Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

We had an ADA compliant port-a-john at a barn we owned at one time! Do we get a gold star?


One entertaining thing about having some posters on ignore is that tangents like this seem to pop up out of nowhere. Lol.


:rofl: now they can add one more to the team of EIM haters! :rofl: :rofl: Deflect, deny, defend. The Triple D Gang.


Ha! Our bathroom is all sorts of wheelchair accessible!!



Good morning Mom!! Having fun?


I needed some kind of warning, as I just spewed my coffee.


I really am fine with discussion and opposing views, but I donā€™t get the need to come here/return to here and carry on being a jerk. If you have differing views, by all means express them, and while there is a majority view for sure, some of us will consider other views and/or discuss them. If youā€™re throughly proven wrong, donā€™t take it personally, facts are facts, or lackthereof. Easier said than done, I know, and itā€™s so easy to get caught up in the riff-raff but itā€™s also fastinating to me when posters get away with some outrageous claims. Iā€™m still waiting for proof on at least 3 things said about me :joy: but there isnā€™t any, so thatā€™s cool. Once someone exposes themselves as a BS artist who is flinging words to just get a rise Iā€™d suggest enhancing your forum experience by placing them on ignore. It works for me quite well (the feature).

There are many things (yes, even those thingS said by the mob) that I disagree with, but canā€™t prove otherwise at this point, so I sort of just leave it. Itā€™s hard because a lot of things re this case are like that; no proof x did happen that way but no proof that x didnā€™t happen that way. Hence the never ending room for arguments.


Did someone take issue over my example of requirements like ADA compliance?

Jeez Louise, the simplest thingsā€¦


I really needed some mental distraction/diversion this morningā€¦ so I thought I would catch up on the Barisone thread.

And I see someone tried to dunk on @FitzE for an alleged lack of education and intellect.




My thought on this is that marshmallows are so wonderful that they can make almost anything delicious, probably even a sweet potato.

Not just wonderful, but also very generous with their legal knowledge! That makes them extra wonderful.


Yeah, that uh, blew my mind a bit.

Nothing like coming here, again, to say that posters are ā€œspewingā€ on social media instead of ignoring and living their lives, or whatever, and then doing the same. Itā€™s sort of like when someone exclaims how ā€œtoxicā€ CoTH is and keeps coming back :joy:

You can sort of make your own experience on these boards though. Either by using the ignore feature, scrolling, or only reading certain topics.


I have a question about Laurenā€™s zoom deposition, will it be held in an attorneyā€™s office that she will need to pay the standard rate for? Will there be proctor type witnesses to prevent any nefarious issues and will she be responsible for their fees as well? (How sad it is that anyone would suspect someone of cheating on a deposition, but she and her family have proven time and again that the law and ethics donā€™t apply to them.)


I canā€™t follow that logic. She filed with SafeSport that he was bullying and then he shot her. It validated the SafeSport complaint. If her gut was telling her it was unsafe (yes, she should have left) but she had a wrong perspective on the reason, her gut was still right. Once he shot her, it didnā€™t matter anymore. He was unsafe. The environment was unsafe. Any children that had been on the premises were in an unsafe environment.

With that logic, his complaints to USEF and SafeSport prior to shooting her could be construed as self justifying his shooting her through the organizations he felt most comfortable. Premeditated.

I donā€™t think so. I think it was tit for tat cascading bad decisions and a lack of professionalism. He was willing to ruin her dreams of competition but too ā€œniceā€ to evict her? Then he shot her and and ruined his own life and nearly ended hers. Without a criminal record, he can rebuild but Google says NGRI verdicts stigma can also stay with the defendant.

The 8-9 concussions, his age, the divorce with the added business partner breakup, the cash flow issues, the freeze and living conditions with no one to help him through this, the deluge of hysteria in the information coming in from grudge holders against LK (who were not sued by JK nor at all frightened of him), he was all alone.

Hindsight, maybe he should have evicted MH and RC (along with her gun), calmed LK down and kept RG working to repair the house. At least he was getting some board from LK as compared to none from MH.

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This thread is almost my warm and fuzzy place. Reassures me of the circle of life. Any day now it will spin back to all being MHGā€™s fault.


Yes, these threads are very circular :joy:


I think you are spot on with this, and your prior comment on the relevance of the transcripts.

I will only add, I think that MBs legal team might be thinking ahead about the SafeSport sanctionsā€¦ and they might be pursuing the transcripts in the event they have to go to arbitration over SafeSport sanctions.

Multiple other SafeSport bans or sanctions have been overturned or reduced during arbitration proceedings. If SafeSport decides not to lift MBs ban upon his release from Greystone (thatā€™s a possibility), and IF he then pursues arbitration concerning the SafeSport sanctionsā€¦ these transcripts might prove very relevant.

Think about it.

IF there is a significant deviation of one type or another (an omission or misrepresentation) in the transcripts submitted by LK and KK as part of the original SafeSport complaint vs. the actual recordings they madeā€¦ that would be VERY helpful evidence to have during an arbitration proceeding.

At this point, after having read many threads on this case and after having watched the trialā€¦ I would be willing to bet that the transcripts deviate from the recordings in some way. My guess is that certain conversations, statements, and key context was omitted.

My life experiences involving habitual liars is that they are very skillful, intentional, and prolific when it come to lies of omission. My guess is key contextual information (or statements) was omitted from the transcripts, so that the Kā€™s could paint a certain picture of the conversationsā€¦


CPS didnā€™t show up because LK whined he was bullying her. They arenā€™t interested in adults that can easily leave a situation. They showed up because of an accusation of child neglect/abuse to SS, which she went with when they werenā€™t showing enough interest in her supposed bullying accusation.


@Rubyroo didnā€™t make that connection. It was already made much earlier when a poster confused tack lockers with a sports team locker room with naked people showering.

Yeah, thatā€™s not quite what I said, but if you want to embellish go ahead.