Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I have to admit I enjoy the occasional sprinkle of hazelnut coffee in my regular coffee, but not everyday. Even better on a cold winter’s day is a glug of Tia Maria in a hot cup of coffee. That reminds me I need to add Tia Maria to my shopping list, along with limoncello, and Frangelico. and maybe some baileys to make rice crispies squares.


I think I’m going to choose not to look into that specifics of that subject too closely. I can’t change the past, so I don’t want to let myself obsess about it. Lol.

I will say it would certainly be enough to make you think hard about letting your kid play any sort of contact sport, especially football.

At least when you get a concussion around a horse, it’s a fairly unusual thing. Or it certainly should be, anyway.

I hate to think of all the kids who have been crashing their helmets into other football players for decades before anyone realized the ramifications of it. I’m sure I’ve seen articles that talked about how kids would even purposely tank their baseline mental ability examination, or whatever it’s called, so that it would be harder to tell if they had a concussion. Just because they did not want to get pulled in the middle of a game. Very, very scary.


Bailey’s in coffee in certain situations is perfectly acceptable.

Cold hunting mornings, cold sailing mornings, after dinner coffee, all good.

Artificially flavored coffee grounds or beans? Not so much.


Deleted previous post to be more clear and properly quote. Re: bolded: Rob and Michael could have been grappling and shot Lauren at a distance. So, no, they one isn’t ruled out.

ETA: Ugh, won’t let me bold. The grappling part isn’t ruled out by forensics.


If you use two “stars” ( ** ) before and after the text you want to bold, it usually works.



I did! But somehow it isn’t playing nice with quote lately (have noticed on other peoples’ quotes too). Oh well…


Maybe that will also get fixed when they straighten out the ignore function.


She is my soul mate :heart: then!


Indeed! Also… Maybe I need to be better about “force of will” also until they fix that! Zero will power sometimes.


Me too… except chicory. Chicory coffee is oddly amazing. The rest of it is yuck.


The struggle is real. Lol.


Looks like he’s in MD training young horses and still working with MHG.


How is he working with MHG in FL?

Now we’ve gotten to one of the best parts of Wizard of Oz, the horse of a different color.

For anyone who missed it, they’re showing the movie again on TBS starting soon.

Plus a little bit of movie trivia from IMDB.


It looks like she’s giving clinics at his farm.


:rofl: Truth!

Ooh! Good point that I didn’t catch. Honestly, she couldn’t even come up with any examples of bite on the stand. I can come up with a solid 10, even from a trainer I adored. My worst trainer? I’d be on that stand for days.

I see you beat me to it. And the rest of your post? Mwah!

As to the oft repeated theme of MHG being “favored” or whatever, and the new idea that perhaps he should have evicted HER… not only was she his romantic partner, and not only did RC apparently pay full freight, but MHG was apparently a talented rider and business partner, and didn’t have issues with causing drama for other clients.

[Edit] You honestly cannot be serious. Even if that were true, and it is not, that is a valuable contribution to a training program.

@PDDT your entire post is gold.

LOL, I know of someone who is “extremely picky” about who rides their horse and basically won’t let anyone but the trainer and a trusted few to ride. Hilariously, they frequently limit the “allowable” riders to the less skilled. It doesn’t always make sense. We all know that MHG could school any of LK’s horses quite successfully.

The most unbelievable part of this whole saga to me is the origin story that MB pursued Lauren as a client. She doesn’t appear particularly talented or deep pocketed.

You really cannot be serious here. If you truly believe GJ is equally culpable, then maybe that explains your base behavior on the Ebeling threads. Yikes.

Even in the most amicable of divorces, can you imagine a scenario for anyone outside the 5% where that statement wouldn’t hold true?

As for the rest of your word salad… maybe stressors or brain injury contributed, but the clear variable that led to this guano show was Lauren’s plan to “finish the bastard.” It appears you are denying that she intentionally drive him to a breaking point. She practically testified to that! It appears you don’t understand mental illness. People with mental illness can be high functioning until a stressor triggers them.

You look to every other excuse that might absolve Lauren if her culpability in this. I find that… curious. And before you label me a member of the Elderly illegal mob, I don’t believe a lot of what they say and have said so. And I am not elderly. And I don’t own a robe.

As for your “math” post, clearly you have never operated a boarding it training barn or have had close confidants who have.

Everyone else has already said everything better anyways, so I will stop there. I already tried to catch up while riding and failed…


And apparently I figured out how to quote!


Yup, football… Yikes. No way

Cash flow issues.
Dr Schlesinger 33:51 to 34:20 why did he let her back-he needed the money.

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$5k doesn’t fix anything when its for four horses