Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I won’t be carrying a pregnancy for this reason, among other, but its very high risk for me.

It’s a compliment.

I believe that the police work done by those investigating the shooting of August 7, 2019 was crappy. Very Crappy. Negligent even. I think they are and have done everything in their power to be vague and have tried to cover themselves in any way possible.

Basically at the very least, they should all be sent back to school.

They did not do their job.

Period. Point Blank.


Oh gosh, you’re right. I made up the whole thing that ejected casings fly out. What really happens is that there’s a little door on the belly of the gun and it slides open and gently drops the shell casing right at the person’s feet. I knew I shouldn’t have tried to get some made up fact past the team of forensic scientists here.


Yes indeedy

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I think it’s similar, but different, if you know what I mean? lol

Ok, call me stupid, but then where is it in any of the pictures the cops took of the scene?


You’re not answering the obvious question, why law enforcement even bothers noting where they are at all then.

Can you explain why they bother noting where they are if they travel so far and unpredictability?


To be honest, in the beginning MB was portrayed to be, and was believed by many to have been the murderer (as LK enjoyed saying), many looking at the scene with bias would not do the deep dive these threads have done.

For absolute certainty we would have demanded complete and thorough forensic evidence, including immediate retrieval of the recording devices.

Being a bit snarky, I wonder if Heymer and Wut-whatever were given promotions for being good cops protecting the department from embarrassment by massaging their stories and reports?


But @Maria, we live in NC where law enforcement training and performance is high priority.


If true, then I wonder why law enforcement even bothers noting where they are at all.


Well for heaven’s sake! I had a gun exactly like the weapon presented in the trial (albeit not pink camo) and mine must have been defective because it ejected the casings up and to my right every time. Maybe I should demand one that isn’t defective and poops the casings instead.


Well there was no pink.


I don’t know why it wasn’t included in the drawing or the photos. I could have sworn though that I saw a photo of it somewhere - IIRC, it was laying on its side in the area in front of the porch. Does anyone else remember seeing that?

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I remember seeing it in front of the porch.

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Maybe he missed his calling in law enforcement. He should be pitching for the Yankees.


I do not know why but this is making me laugh way too hard.
Love it.


I swear that I also remember it in a photo. Maybe later this afternoon I’ll have time to go back to the cop’s testimony and see if I can find it.

(Of course, that will be an exercise in futility because I have no idea how to make it appear here :woman_facepalming:t2:).

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Yes. I seem to recall she referred to it as “her” porch.


You can see it’s kind of on its side on the stairs in this picture:


MB’s phone on the table:

Two phones on an umbrella stand: it’s unclear to me if one of these is the phone Rob/Jim/Superman was talking on when the police arrived.