Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Again, you are misrepresenting what I said.


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It really makes me wonder what steps had been taken to make such a plan even work. In theory MB’s cameras would have recorded to a cloud….so one would be seen in the attempt to remove them.

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What part of MB and his lawyer helping Daddio and his lawyers secure an alternate place for her to go did you not understand? She had the means and opportunity to leave, but clearly not the desire. She refused.


Again it defies logic how you think barn gossip and a recorder worn by someone could have captured a private phone conversation MB had in his office.


No. I’m saying you are lying by saying certain FB posts do not exist when they have been posted, proven to exist and acknowledged by more people than myself. No one is surprised when you try to contort facts.


Why does anyone continue to argue with these people? Serious question.


Nope. Not when you are recording someone else’s conversations. To be the “one person” you have to be an active participant in the conversations. And since nobody in the barn was speaking to LK by then, we know they weren’t encouraging her to chime in on their private discussions.

Why don’t you stop posting the nonsense you “think” and just stick to the actual facts?


Yes. I don’t believe MB ever did install any, but I recall LK posting that she or RG would immediately tear them down if he tried to install cameras.


Did you actually read this before posting it?

I am trying to figure out if your intent was to confirm what everyone has been telling you, if that was it, thank you for agreeing with us finally.


Here ya go. “We can hear it being planned” in the context of recordings suggests she was NOT part of the conversation and thus violates the one party consent rule.


So you think MB and his lawyer had a conversation in the office, with the door closed, that a phone in someone’s picket captured?
What phone would that be, iphone 007?


Yes, of course I read it. Again, the key will be expectation of privacy. Private property is not automatically ruled out as a public area. The locker area at a barn for tack and horse gear is NOT (edited for typing error) the same as a gymnasium locker room with “nekkid” bodies roaming around. In the barn area is found boarders, owners, staff, contractors, delivery services, etc. while not open to the public, neither is it a place where privacy can be expected. Now, MB’s office is a different matter unless the walls are so thin that his voice booms through the barn even with the door shut.

No. I think he confided everything to MH who confided to RC who confided to I don’t know, LO or JH and eventually it got back to LK.

I don’t think LK and RG are sufficiently ninja qualified to be able to plant and recover surreptitious listening devices. However, all barns have barn gossips not necessarily with bad intent.

I could be wrong.

There is still the consent thing. One party consent does not equal you (general) put a recorder down and walk away.

Did you mean this to say something other than what it says?
Locker rooms are specifically listed as places where privacy is expected and you are not allowed to record others in that article.

At this point no one at the whole facility was friends with Lauren. Period. No one would tell Lauren anything. So it is fun theory that they would do that, but it is pretty certain that not one of them did it, fun story though.


And yet here we are, still waiting for them to be released lol


No. White shoe firms (what LK meant to reference to look cool and in the know but botched terribly) are a specific group of very old, very large, established BigLaw firms. Nagel is more a law office, not a firm in the sense of a BigLaw firm. And Nagel Rice was only est in the 1980s. Not even close to a white shoe firm in size, history, or prestige.

Plus, LK referenced, I think it was, ‘top 5 globally’ in order to further impress us. Which means she’s talking about a White & Case, Clifford Chance, Latham type firm. It’s hard to pinpoint b/c rankings vary by ranking source and often split things out like ‘top 5 M&A’ etc.


Her own words. Which suggests she felt she had ample access to do things in that barn unobserved. Like access the office.


Thank you. NOT the same.

I wonder if someone will say this screenshot is not real or doesn’t say what it says or any other gyration to exonerate Ms Kanarek?