Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes. She wanted MB. Not Justin nor MHG. Just MB.


I think we already knew that.


I don’t actually remember that part, but realistically, I hardly know anybody who has ridden much who has not had at least one or two concussions.

Because… horses.


There was no reason why Schellhorn should have known anything about major-league barns, other than whatever smattering of knowledge he might have thought would be useful for prosecuting the case.

It doesn’t sound like the Ks knew anything about major league barns, either, based on LK’s previous riding background, according to people who knew her at that time.


Thank you for your well thought out post and sharing your viewpoint.

You asked me some questions

I remember 8-9 concussions mentioned but forgot where. Apparently it was mental health testimony and 8-12 concussions plus a skull fracture.


His age combined with the concussions raised red flags for me. Please see multiple threads in this forum on concussions and multiple concussion syndrome. Pus, there is a diagnosis that can only be done by autopsy regarding concussions but may be suspected by symptoms such as bad judgment, violence, and agitation, during someone’s lifetime.

A deluge is the impression I received from posters here who said they sent information to MB and MH just prior to the shooting at MB’s request. When I read those posts, I get nauseous thinking about the additional agitation caised. One person at least besides GJ seems to have a grudge.

I consider the back and forth with GJ to be in a class by itself. They continue on. GJ reputedly said vile things about LK and LK went lower than that with really awfully disgusting comments. I haven’t seen anything posted here except by GJ to come near that. It went too far, way too far. GJ even reported LK to TFG.

You are right about Hayman and there was also Tarshis. They were there for them. Anyone instructing MB to evict her was also there for him and that was also by testimony MH who asked if they could tell her to go because no one had.
What bothers me is that there seemed to be more effort made to bury her with SafeSport and USEF than the barn management task of evicting a problem tenant and boarder. I find it very odd that it was LO who had only met him a year before who closed up the barn when everyone else ran away (48 hours). Maybe he was not as alone as my impression. Maybe he was getting good advice and wouldn’t listen.

The payment of $965,000 wasn’t paid until the spring of 2019. MH testified that MB’s text to her where he listed monthly payment obligations was that it kept him up at night thinking of how to pay them. She also read a test where he said it was hard to “feel good after” VK “clipped him for $965,000. MH also testified that he had cash flow problems, not wealth, cash flow. He lost VK’s income. mH testified she was not paying anything to live there or for her 8-9 horses. Her income was not contributing to MB. I agree with someone that her schooling of horses was a valuable contribution but it t did not help cash flow issues. VK used to school horses and contribute to the income.

MB had some of the top ten stressors known plus 8-12 concussions plus a skull fracture. He always credited VK with making it possible for him to stand out with clinics and competition. Without her, all the things she did to aid his comfort and daily life were gone. No one else had quite worked their way to that point in his life.

Threatened with what? That’s gossip and speculation straight out of these forums. It wasn’t in the criminal trial that I remember. No proof, not even that of imperfect witnesses.

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November, 2018 was the date of the text. I’ve asked you before, but I don’t remember your answer. Why do you suppose, in the upcoming 9ish months between November, 2018 and August 7, 2019, there were no more texts of a similar nature introduced? Maybe, because it just wasn’t the issue you think it was?

Justin Harden is still working for him, per his testimony in court. Does that count? If we know about JH, and LO, and the other working student that was on 48 Hours, (in addition to LO’s daughter) maybe it’s possible there are others that didn’t want the spotlight of 48 Hours and weren’t subpoenaed to testify?


You do realize that a majority of us here have also had multiple concussions, yes?

The straw that broke the camels back was Lauren Shay Kanarek.


I think you’re thinking of CTE

How many concussions does it take to get CTE?
According to published research, 17 is the average number of concussions that leads to CTE, which is the progressive brain disease that results in these long-term effects of concussions.Nov 19, 2020

Just because you have had concussions doesn’t mean you’ll get CTE.

Considering the abuse he suffered, his depression isn’t surprising, and his seeking professional help is commendable.
And since we haven’t seen a deluge of clients who suggest he was… Any of the things claimed…


WTF?! RC was threatened by Schellhorn that she should testify on behalf of the prosecution in order to take care of her own charges or don’t you remember that?


Sorry, but there’s nothing like a cup of Earl Grey to center and ground.


I need a recipe. That sounds soooo goood!


Except LK. She wouldn’t train LK. Edited to add: I thought at one point she refused to train LK any more. I do know that LK refused to be trained by her. Not sure what I’m remembering.


November 2018 was the $40,000 per month payments he had to make and couldn’t sleep etc.

December 2018 was the final divorces

March of 2019 was the hard to feel good after being clipped for $965,000.

This is why I don’t trust the legal people here. So helpful and knowledgeable on so many things except they have an agenda. It’s in the testimony. 21:06 to 23:23 transcript as well. https://youtu.be/3CaQGzfdEg8

JH is still working for him. Comments in these forums and LO on 48 hours said everyone left and LO was the only one to get his barn closed down. I certainly hope you are right that JH and LO’s daughter, the working student helped. That would be great. The impression I have is that too many people were agitating him and they all abandoned him soon after the shooting. Can’t really blame anyone, it had to be traumatic for all.


I’ve had this with bourbon, pecans and brown sugar, but no bacon.

It’s a little more savory than sweet.

Bacon? Hmmmmmm.


That was cooperating to get charges for a crime reduced not threatening.

You said JK threatened MB. I say no proof of that that I remember. Gossip and speculation is not proof.

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I do not understand why asking you a specific question means I have an agenda. If you don’t want to answer it don’t, but don’t mischaracterize my question. My only agenda was, why aren’t there more texts after November 2018 specifically regarding “cash flow issues” if it was such a big deal to him?

The divorce and the settlement is not evidence of cash flow problems, it’s evidence of a divorce and settlement.

Can you point me to a time stamp in the 48 Hours when LO, or her daughter, or the other working student said that? Thanks.


1st Sentence response: Yes threatened with arrest and jail if she didn’t cooperate.

2ns Paragraph: I said JK threatened MB because he most certainly did threaten him. Multiple times in fact. MB didn’t want to take LK up north, nor put her in the house in NJ. JK told him to do these things or else. Just like JK has done to other stable owners in other states, like the lady in NC.

Your continued mental gymnastics of twists, flips and reposturing has surely reached Simone Biles level of contortioning! Bravo!


Ran away? Since someone had to haul the horses to Florida and there had to be people in Florida to take care of them when they landed there, it is possible that LO offered to take care of closing down the barn? It’s highly possible that one person (maybe JH?) did a couple of trips back and forth from Florida to move horses, so someone would have to stay in NJ and someone in Florida to take care of horses on both ends. If I could arrange things so I could stick around to help out in a situation like this for someone I liked, I’d sure as heck do it. Maybe being helpful when you can isn’t a thing in your world, but it is in mine.


Absolutely. I boarded in a barn that sold and moved and every single boarder and student showed up with their trailers and in one day that group effort got the whole barn and 20 horses moved.

That’s just what you do.