Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Fair. I’ve never been (although did do Indio annually, although I think it pales in comparison size-wise). I understand it’s a huge scene across multiple disciplines. My second favorite horse in our barn (after my own of course!) leaves next week. Am very jealous!


Sorry, I meant 2 casings and LK. And by “between the truck and house” I didn’t mean in a line between those, but rather all closer to the house than the truck is.

I had assumed the locations of people were where they were found by police, not where they were treated. But that was an assumption on my part so obviously I could be wrong.

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The nice health department person said that the house was a two family residence, main floor and 2nd floor. The fire department inspector said they checked to make sure no one was living in the basement. MHG said there were separate outside entrances to the 1st and 2nd floors and they all shared a common area. That fits with the drawing, stairs up the outside of the house to the second floor.

It certainly looks like he was at the table and backed up towards his truck (similar to the day she admitted to backing him up to the truck)


It looks to me like he fired 2 rounds at LK from the bush area (of which they found one), moved towards RG at the house and fired the third (which they found). Glad you posted this.

It looks to me like you’d see what you want to see. There are no bushes in front of the pickup.

I see his getting out of his truck, walking to the porch. Both RG and LK said he was contrite. MB walks forward, LK moves towards him past RG according to RG.

Then it’s anyone’s guess. To me, LK goes to attack him, something happens, shots fired, MB runs to get away from attack.


He shot her when he was by the bush, not the truck.

So are those Nadia Comaneci casings that fly magically through the air and backwards once and forward once?


And the pictures of where the casing is at show how far away they are from the bush. Plus the one trajectory also indicates they were not near the bush. Add in the height problems and bullet trajectory through LK and how LK/RG described what they could/couldn’t see with the bush…you get the idea that he wasn’t by the bush when the gun went off.


Yes after she had been shot

When MB first showed up, she went in the house to get RG, he came from upstairs, on the phone with ear witness. MB asks RG how can we fix this or something like that. RG says attorneys are hired, let them work it out, or something like that. LK comes out like Miss Badass to talk to MB, doesn’t get a complete sentence out of her mouth and then boom…boom…. Somehow RG dives back in the house, out diving the bullet coming for his head. I think MB was heading up the steps then when RG comes out, shocks MB, MB turns around to go down the stairs and RG jumps on MB’s back and puts him in a choke hold

All of the above is from my memory of RG’s and LK’s testimony. Please excuse faulty, tired, old fart memory


So the green is the bush and the red are the casings, yes?


If so, then how was he by the bush. How far do the casings fly. And if shots were fired from one stationary place would one casing fly in one direction and the other in a totally opposite direction?


To be fair, all a ventilator does is push air into your lungs. An ECMO technically breathes for you. Ostensibly, if your lungs are unable to inflate or deflate, then the ventilator wouldn’t be able to help.

I just re-watched the surgeon’s testimony and he did state that an incision was made to make room for the bowel so she could be vented and the lungs could properly inflate. So let’s drop this line of argument. There was a need to create room for her lungs.

At the end of the day, she was quite ill. It is untrue that she was shocked twice. Per testimony, she was “resuscitated” just once. And the means about how she was resuscitated weren’t clarified. But it’s true that she was very much injured and very much at risk of dying. They had to clamp her aorta, for Christ’s sake. So let’s (g) not diminish the extent of her injuries.

That said, how injured she was doesn’t negate her actions or culpability. So, can we focus on that?


I live near Moorpark, Ca – it is a fairly horsey area. I asked local hospital how many horse injuries they saw a month. They said “everyday…”


Here is some color
Yellow is LK
Green is Bush
Red is casings
Black is mags and also porch and steps from truck MB would have had to take
Blue is table where phones were

MB is contrite. He gets out of truck and goes to table. Contrite.

He could not have shot by the bush. The parties moved forward to the front of the steps but then MB retreated, falling as casings indicate, he was scrambling trying to run. At first maybe back to his truck but he was stopped so then in the other direction past the mag to the bottom of the pic where he was rendered unconscious.

Imput welcome.


This picture includes the scale. You can eyeball it and see that the casings were pretty far away from where MB was supposed to have been. It’s closer to the truck than to the bush/porch.


Then retreated like this maybe. Path in red.

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Also, there was a lot of import put on the inside of a saddle pad. There are a lot of reasons why a used saddle pad could have some fabric defects…

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Yep. You don’t dispatch a helicopter when an Ambulance can do the job. Remote areas, transfer to a hospital in another state, long extrications, or areas difficult to get an ambulance into. Although all of this depends on time. How long do ambulances take to get there? If it’s going to take too long and an airlift is faster, then airlift if it’s critical.

Not what I picture as “stem to stern”… ANY scarring sucks, but I think those are pretty small for being shot twice.

