Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

It should also show RG leaving the house to go to barn to meet with farrier and coming back to the house.


Thanks for adding it.
But shouldn’t the police have included such a large, angled low obstruction in this diagram they made?

A better question is did JK/RG retrieve anything from that pond on the emergency, got to go NOW trip to HH the next day. You know, to be sure LK’s horses were fed because they knew she would want them cared for. Right. I’ve got a bridge for sale if anyone needs one.

It is easy to understand why the cops didn’t look at that pond with the level of investigation they did. After all, RG told them who the bad guy was so of course they automatically believed him. I still say Heymer is lucky to be alive
other cops have made the same mistake he did and were killed.


Damn I know people get upset that we re hash the details so often, but these details are why

We all pored over this, and still missed so much.


Well, one would think so, but as we know this department is not really that into doing anymore work than they have to.


Yes, IIRC, LK called it a loveseat. I think it was one of those smallish wicker loveseats that belongs with a wicker patio set. I remember that she had complained that it was uncomfortable.

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It looks like there is another shrub at the corner of the house that isnt in the drawing. Maybe not important but the drawing should be accurate. The drawing makes it look like there is more room than what is shown in the pictures.


I recall a picture of it sitting out on the patio a couple of feet away from the bottom step facing the porch, so it would seem to me that it had been included in the tussle.

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The drawing makes it look like there are less obstructions than it shows in the photos.


EXACTLY, @Kitty64.

I know I went down a rabbit hole with the EMS stuff, but the point is
why embellish? Her injuries WERE significant and life threatening, why the need to make them sound even worse?

Short answer - narcissism. Because the appropriate amount of attention is never enough.


My theory is she was neither reading nor watching a video/movie but was listening to what was going on at the barn—more likely MHG and CPS’s conversation in MB’s office.

If she was reading or watching something she could have paused it and answered ED’s phone call. Of course she could have also never put ED in her contacts so she didn’t know it was ED calling :woman_shrugging:t2:.


So that’s my question, she was on it when MB drove up
What did they do, put it away before this altercation took place?
Or was she lying about it?
If she was lying, why lie? What was she actually doing that would make her create a nonsense, easily disproved lie like that?


So why isn’t it in any if these police pictures?


Right, but the conversation in the barn with CPS can’t be paused, its too gripping for her to interrupt and miss any by answering EDs call.
And so, she’s listening.
Does she hear MB go in and ask them for privacy? She should have a clue he’s on his way up there, wouldn’t she?


It absolutely does


FWIW, there were no “rounds” (i.e. “bullets”) found at all. The investigators recovered two casings, which proves that at least two rounds were fired, and IIRC, were assumed by LE to be the rounds that hit LK. There was not enough evidence to prove that a third round was fired - the bullet was not found, the casing was not found, and ED testified that he heard only two shots. There was only the testimony of two liars that a third shot had been fired, and the jury made it clear that they did not believe the liars.


Didn’t LK or someone testify that the loveseat had gotten knocked off the porch during the altercation?

You all are Super Sleuths! I wish you all had investigated what happened August 7, 2019 at the farm house at HH Farm!



I believe she is saying that we would have done a better job than the police did.