Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Just for extra information - in Montreal a bedroom must have a WINDOW that is large enough for a person to move through, as the form of egress. Each unit must have 2 exits (front and back), and each bedroom a large enough window.


My bedroom windows are big enough for a kid to fit through if lifted by an adult but then they would plummet to the ground. Most adults wouldnā€™t fit.

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What I find the most interesting is that some posters are screaming about how horrible the house was, but yet Lauren begged to come back to it and then refused to leave it. So clearly it was AOK with Lauren however it was.


That, was up there?
And RG squeezed past to avoid being shot?
And got Rosie past it to get her inside?

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Neither appear soaked in blood or broken from beating MB about the head and face.


And switch the cameras back on


Maybe that was when they turned them off?


Why can I only see one phone in that picture?

They are sitting on top of each other.

I admit, it took me a bit to figure it out too.



There is a white uncracked bloodless phone under a black uncracked bloodless phone.


Late to this party, busy work day and all. But he testified that when he arrived there was a man chasing a small dog aroundā€¦so who knows? He also sounded like he was too busy to be keeping an eye on superman for the first few minutes getting the go-bag etc.


The white one is LKā€™s I believe. When they took it out of the evidence bag it appeared to have had a pink case that was half pulled off.

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Thank you. Somehow I saw the phone cover belonging to the visible phone even though they are two entirely different sizes! :woman_facepalming:t2: :woman_facepalming:t2:


I had the very same thought when I first looked it it. I thought the black thing was a cover flap for the white thing.
Soā€¦ I totally get it.


How did RG stand up there, turn MB around* to choke him out from that porch, with that loveseat in the way?

*Cause if MB was shooting at LK and RG and struck the window, then he was facing the porch door right? If MB turned to leave/flee, heā€™s not close enough for shorty McRG to grab from thereā€¦ The deck is several feet away to begin with considering those 4 steps, but again itā€™s obstructed by that wicker loveseat.


So many questions. So little forensics.


True that.

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I still donā€™t get how the police assumed this was a premeditated attack.


RG said MB chased LK for 3-4 steps and then turned and shot at him on the porch. He dove through the the door to avoid the bullet and MB ran up the steps and onto the porch to continue the fight. RG then says that he leapt back through the door and punched MB and dazing him (said MB just stood there for a second) and then when MB turned to flee he jumped on his back, put him in the chokehold, and then they collapsed to the concrete where they were found when MB was rendered unconscious (pretty quickly).

And then he corrected to add: when he jumped on MB he saw the gun come up again and Lauren from out of nowhere grabbed MBā€™s arm and then he passed out. But he could see the slide was back so he wasnā€™t worried.


I think you win the best post award today! So very true!