Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022



I wish we could add this to the OP


Iā€™m 5ā€™2"
Everything is proportionalā€¦ The incision isnt bigger cause sheā€™s smaller. šŸ¤¦


Yep this baffled me too but I figured it was simply a misunderstanding of what the doctors described.


I am not a doctor but my understanding of what I just heard was they made the opening for the intestines to expand out of because of the swelling associated with the injuries, allowing room for the injured tissues to expand.
So in other words, the intestines were not too big, but moving them allowed the things that were swelling from the injury and surgery to have a little more room for their swelling.
They did not pull them out on the table to lay next to her or anything. They simply left an opening with a dressing over it.

I could be wrong here, but that is what I believe was said.


Ah how convenient for your point of making MB the evil villain to neglect the point that at that time MB wouldnā€™t have known that - nor would most people - until he got a lawyer involved who was familiar with eviction law.


At least yā€™all arenā€™t lying anymore about correct police procedure for an active shooter call out. LE did a good job. Everyone lived. The prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB performed the act that would otherwise be a crime (shot LK twice), and the defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence that MB was insane at the time.

Yes. I think itā€™s evident from the reactions of the different posters here. Most of us could hardly believe the details that were coming out, just because the whole thing was so far out of our range of experience.

Then there were some posters who had dealt with similar challenges throughout their careers in or around the legal system who were completely unsurprised by most of it.


But we will never know for sure because MB skipped that part.

This is about as accurate as your explanation of what happened to Lauren medically.


And no, I am not saying you are lying (even though you accuse everyone you do not agree with of doing that), I am saying you are not understanding what happened correctly (just like with the Krol hearing and the thoracic surgeon testimony).



Means nothing. At my job problem people with ā€œhooksā€ were promoted to get rid of them to somewhere else and make them happy to avoid their suing or starting an employment action. Happens all the time.


You have a lot of room for your intestines/guts to swell. Sometimes the stomach swells too much for an incision to be closed after it is made however.

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She reacted badly to what he did do, soā€¦


He testified he was called and it was a call for his emergency service. I bet that is important for billing. You start right off telling lies like they asked him to drop by. If he had to drive in, things would have been much worse for MB. No more SM posts. No less than sympathetic performance as a witness. Thank God he was there and thank God LK is so resilient.

Specialty surgeons do not stand around the ER waiting for a patient to come in. They are paged/called into the ER as they are needed. It is part of their duties for that day.

You implied earlier that he was not there and had to be called into the hospital. He did not.

It truly is a blessing that he was available, just a minute down the hall.


Thank God MB wasnā€™t killed because RG sure came close. That will make an interesting movie of the ā€œbased on a real-life incidentā€ ilk.


LE did a terrible job. So did the prosecution.

The experts agree.


If the two small marks above her hand are from the bullets, and the surgeon described the wounds as going upward through her body, if I recall correctly, Iā€™m still wondering how that was physically possible if the 5ā€™2ā€+/- LK was next to the 6ā€™3ā€ MB, as she testified.


We had a doctor that used to call the CCU and pretend he was being called in for an emergency as a way of getting out of his speeding tickets. Once my husband picked up that call and went along with it. About 15 minutes later that doctor walked in and he said, ā€œyou really didnā€™t have to come, we didnā€™t really need you.ā€ The response, ā€œNo, I really had to comeā€ā€¦ā€¦

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And the ear witness on the K family payroll said he only heard two sounds that could have been gunshots.