Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Bolding mine.


Jesus I canā€™t possibly respond to this post because your reply has nothing to do with my post that you quoted. I was talking about tack rooms and you are accusing me of talking about malls.

Public Service Announcement: Please vote for candidates who will support education at all levels, because the ability to read for comprehension is important for every citizen of the US.


The CPS worker wanted to speak to RC. No good reason for a visitor from out of state to be asked to speak to CPS; except MB and RC knew about the gun. Itā€™s not that much of a logical leap that heā€™d be worried, especially after the barefoot trimmer said to start thinking of LK as able to try to break into things like the cars and plant drugs.


If you have another theory, I am absolutely willing to listen. I merely summarized what I have gotten from what I have read here. If Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m happy to hear corrections from others.


Ok. To clear it up. You cannot go around putting recording devices in places that you donā€™t own. You can put them inside your own rental but you canā€™t put them in the aisle of a barn. If you want a stall cam or foal cam in a boarding barn, it would have to not capture people out in the aisle.

Depending on the state laws, the owner can install various kinds of security or surveillance equipment. Video surveillance typically doesnā€™t include audio. Owner canā€™t install in places like bathrooms.

But a random boarder cannot run around putting up surveillance equipment evrn if the property owner is legally allowed to do so.


Did you even watch the trial? It really seems like you did not.


There are numerous plausible scenarios and thatā€™s exactly the point: itā€™s never been proven with EVIDENCE what actually happened.

The closest it got was a defendant with zero memory of the event being in the difficult position to defend himself from a lifetime of incarceration when he cannot aid in his own defense due to mental disease or defect.


So what you are saying is that since you donā€™t like Lauren and you donā€™t think Laurenā€™s side has produced a believable story and you think the police botched the crime scene, you can make up whatever you want to be true in order to make Michael seem completely innocent of anything?




So, this confirms you didnā€™t watch or pay attention to the trial.


I wish they would have called the farrier to testify who talked to RG that day. I wondered if he expressed any safety concerns to MB.


I donā€™t know how to quote this mess but I will try.

So you are now saying he kicked the women out of his office to get the gun and go to the house to try to come to an agreement? What??

So now the gun was there and he took it with him to protect himself from a dog that belonged to a couple that he thought was not on the premises?

So now maybe he DID know Lauren was at the house so he got the gun from the safe and drove to the house to do what?

You canā€™t even decide what Michael knew or who was at the house or who had the gun, but now he gets there and is attacked by a dog AND a woman with a phone (but not a gun??)?

Ok then.


Please donā€™t try to put words in my mouth.

The lack of physical evidence from the crime scene means that there is no proof either way of what happened. Which is why there are multiple different theories that seem plausible.

You can agree or disagree as you like. If you did not actually watch the trial, you might want to do that before you form your own opinion.


Offering plausible alternatives as police didnā€™t do proper forensic work. Didnā€™t even conduct GRT on anyone.

If you canā€™t understand this concept Iā€™m sure other posters might be willing to explain it.

I am unwilling to because I donā€™t play that kind of game.


I think that most of us are trying to piece together a scenario that fits in with what little evidence we do know about.

The number of shots fired from the testimony of the ear witness and what was collected at the scene. Also, the number of times LK was shot.

The trajectory of the one bullet that went through the window. If I recall, the path could have been from ground level to a standing position and still fit into the trajectory path that was testified by the crime scene guy.

The injuries that MB sustained as shown in the photographs.

The location of everyone as testified by the cop who was first on the scene.

I am probably missing a few other things too but that is what I remember from the trial.


But there is physical (and other) evidence from the crime scene. There was a woman with two gunshot wounds to her chest (someone of the three people on the scene had to have shot her), there were two bullet casings (might be wrong terminology since I am not a gun person), there were two people who identified the shooter at the time of the shooting. The person who was identified as the shooter at the crime scene did not deny that he was the shooter.

I find it really hard to believe that if Michael had shown up at the scene of the crime without a gun and with non-confrontational intent (to a house that he apparently thought was vacated, which makes no sense why he would have even rushed there at that time), and he came upon Lauren with a gun and actually ended up wrestling with her where he was trying to get the gun away from her? Why wouldnā€™t he have retreated from her if she confronted him with a gun pointed at him? What unarmed person attacks and wrestles with someone who is armed with a gun? Why do all of you come up with this ridiculous scenario for a man you donā€™t even know? It is totally possible to hate everything that Lauren has done while at the same time admitting that Michael is not a god who is going to invite you groupies to his house for a party when he is released from where he is now.

I get that no one here thinks Lauren is even close to being a decent human being (and I agree with that), but I donā€™t get why most here treat Michael like the next coming of Christ. He let Lauren ruin him, he didnā€™t have to, and those close to him also let it happen. I donā€™t buy that Laurenā€™s father made him let her board with him - how would that even happen?


Again, did you actually watch the trial?

One of the three people on the scene did shoot her. There was no physical evidence to indicate which one of those three people shot her. Fingerprints, gunshot residue, etc., etc.

The two people who claim MB did shoot her proved themselves to be liars under oath on the witness stand, so they do not have a lot of credibility.

They also both have extremely extensive arrest records for things like assault, which are readily available to view on the New Jersey courts website.

The person who was identified as the shooter by those two people was basically incoherent if not unconscious, according to the policemen and EMTs who dealt with him on the scene, according to the testimony at the trial. So itā€™s no wonder he did not deny it.

I donā€™t know any of the parties involved, Iā€™ve just based my own opinion on the evidence. Or lack thereof.

You can have a different opinion. Thatā€™s fine.


Absolutely no need for you to behave so shockingly rudely to me. You are very unpleasant to attempt to have a discussion with and Iā€™d love to hear what your level of education is given your struggle on this thread with very basic concepts.

What a jerk response.


This makes complete sense. He may have felt he had to go to the safe at that moment to prove the gun was safely stored.


Yes. Plus there was testimony from multiple witnesses at the trial that he was beside himself by that point in the proceedings, so it might have seemed urgent in his mind.