Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

And people I know with safes do not open them when other people are in the room. So clearing the room before checking on the gun makes sense to me. I don’t have guns in my safe and I still don’t waltz into the room and open it in front of other people. Kind of defeats the purpose.


I know all of this, and I said so in my post that you quoted. That Lauren might have an arrest record is not proof that Michael did not shoot her. Horribly disgusting people are not immune to being shot by people who are popular among specific groups of people who don’t even personally know the alleged shooter. It’s crazy, I know!


Equally, it’s not proof that he did shoot her.


Two people with an agenda and plot to destroy the other; and one with severe head wounds, that the police testified was barely conscious when they arrived.

I guess you believe he is faking the amnesia? And again, did you watch the trial. You seem to be dodging answering this question.


I’m embarrassed for you regarding this response. That you are demanding that I reveal my educational background shows how vulnerable you feel about my various opinions on this thread.

Why does my education matter to you? Why can’t you just communicate with me based on my posts? Are you trying to intimidate me because you think you are better educated than I am?




If we are going to go by the “proof” that those here want to believe, anyone could be accused of shooting Lauren. I was home alone on the night of the shooting, so I have no one who can testify that I didn’t shoot Lauren. Do you think I shot her?

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Good night and good luck.


Do you really want people to answer what they believed happen or do you want to bait people with questions and then attack them when they have an opinion that differs from yours?

You seem to have a serious chip on your shoulder. You are not required to participate in these discussions. Again, if you are so irritated by participating, perhaps not participating at all is a good option for you.

You are also rolling in here making a lot of assumptions about posters you know absolutely nothing about. Discussing a public case does not equate to worshipping Michael Barisone. Most of us do not have a dog in this fight along with a plethora of opinions on what happened in the matter and while most sympathetic to MB, most are also in no way worshipping him at the alter. Drop the assumptions. So far it seems your only goal here is to drop casual insults and cause chaos in the thread. It’s not necessary.


“Drop casual insults and cause chaos…” Hmmm. Fits right in.

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Unfortunately, it probably isn’t due to his belief in the righteousness of MB’s case but due to his innate misogyny.


Yes, there was some forensic evidence collected from the crime scene. All of which contradicts with the testimony of the alleged victims.

LK describes MB as walking up to the house, standing my a bush, shooting twice with his right hand, then shooting a third time with his left.

However, the forensics showed that the projections of the bullets occurred somewhere between from the front of MB’s vehicle and his vehicle door. LK states that 3 shots were fired, however, only 2 casings where recovered. If the shooting took place in a wooded area where a casing were to more believably get lost, then perhaps a lost casing would be more feasible. However, if the shots were fired as LK described, a casing would have easily been found on the pavement in the parking lot much like the other two casings actually recovered.

I believe MB fired his firearm in self defense. Why he took the gun to the house is irrelevant and not in it self incriminating since personal carry is legal on private property. However, one could speculate why he carried - self defense, self defense for a dog that could have been left on the property that had already bit RC and had behavioral issues, to cause harm to himself, to get the gun off of the property so CPS did not have a cause for concern over RC’s firearm, etc. I do not believe MB was rolling up to shoot two people with 2 bullets in a magazine. I don’t think he premeditated to kill anyone. Most people carrying for defense are not premeditating to kill anyone despite carrying.

We do not know if MB knew whether or not LK/RG were at the house. The house was supposed to be vacated due to the fire marshals. LK did not drive, therefore, a car in the driveway would not necessarily confirm her presence. We do not know if MB could see one of their vehicles in the driveway to confirm their presence.

If you look at the pictures of MB post shooting in the hospital, you will see he has significant enough injuries to legally warrant using a firearm in self defense. Self defense is authorized in the event of death or serious bodily harm. MB suffered serious bodily harm. It is entirely possible that MB showed up at their house for a plethora of reasons, LK/RG saw he was carrying a firearm, attacked him at MB’s truck and in the 7 minutes of LK/RG beating the hell out of MB - which LK stated she had done - the firearm was discharged in self defense by MB.

You can scoff and be pissy about my opinion on the matter but the simple fact is is that you can not prove that self defense did not happen. You are entitled to your version of events just as much as anyone else here is as well.


Please point to me where I have scoffed and been pissy about my opinion here. I have never said that “self defense did not happen” even though there is no evidence that it did happen. I have also never provided my own version of events because I wasn’t there but thanks for giving me permission to do so.

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Very plausible scenarios.


Scroll up, my dear. 80 plus percent of your posts have a negative and/or condescending tone. I don’t think it’s necessary to go back and quote the majority of your posts.


Rubyroo might be wanting to take up where Fat_Dinah left off? PS @Rubyroo, you brought up the subject of education.


Yup. Dissed @FitzE who happens to be wonderful. Not cool.


Because [edit] you called mine and that of others into question. You [edit] introduced education and mocked the level of other posters’ education. Maybe try paying attention to your own drivel when you are word vomiting it up?

Since you don’t seem to have the ability to comprehend that you mocked our lack of education and reading comprehension, I’ll copy-paste it for you as the 6 hours since you made this snide, tacky swipe at the other posters here seems to be too long an interval for you to recall.

And not all of us are in the US so take your self-centered insults elsewhere. Your posting here doesn’t exactly speak volumes of your own educational background so it was a classic unforced error for you to introduce the topic at all.

Talk about someone who is insecure. And probably projecting.

Talk about embarrassing responses.

[edit] :roll_eyes:



And promptly forgot her tacky cringey fake PSA and accused me of introducing the topic of posters’ educations.

Frickin’ brain trust right there. :roll_eyes:


This condescending, self-important remark that people make now and then always make me laugh, because it’s just so dumb. Like FitzE is going to cry herself to sleep. :rofl: