial video that Hut so nicely provided a link to up thread.


I admit there are scars, but they certainly are not as she describes them to be and they are definitely not “stem to stern”.

I assume some scaring around her breast is from her implant surgery.