Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes, we pointed this out. He had to be on his knees or on the ground with her standing over him to make it work. Didn’t jive with the testimony given. One other possibility, self inflicted would give the correct angle as well.


The stem to stern comment is where I think the misunderstanding was. I suppose it just sounds worse to describe it that way and that seems modus operandi for the krew.


Here @Kitty64! Here @Kitty64!

I’ve said repeatedly I don’t know her, her family, MB, MHG, RG, their families, LO, etc. except through this forum. This video has been posted a few times. Watch the trial on YouTube.

We still just don’t believe you.


Do you really want me watching more trial again because the last time things did not end up too great for you when I did?

I already watched this part though, where she describes how she was cut all over and then they show a photo of her scars that do not match what she describes.
I posted the screen shot of that photo above, did you not see it?

BTW, I believe you @hut-ho78 that you are not family or such with Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) or Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1).


And you just happened to refer to RG as “Guy” like only his friends and family do. Riiiiiight…


Well, this could be a situation where someone wants to feel special and part of something so they choose to use the familiar name that the family uses instead of the name the rest of the society uses.
In other words, she likely does not know them at all, but wants to feel like part of their tight knit group.


7 days after the shooting? How would a random internet poster with no connection at all even know that someone went by their middle name instead of a first name? The news articles certainly was not referring to him as “Guy”. It was Robert or a full name.


Because Hut likes to google the snot out of everything (not always finding the right facts, but that is beside the point) and I would bet there were some available posts someplace where people called him Guy.


I thought she didn’t follow LK’s social media? I certainly didn’t find any…and neither did anyone else on that thread….not enough to reference him as such.


That doesn’t show a scar the entire length of her torso, though. It shows a scar similar to a c-section scar.


Having never had a C-section or seen a C-section scar I am going to ask a stupid question - They cut you vertically to get the baby out now? I thought they cut you horizontally.


Please note his Facebook page was still open to the public. These posts were all before my post.

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What a load. MHG testified testified in court that the apartment that LK and superman were staying and the basement had access to the main part of the house. So the basement had two means of egress.


In an emergency they may cut you vertically. They try to do it the other way as much as possible, though. I think a while back it was more common to have a vertical scar.


Some c-sections are vertical incisions. My cousin has one that is vertical, but she had two uteruses. Mine is horizontal outside, but my surgeon said it was vertical inside…


Well I just googled the snot out of C section scars and the first ones that showed up were horizontal so looks like you know what you are talking about. I had a relative opened up for exploratory surgery when it should have been a small appendectomy scar. She was not happy about it. No more two piece bathing suits.

Many years ago, my dog had heart surgery (long story). His incision ran from up between his front legs alllllllll the way down his abdomen to almost his hind legs. For years I’ve called it his Zipper, because it looks like you could unzip his whole dog fur suit with it.

Perhaps I should start telling him they splits him open stem to stern?

( I’ve never measured his zipper scar, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s around 20” long.)


Post-traumatic inflammatory response and high volumes of fluids administered to deal with hemorrhagic shock can result in abdominal compartment syndrome–swelling/edema of the viscera–which can have an adverse effect on respiratory efforts as well as direct further damage to the viscera from pressure.