Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You know, it’s kind of sad that this did not happen. GM is a HAM and a diva and would have put on a show to rival the Stache.


Ok now this I can accept.


For of the love of all that is holy, don’t give them more Latin to use!


Stop the double talk. You’re just not that good at it.

Unless LK gets prosecuted for illegal recordings and claims NGRI it’s apples and oranges.

Ignorance of the law is not the same as insanity.


I’m confused. Verbal sexual abuse to a child could not be bullying that was directed towards LK, even if the allegations were proven, which, at this point in time they are not.


Second sentence - Lauren Kanarek filed with Safe Sport BEFORE the shooting. How did she use the shooting as grounds for the filing if it happened after she filed?
Remind me again what examples she gave at the trial of him bullying her.

I can not imagine evicting paying customers, someone who teaches and trains and bring money into the facility while keeping someone who is ruining your business. You have an interesting theory on how a business should be run.

I think it kind of did in the post above yours. I mean…you are right that the wording is not quite that but it sure reads like that is the point in several places. Because you know, it makes sense to get rid of the person training and teaching to keep someone like Lauren around…right?

Not denying that tiny bit of forensics was done.
But it does not make the point you think it does, sorry!
There were three people there (that we know of for sure).
Is Lauren the only one available to be struggling with Michael when the gun goes off?
Going with the forensics as testified to at the trial, there is a good chance that the gun was shot from the ground, so it is just as likely that Superhero/Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks was struggling with Michael and the gun went off and hit Lauren who was standing near by, maybe freshly stood up from beating Michael on the head with her phone for seven minutes.
Two gun shots to her, no GSR on her shirt, angle is right. Explains the dog bites too.
They did not test Superhero/Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark’s shirt or hands, or Michael’s shirt or hands.

I think you do not trust them because you do not truly understand the point they are making. Your answers make that very clear. Your response here makes that VERY clear.


OMG my brain is twitching reading this absolutely ludicrous assertion. MH was his romantic partner. He was in a relationship with her.

Do you really think that ANYONE would give up their partner to appease a raging histrionic narcissist (IMHO) grifter?


Wow, MH (aka MHG) popped up sooner than I expected. Off to buy a lotto ticket.


For those bogged down by certain posters:

I really recommend a good cinnamon tea with honey as nice way to keep your center as you wade through.


A little ginger can help with the motion sickness.


Beyond that absurdity, that statement seems to forget RC testified she was paying full board too. So, some income right there. And she wasn’t running around in ninja gear at night, among other things.


And she was a trainer. She was teaching lessons, training horses, taking people to shows, other things that build the business even if it isn’t a direct monthly $ input.




Pretty crazy huh? [Edit]

Evicting your partner and a person who is actually contributing to the finances of the facility by teaching lessons, training and helping sell horses, not to mention increasing the barns status by showing successfully? Who would do that?


@jvanrens, ever since I learned about javelinas in the wildlife thread, every time I see your screen name my brain turns it into Javelina. Which it clearly is not, I realize.


Did you miss her testimony. She was not contributing except by schooling horses.

Who has been proven to have committed perjury on the witness stand? Is this another trial?

It’s funny how people can come away with such divergent viewpoints from the same information.
You frequently mention that MB suffered a significant number of concussions. Can you please remind me what evidence there is for that? I admit that I have not viewed the trial recently so I may have forgotten.
I don’t understand what you mean about his age? I understood him to be a healthy, middle aged man?
His business had the regular, ordinary cashflow of that type of business which he had been managing for years. That was in MHG’s evidence.
I understood there to have been a gap of a few years between the ending of his marriage/business partnership and the events of that summer. I don’t recall any of the doctors claiming that the beak up of his marriage had any impact on his mental health.
Do you have any knowledge of what information MB received from people who had been targeted by LK in the past? Either as to volume per your depiction of it as a deluge or content? Again maybe this is an example of a divergent viewpoint. When I think of what GJ shared here, I would not characterize it as a “grudge”.
You also stressed that he was alone. Funny, as I watched the trial, one of the strong impressions I came away with was how much support he had. First, his partner, who you curiously think he should have evicted in favour of the person who was causing him so much distress. RC came specifically to provide support. MHG’s father came to support them. His hayman, in the height of hay season was willing to work nights providing security - I remember thinking when I watched the trial what a good friend he was and how exhausted he must have been.

I have no horse in this race and don’t see MB as a saint, but it was clear to me in the criminal trial that he had the support and respect of his colleagues, his former partner, former clients and working pupils. I found it really telling that people who did work for him like the hayman and the woman who worked for the town held him in high regard. It led me to conclude that he is a decent person who treats everyone with dignity and respect.

After watching the trial, I concluded that LK leads a very isolated life primarily using SM for social interaction. Even her life partner seems to be paid for. And she is someone who appears arrested in her normal development. Eg her reliance on her father to handle fairly routine life functions like arranging board for her horses or finding a place to live.

There is an expression that no good deed goes unpunished. I think that is the situation here. MB extended a kindness of allowing LK to live at the barn, because she had cashflow problems. She then unleashed a series of bizarre and harmful actions because she felt slighted.


I do believe the point being made is that Lauren Kanark and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks were both impeached on the stand at the criminal trial.


Excellent points in your wonderful post @PDDT!