Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes. Me. I do.

If LK and RG did not say anything then doesn’t that go against one person in the conversation needs to know?


They’ve been posted to the forum more than once. Is this evidence that certain parties are not reading anything


Yes, I’m familiar with consent laws regarding recording. You assume that there is no expectation of privacy in the facility. However, as this was a privately owned and operated facility, not open to the public, it may be safe to assume LK did not have permission from the property owner to plant recording devices. Nor is there mention of any cameras or recording devices that were placed in the property from by the facility management. Therefore, it may be safe to assume no person on the property would expect to be recorded, assuming there was no signage posted or waivers signed, and a reasonable expectation of privacy would exist in areas of the barn.

Assuming, arguendo, if there was no expectation of privacy in the facility itself, one party consent states still require one of the parties participating in the conversation to consent to being recorded. Usually by audibly stating that they consent to being recorded. It’s been awhile, but I could brush up on my law school notes if you need a more thorough explanation of what a reasonable expectation of privacy means.


Good question. I think if I am walking around with a recorder in a state with one person consent, I am the one person. However, if one person has a listening device powerful enough to go through windows or Sheetrock? I don’t know. If it’s down the barn aisle and they are loud enough to be heard or even in the next room loud enough to be heard? Is it a cheap listening device or a super spy listening device?

To me, that comes down to reasonable expectation of privacy and I’m interested in learning what New Jersey law has said about that.

I’m in a two party consent state but if one party is breaking the law for example sexual harassment or bribery, the person recording to my limited knowledge of actual events has not been charged with breaking the law. If it was a recording from a non law enforcement party and given to law enforcement, I think that is ok.

What I do think is that this is a win-win for the defense. If they determine that LK was blowing smoke then they can say “see she deliberately agitated him.” If they determine the recordings were illegal, then they can still say “see how she deliberately agitated him” and maybe they can get those recordings thrown out of the civil proceedings especially if the recordings hurt their client.

If the recordings end up legal or “legal enough for court” depending on prior court cases and they make MB look bad then I can see (added “see”) why they are going all out to get hold of them now before any “bombshells.” They are just doing their job.

Like Danielle (Dani) Mathers did?

“I’m not that kind of person! No one else was supposed to see that post?”

Translation - I am SO MUCH “that kind of person” and so is my friend to laugh at a nude 69+ year old woman at the gym shower. I just never thought the public would find out.

Banned from ALL LA Fitness gyms for life, lost radio job, had to do community service & I think she should have been served time.


Well. If someone is thoughtless enough to laugh at a nude 69 year old woman in a gym shower, the last laugh is on them. Someday they may make it to 69 if they are lucky and they may be active enough to work out in a gym if they are lucky and probably face the same scrutiny they are applying now.

Besides, old bodies are beautiful bodies. They have been lived in and hold a lifetime experience.




Rosanna Williams. The person LK bought her horses through, her friend.

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She only joined here for a bit? She joined well before trial. She contributed as recently as the last thread.


Yep! I just saw another along those lines today. Luckily people call it out.

We can’t normalize bad behavior.


Except the ones that MB was planning to put up in the barn, which LK testified she was planning to tear down the moment they were put up, as I recall from the criminal trial.

I wonder what the jury in the civil trial will make of that testimony?


Not saying they didn’t happen but I don’t remember either of those statements.

The problem with that might be getting blood from a stone.

I can understand that MB might be motivated to make sure the facts come out, even if he is not able to actually collect on the damages that could be awarded to him.

I don’t know if other people would have as much motivation under those circumstances.

Especially after seeing how this case is getting dragged out, even when LK is the plaintiff.


They like doing that. IMHO.


Thank you!


This is pretty ironic and funny for you to say considering how you described MB as old, dried out and practically on death’s door for being in his 50s in a different thread.


Her father, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) seemed to think she had the “economic autonomy” to move because he is who arranged a new place for her to go, that she refused to go to. I believe Lauren said under oath that the money comes from her father and the bank, so it would be logical to say that if her father approved of the facility, then Lauren could afford the facility.

Discovery was done during the criminal trial so most likely Michael knows exactly what is on the recordings. Michael’s lawyers are not asking for the recordings in discovery right now, just the transcripts that Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) has bragged about making and sending all over the place.

One party consent does not include the one party eavesdropping on other people having a conversation. It means the one party is part of the conversation.


I too remember posts about LK tearing out MBs devices. I commented on how someone could have the utter audacity to do that.


You are calling me a liar for saying something I never said. I haven’t denied Facebook postings unless they have been posted here and information on them is not what was claimed (Walthers/Rugers). I am not friends with her on Facebook. I do not follow her on social media. I am not friends with her in person.

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