Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

What part of it do need help with?
Just posting a photo?
I can direct you to easy instructions if that is the case. One of the positives of this “new” (not anymore) format is how easy it is to post photos and screen shots.


Possibly also an attempt to draw more attention to the injuries themselves, and less attention to exactly how they happened.

The “Hey, look over here!!” method of deflection.


I’m behind again this morning so not sure if anyone has already addressed this. But it seems reasonable that LE would note their location to 1) prove their existence (which proves that rounds were fired - particularly important when there is a report of shots fired but no one was hit); and 2) have some frame of reference for how close or how far away the casings were from the reported scene of the shooting, which can help prove if those casings are pertinent to the incident being investigated.

And it is not out of the realm of possibility for those casings to be found where they were. When we are shooting at the range, it is crazy how casings fly around. Even though I may be standing in one spot and fairly motionless as I address the target, one casing may fly downward, while the next one may fly completely over my head, and the next one may fly some distance sideways. And if I am doing rapid fire, it increases the chances of there being a fairly wide spread in where the casings end up, primarily due to recoil of the gun (and yes, I am working on trying to better control that).

If LE were to investigate my performance at the range, they would likely find a plethora of casings clustered somewhere in front of my feet as well as to the sides and behind me. (One of my shooting instructors once described casing trajectories as “chaos theory in action.”)


Wow, thanks! This was taken after the cops had done some “work”—I don’t think anyone involved in the original altercation had a blue and white umbrella.


Thank you! I may not need it now that @ekat has posted one with the loveseat on the steps—I don’t remember that one.


Still bizarre to me that anyone would call that a porch. Or try to fit a chair on it.


Hey @hut-ho78, the thing with the red arrow is the roofed area over the basement outside access door. The green arrow points to the lattice covering over the tops of the stairs, down to that basement access door. This photo agrees with the drawing that was posted earlier.

Not that access to the basement matters one way or the other, but I just want to make sure that you realize that no one is telling you an untruth about the whole outside access to the basement.

This screen shot is from one of the evidence photos from the trial.


Well, if you want to know for future, there are great instructions in this (link below) thread (in the original post) on how to do that and many other things.

Edit to add - It is truly pretty easy. You can right click copy the photo and right click paste it in the body of your post.


It is really disturbing how LE gets away with not doing their job. Not just in this case but so many other cases.

IF it is really not confirmed who shot who and had the gun etc, how do they get away with taking MB to trial. It’s pretty crazy that no forensic work was done on the bullets and trajectory. Finger prints etc.

I’m just so fed up with LE. They are the reason in the Abby and Libby case in Delphi IN was stalled for years and years. They are reason Bruce McArthur was able to continue killing unnoticed. I could go on and on.

I just don’t understand how some places LE are so great at their jobs and other places they are so so terrible.

Proper forensics would have made the story clear what happened that day, regardless of who did what, the truth would be known.

Hard to understand.


My apologies to vultures, I’m prejudiced based on some movie I saw as a kid. Can’t remember the movie but th vultures were really creepy.

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I saw that some of the detectives working the JonBenét Ramsey case were demoted and the department acknowledged that those detectives didn’t even attempt to work the case (and other cases) for years.


That’s why we’ve maintained that MB could not be convicted beyond a reasonable doubt and why we’ve tossed together different plausible scenarios.

For me it’s not that I can declare I know what happened. It’s that you can’t CONVICT as if you know what happened because nothing is proven and the witness testimony varies too much and is sketchy.


Look at the sloppy work on the Moscow, ID student slayings. Walked all over the tire tracks, did not even photograph them: With the eventual help of the FBI, it occurred to them to examine the victims’ cars after they’d been covered in a foot of snow. And now the community is distrustful of the local LE.


It’s there…in the pictures. If you look close, it is on its side on the steps in this one. Another angle of the porch and the umbrella and one of those casings.


LK testified that Michael had already parked before she went in to get RG. She said she saw him park. And then his phone was sitting on the table. Like someone might do if they were told to wait while someone went to get RG to come talk.

It really begs the question, if they were so afraid (remember she said they knew about the murder plot and the desire to get them together and it influenced their actions) why not just stay in the house and call the police?


It only matters if you want to understand one reason the FM deemed the basement uninhabitable. NJ code requires each sleeping room to have emergency egress. Not just a general staircase out of the basement. MB had students crammed in the basement in an unsafe environment and was having it rebuilt to include more bedrooms after the water damage. It shows MB cut corners and why he didn’t want a building permit. He was attempting to do the same thing in the barn - building sleeping cubicles in the loft area above the lounge. Not to mention inadequate septic systems/leach fields to handle all those extra people.

R310.1 Emergency escape and rescue opening required.

Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room shall have not less than one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where basements contain one or more sleeping rooms, an emergency escape and rescue opening shall be required in each sleeping room. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, or to a yard or court that opens to a public way.

R310.6 Alterations Or Repairs Of Existing Basements.

An emergency escape and rescue opening is not required where existing basements undergo alterations or repairs.

Exception: New sleeping rooms created in an existing basement shall be provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1.


I would think that it falls in the category of “helpful” vs. “definitive” in placing the location of the shooter when firing.


Do you read codes for any part of your every day life? Just curious. Because I read that very differently than you are portraying it to say. (And I may have quite a bit of code reading experience under my very old belt. < looks at the code book that is open next to them on their desk > )

But that aside, Is your paragraph at the top as accurate as your insistence that Michael had not paid his gas bill and that is why the pipes froze?

It feels like it is since just one example, we all know the septic issue that was brought up was about the barn not being a living space because the septic was not designed for that. Ya know, the barn that Michael and his family were forced to move to because of Lauren and her Man.


I’m sure the basement egress will play a huge part in the suit.


Bingo!! Right as usual!