Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Did I dream this, or did Lala post years ago that she was lifeflighted and one of the paramedics gave her a transfusion from his own arm to her while in the air??? I remember laughing out loud when I read the post, either in my dream or real life! Someone had been watching too many Rescue 911 shows!


Some coyotes work a dog this way. Seen it out trail riding. The coyotes can switch from work to play instantly. They rest, drink a little from a mud puddle, then woo the dog into thinking it’s all play.


He is not a rule follower because Lauren Kanarek forced him to leave HIS house and move his family into the barn and during that time he did not apply for the proper paperwork to live in the barn? Right. That is a sure sign of someone who is not a rule follower

Is that really the best example of ‘not a rule follower’ you can come up with, that during an emergency situation caused by Lauren Kanarek he did not apply for a CofO for the barn.

I am not sure who said the basement apartment did or did not have egress, but I remember being told that it did have two forms of egress.



Unless she had both arms raised battering a 6’4" man around the head. I don’t believe there was a 3rd shot and for the sake of not repeating myself, everyone knows what I think without me having to say it 79.3 more times.


It sounds like the life flight system near you is different than what @McGurk described.
Where I live it is closer to what McGurk describes.
Life flight is put on notice when the 911 dispatches if the call seems to warrant that, but it is still a time consuming process to coordinate a landing zone and pick up, once they are there.


The story was chest twice, abdomen grazed by the bullet aimed at RG’s head. But yes, that story does bring up a lot of problems. Height difference between her and MB, it was impossible to hit her there if he shot while standing by a bush. Also, RG was supposed to be above both MB and LK on a porch.

I have my suspicions about what might have happened. I really wished the testimony had included time stamps of when the call with ED had happened. I feel like that would have clarified a lot.


So, what you’re saying is that “if only he trained her,” she wouldn’t have gone entirely crazy and ruined his life? So, his leaving her training to MHG and the other assistant was a “bad decision,” even though that is literally how EVERY BNT works? As for eviction, you know damned well that eviction takes many months. In every other instance of this kind, simply telling the client they are fired and no longer wanted is enough to get them to move out. Eviction shouldn’t have ever been a necessity. But you know that.


Like we have been saying, this entire event was basically a temper tantrum because Little Miss No Show was not Teachers Pet. So he had to pay. They ALL had to pay.


Ok so who is writing the screen play? Because this would make a helluva thriller.

“I Know What You Did Last Lesson”


I am a novelist and I’ve actually considered fictionalizing this story. But honestly, I can’t imagine changing enough to make it NOT about them and I also can’t imagine any publisher finding it plausible enough to publish. As they say, truth is stranger than fiction.


Yes, I know a few people IRL who worked hard and tried the landlord thing for passive income. There were upper-middle class, educated people who worked full time and wanted to make their dollars work for them so they could pump up their retirement funds.

The horror stories I have heard about their tenants has made me very wary of ever being a landlord. The state I live in has pretty strong squatter’s rights, and it is a LONG, expensive and stressful situation to get grifters and dirtbags who lied on their application to pay you money.

In every situation that I have heard of (anecdotal I know) the sh*t really hit the fan when the legal eviction notice was served. Its was what pushed the dirtbag tenant over the edge and they took a sledgehammer to the walls and pipes causing tens of thousands worth of damage.

Serving the eviction notice rarely makes the scumbag actually leave. It can make the ‘tenant’ dig their heels in even more. It a necessary step in an arduous and expensive process, but can see why MB tried to avoid doing it as long as possible since he knew LK enough to know it would just be adding gasoline to the fire.


Some of the hospitals have their own chopper, but most flights in my area are MedFlight, the State Police Medical Chopper. It’s hanger is 20 - 30 minutes flight time away from most of my county, the same for the county nearby where I was involved in EMS.

So if you have a vehicle extrication, you call the chopper and by the time you have the person cut out of the car, the chopper is there or on its way. The pilots are amazing (mostly ex-military), I had one ignore the landing zone we had set up and set down, at night, on a highway on ramp, right next to the crash. The ramp had a 15% slope! :astonished:

If the sick or injured person is so far out in your first due area that the ambulance ride in will be longer than an hour and the person is critical, you call the chopper. But the wait is agonizing, and sometimes we’d try to meet the chopper at a midpoint, because sitting still and waiting with a critical patient makes everybody twitchy.

In a situation like the shooting at Hawthorne Hill, clearly EMS on the scene thought that taking LK by ambulance was the safer, more prudent route. That is not necessarily a reflection of the seriousness of her injuries, but the result of a careful needs and risk assessment. Based on my admittedly limited knowledge of the situation, and clearly reasoning ahead of my data, I think I would have made the same decision. If she’s stable with a patent airway, I might prefer the 25 min ambulance ride with lights and sirens running.

I also remember a very well know thoracic surgeon tell me you’d much rather be shot in the chest than shot in the gut. Absent a shot right through the heart, chest wounds are recoverable as long as you get to medical care reasonably quickly. Gut wounds are much, much more difficult and carry a way higher risk of infection.


New Jersey has a 3 day eviction rule and disorderly conduct is one of the justifications.

These posters that don’t keep up on these threads and then just jump in. Tsk tsk.

I feel like you missed the point
 (Said by someone who is up to date on the thread.)

Are you trying to do what you accused me of doing earlier? Here is a quote of what you said in case you needed a reminder.


That was me, and I had already found the link that you posted. I wanted a 2019 report identical to first one, where I could read the municipal jurisdiction, the names of the individual officers, and their “violations” of service.

The one you posted only had definitions of “violations” and statistics.


Oh. Now you know better than the thoracic surgeon. They opened her tum tum so the organs could go somewhere else than push on her lungs so she could breathe.

You just come on here and post anything in your head or deliberately lie. Listen to the thoracic surgeon, even better how about watch the trial. Here is the link to the thoracic surgeon yet again. https://youtu.be/rDmMG_xFm2U

Well of course now that you have what you asked for you want something else. /s :roll_eyes:

No. You are wrong. I wanted an identical report SPECIFICALLY so I could find out if any of of the police officers that responded to the August shooting at MB’s farm were written up and/or disciplined for ‘inadequate/incorrect police procedure’.

Again, you are wrong. Don’t make assumptions.


Not to mention all the companies that provide tenant screening services. They can provide reports that include eviction history, background checks, credit scores, etc., all of which can aid a landlord in deciding if a prospective tenant is worth the risk.

For instance, Experian provides a basic tenant screening and credit report for free to the landlord (the prospective tenant pays for it). Experian also provides a solution paid for by the landlord that includes credit score, credit profile, fraud summary, public record filings such as evictions, tax liens and bankruptcies, current/previous addresses, aliases/nicknames, loan amount/payment history for revolving or installment accounts, mortgages, and collection accounts, and information about credit inquiries for the past several years. It also provides tenant scoring functionality (assigns a score or risk category to the prospective tenant based on what is found during all the searches) and makes a decisioning recommendation. Many property management companies use these types of reports to make decisions on whether to take on a particular tenant. Here is a section of an Experian tenant screening decisioning report:


Amen!!! Once again, the training received in the US Military is world class!!! I become quite emotional thinking of all our service personnel, especially on December 6, among other days.

Remember, there was a large thunderstorm that afternoon that would have prevented a chopper from come in until it had passed. Too bad, they could have said the rotor wash blew away all the incriminating evidence. /s