Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

If this is some new nonsense from that poster, I have zero urge to unhide whatever their latest nastygram is, but thanks for the assist!

I looked back at my post that prompted that first hysterical tantrum and I see nothing confrontational at all. I thought it might even lead to a classic ‘ownership is a bundle of sticks’ [shout out to all 1Ls, past and present!] discussion. But, no, straight to insults and self-owns.

I immediately put that garbage on ignore selecting the one-year option. :spiral_calendar:

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that ignorant noise.


I envy you. My phone won’t let me scroll down to select any time frame past 3 months.


Another fix that’s needed for the ignore function!


I blame my phone for this one - for now anyway.

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I’m afraid to say this out loud right before American Thanksgiving but… (whispers) I hate pumpkin pie!


Goodness gracious I am being so frigging good!!!


My apologies, I’m not used to being around people who are so fragile. I’ll keep that in mind from now on.

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Well, it might require employing reading comprehension through the various threads that showed the holes in the story where these various, plausible scenarios could fit.


Yeah, clearly you’re not.


Instead of assuming why not give it a shot? If my summary was not what you think happened, post your corrections.

I enjoy “strangers” who come to these threads, uneducated on any of the facts and history, and begin to argue with everything. Looking at those posters’ history on other threads it appears that is their mission and lot in life on every thread.

My ignore list is growing. At my age reading BS takes too much time from what I have remaining. That does not mean I disrespect anyone who does not agree with my oft repeated theories, but I won’t tolerate rudeness, lies, embellishment, or ignorance simply for reactions from those of us discussing the cases.


Perhaps after you watch the entire trial, readily available on YouTube, most of us will be glad to hear and discuss your respectful theories.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Another one for the ignore pile.


Let’s step away from the numerous personal insults before this thread gets shut down which is what some posters want to happen so let’s not give it to them.


I am about 100 posts behind but just wanted to say that I agree that it would be a travesty if SS had used KK’s transcripts as the basis for their investigation without verifying their accuracy.

But the point is not whether SS used those transcripts, but rather the integrity of the transcription. If the narrative as typed up by KK was not a faithful representation of what was actually said on the recordings, then that is evidence that LK was trying to weaponize SS for the purpose of undermining MB’s standing with USEF - and therefore trying to destroy his reputation and career. It seems to me that would be powerful ammunition for MB’s defense team in proving “damages” to MB.


Your assumption that I have not watched the trial just amplifies your obvious bias on this subject. The venom you spew in Lauren’s direction is seriously unhealthy.

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Having observed your lack of curiosity for the thoughts of others, I’ve learned you aren’t honest in your interest.
Pass. Which is the educated course of action.


My guess is they had KK do it so they could control the narrative on what got sent to SS. A little embellishment here, a little delete there, a name change, a redaction, etc., etc., to make MB sound like a monster and LK look like an innocent angel - and to eliminate or minimize any mention of JK’s role. Not that JK would be a target of an SS investigation, but I’m sure he and LK would have wanted to make sure he wasn’t in any way compromised legally in the transcripts they sent to SS.


Do you know Lauren? Until you do, don’t question what you assume is “venom”. Mkay?


You are kidding, right? “I am embarrassed for you” doesn’t qualify as repartee and is only remotely teenaged snotty.