Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Asked her to leave? Told her to show up for her lessons?


The abusive monster! /s


Has anyone else noticed that sometimes all the posts donā€™t appear?

It seems like sometimes I will come back to the thread to find previous posts that were not there before, and Iā€™m wondering if this is somehow related to the posts that are not supposed to be showing up because I have other people on ignore.


Iā€™ve noticed that. Also some posts are out of order, or the original post isnā€™t there.


Huh. Interesting.

As if it wasnā€™t already hard enough to keep up with this thread! Lol.


When did the moderator say the system was being upgraded? Maybe something is happening as they migrate the systems.


I donā€™t know if you noticed I keep saying what is deemed to be public is key to whether or not the recordings are legal or illegal. It can come down to is the language clear enough or vague enough that the recordings may still be considered illegal and not acceptable for a criminal complaint but not a crime because there was no criminal intent per the understanding of the individual. I donā€™t know how the law has interpreted this for wiretapping. I donā€™t know if it isnā€™t a crime, if a civil lawsuit can prevail. Again, itā€™s all how the law sees it, the judge sees it, and how the jury sees it.

The reason why I say this is because Iā€™ve run into public accessibility meaning and application before only it was on a construction job. It was determined it was necessary in the design phase in a municipality courtesy review. People who decided they were smarter than the reviewer got in a big fight, lots of chest beating and accusations, everyone was an expert, they went to the reviewers boss and got it cleared, the reviewer retired soon after (really nice guy). Towards the end of construction, the state shut the job down until there was an ADA accessible bathroom. (A separate modular building and it had to have an accessibility ramp). The state didnā€™t budge because they said the feds had already determined that it was required for this purpose. Then the reviewer was blamed for not making it clear poor guy.

I loved that post I commented on. It was so alpha mare. I am the authority and I have spoken. It so reminded me of that situation.

Public accessibility is interpreted in various ways as it applies to various scenarios and there are multiple court cases already. How it is applied for ADA will be different from wiretapping, at least I think it will. My guess is there is precedence for both. If that poster is a specialist in wiretapping law and criminal and civil cases involving the same, especially in regards to public access and civilians (non-LE) then just reading the law on its prima facie wonā€™t be the final answer here. However, if LK read it and can make a convincing argument, she had no intent to violate the law by her interpretation, she could be clear of a crime and clear of civil liability. Think audit and tax law. If you donā€™t pay the government everything it is due and they find out, then you have to pay what you owe with penalties and interest (or interest and penalties). However, if you are aware of the law or regulation and it was not ignored just misinterpreted, they wonā€™t send you to the justice department for a criminal probe for tax evasion, it will just be a payment plan.

I have my theory of listening devices. Other people give much more credit to LKā€™s and RGā€™s ninja super spy skills than I do (really, she canā€™t make it to lessons but should be working for industrial espionage or the CIA, not likely).

I donā€™t think any illegal recordings exist. I think that is why the defense is trying to hard to get a handle on it. If they prove they donā€™t exist then they can say LK was needling MB. If they prove they do exist, then they can try to keep them out of court or per their amendment, even if it isnā€™t a crime, it is a lawsuit. What a jury will do with this, I donā€™t know. I think LKā€™s gut told her it was dangerous and her decisions were not good, even really bad.

Nagel gets to really earn his pay on this one.


I have often found I have to refresh when I come back to the page, or else posts between my last visit and the current one donā€™t appear (making things make less sense than usual).


My apologies @Knights_Mom . You have to add that too @Rubyroo.


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The sky is falling! We actually agree on something!!

Arenā€™t there already 81 or so illegal recordings in the possession of all the attorneys? It was my understanding they want to obtain the additional specific ones used by Kirby Kanarek to transcribe and send to SS along with any others that might exist that were tossed around to others ā€œfor safekeepingā€.


Good question. Was body shaming an example of bullying or was it bullying or body shaming? Verbal child abuse not sexual per the form and court.

Thatā€™s all I remember on it.

Remember, the forensics they did do has been denied completely on this forum. The no gunshot residue found on LKā€™s shirt which ruled out ā€œpoint blank rangeā€ and ā€œgrappling for the gun and it went offā€ has been explained away by posters with an agenda as having washed away.

Interesting that some are rotating back to SS. LK said herself in past, closed threads that the CPS visit would be critical to her case, even the most critical aspect of her case.


No understanding of the individual? THAT is hilarious!

Law doesnā€™t work like that. Never did. Never will.


And thatā€™s really saying something! Lol.


That may be a correct description. It would also mean that I am right in with everyone else but just with a different faulty premise and conclusion.

Your response is not a coherent sentence.


It was also interesting that the prosecution intended to call George Morris as a witness. Does anyone wonder what implications the prosecution was going to be making there?

hint I doubt he was there to comment on ā€œbullyingā€.


Oh come on. From you? Yes, ignorance of the law is no excuse. However ā€œactus reaā€ ā€œmens rea.ā€ Both must be proved or it isnā€™t a crime. You are the one who really brought that home for me.

Thatā€™s why I donā€™t trust ā€œlegal folkā€ on these threads. Agendas.

Thatā€™s why it is the practice of law.

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Thanks. I just edited it.

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