Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Uh-huh…being SM friends with folks now equals being involved. Grasping for much?

Were I close friends with any party in this situation, would I be here guess and speculating what is happening next? Because I donate to the GFM account am I an insider? Because I write to Michael Barisone does that make me more knowledgeable? Bless your heart. I simply follow the facts and personal experience to guide my opinions, and you? I’m not the one saying I’ve seen any police report or heard any recordings. Are you aware of anyone making those claims?


That lower abdomen one was what she was claiming to be a graze from a third bullet.


Thank you for clarifying this.


True. Life can be hard. However, according to LK she had unlimited means so her decision making wasnt based on having to make hard decisions, it was calculated. I guess it goes under the heading of “who does that?”


Those look like scars from chest tubes IMO.

Not that we should be surprised if she made something up.


I guess you missed the part where it has been addressed and Barisone is considered by experts, not an effing judge, to not be a danger to himself or others.


Did you read #1? It specifically says that you can be released without conditions. Of course it wouldn’t be automatic for everyone. But for some it could be a straight release.


They had a verbal contract. That would put her personal habitat “at will” except if the horses were in training and they were paying for the training. Besides paying the initial amount they fell into dispute over amount of work done for the “bartered” amount for the extra horses. Disputes happen every day with written contracts but at least then it is possible to literally be arguing over the same page. Written contracts are a lot easier to enforce than verbal ones.

By testimony of others (I don’t remember anyone testifying about her screaming outside MB’s door when they moved into the house-was that just more MB thread exaggeration or it was missed in court :thinking:, her conduct certainly sounds disorderly, to be causing fear on others, and the 3 day eviction should have been applied for. Even if not granted, that would have looked a lot better for MB that he followed the law to the best of his ability. He doesn’t sound like a rule follower though. He didn’t get occupancy for quarters in the barn which would have triggered correcting the other complaints. Most of the freeze repairs-Sheetrock, new bathroom fixtures and appliances, tile, smoke detectors, can be done by the owner and in house staff without pulling permits or hiring a contractor. However, the house was officially a two apartment house. The basement was not permitted as living quarters and only had one egress. After Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey and New York cracked down on illegal basement apartments because people drowned, unable to get our through the one egress.

Before everyone gets their knickers in a twist and says this is insider information, I spent a lot of time looking this up in past threads with links and there was testimony as well. There was discussion in the first thread, some of which was removed, about the basement one egress.

I was wondering if she was utilizing Medicaid. If that is case, that is truly BS. Makes me wonder how that would impact the situation…she is basically living on “money from the bank”, filing taxes on zero “income” but yet of “unlimited means”. OK - this line of thought just infuriates me.


Maybe, but she was claiming being grazed by that third bullet that was aimed for RG’s head. I do believe somewhere it was claimed that there were 4-5 shots heard/fired. At some point all of that was dropped to the 3 bullets in the magazine and the third one grazed her on the way to RG’s head. And of course, at trial there were only the two casings….


Bold = mine

All the more reason to release him to private mandatory treatment and save that “quality facility” for another inmate!! Think of how that financial burden would be placed on Barisone rather than the state! Hmmmm, I wonder if any funds he has saved over the past three years by not having his own private treatment has been tossed into his legal fees bucket. We all know hiring the best is expensive, hence so many continuing to donate to the GFM.


That’s another piece that makes me question the trajectory of the bullets. If she was grazed there, that’s maybe 3 feet from the ground. If MB shot her, he was on the ground!


If the civil case goes to trial her taxes might come out as well as other facts. She would have to substantiate medical expenses too.


@eggbutt it is the court’s decision whether or not he is still a threat to himself or others, not the mental health experts. That is in State vs Krol 1975 and further explained in State vs Fields 1978. Because MB was committed following being proved of committing an act that otherwise would have been a crime, he not only was deemed by mental health experts to be a danger to himself or others, he demonstrated it. Judges are charged with balancing the committee’s rights with public safety.

But she did have reportable assets.

Did she? At the time no home in that state, no car, no job. No one checks horse registries.


The flight team that flew me was comprised of the pilot and two RNs. The RNs were able to give me “something more” for pain if I needed it, and the EMS had already placed an IV before they hauled me out of the field I was in.

I also learned that the major trauma centers have more than one helicopter. When we landed, another helicopter landed immediately after us, and the person on that flight was in worse shape than me. The pilot explained that because of that they were going to off load that patient first.


I called them hyenas thousands of posts ago because hyenas terrorize and wear their prey down to exhaustion before going in for the group kill…exactly like the Kanarek hyena pack.


Was she shot in the chest first?
Wouldn’t she then drop or start to, such that any shot that hit the door of the house, at an angled trajectory, have a hard time hitting her in her middle, at the bottom of her ribs like that?


We pointed that out. It got dropped as “well that’s what we thought” but now we know better.