Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Once again, if you don’t want to answer my question, cool. I guess we’re done.


I am overtired. I read the bolded as “keep your CANTER” and was envisaging a series of serpentines…


I don’t know, that’s kind of a tricky one, and I think it also depends on your definition of “pursued,” which could vary a lot from one person to the next.

I certainly have no inside information about what happened in this situation. But after many years around horses, I’ve definitely seen trainers who were always open to taking on a new customer, even if the person was not talented, and did not appear to be rich.

Largely because it can be hard to tell how deep someone’s pockets are at first glance. Someone might show up with a pretty plain horse, and then decide they are ready to replace it with a much fancier horse once they warm up to the idea. Maybe there is a parent or grandparent or somebody else off in the wings who will be willing to step up with a little encouragement, although that would be more typical for someone a bit younger.

So sometimes it can be hard to predict, I think. If you’re not willing to take on a new customer, you never know when you might miss out on a good one.

Under normal circumstances, if a new customer does not work out, eventually there is a parting of the ways when they decide they don’t want to work that hard, or spend that much money. However, obviously these were far from normal circumstances. (Understatement!!)


More leg! The answer is always more leg!! Lol.


Oh, gotcha, she’s traveling to MD to give clinics. Thanks, I understand now.


Wait - nobody abandoned him. Everyone still works for him. MHG did the smart thing to protect her children, and started her own training center. Nobody abandoned him.
YOu just make this stuff up?


Which vet was this?

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“We worked together developing horses for top sport, bringing along young horses. We worked on personal goals, training our students and clients and all of that.” MHG testimony


As Michael said in the 48 Hours interview, he NEVER provided 100% attention to one rider.


I wonder what the trainer who took LK to FL to begin with said to Michael about LK? I know she refuses to discuss or even mention her name now. But LK hadn’t been with her long either, so she may not have personally seen the real LK.


That could be.

Or it could be that LK behaved entirely differently, depending on whether she was in the big fish/small pond or small fish/big pond situation.


I’m not really sure what your question is. You jumped into an exchange between me and another poster with MB’s text about cash flow to MH being in November 2018. You asked why there were no more texts as though MB would have no more cash flow issues after November 2018. I provided the dates of the texts about the final divorce and a $965,000 payment by MB to VK. You asked for more texts specifics about cash flow. I didn’t find a text but found Dr Schlesinger stating MB said he let LK come back to the New Jersey farm in the spring because he needed the money.

So no, I didn’t find anymore texts specifically stating cash flow. I did find a $965,00 payment and a statement that MB brought her back to NJ for the money. What else do you want? Your hint that he suddenly had his cash flow problem fixed is wrong and based on nothing. Oh wait, the Jay T purchase and the $5,000/month from LK must have saved all his cash flow issues.

I haven’t found anything in 48 hours about anyone stating LO single-handedly moved the horses and no one helped. I hope I have the wrong impression on that. I also cannot find the text that I thought originated that information.

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But I believe LK also stated that it was only after the shooting that the K Klan understood that the recorded conversations contained a murder plot. KK mentioned that here in her comments, also.

(If I’m not mistaken, it was the comments about “getting rid of her” and MHG’s “I could kill her” type comments).

LK can’t keep her stories straight. Either she heard what she thought was a murder plot (so leave immediately) or she only realized there was a murder plot after the shooting (so why was she saying on Facebook that she was terrified for her life?)


“I stopped to help a friend in need when others ran away.

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“When others fled away, I stepped up to help a buddy who was in need.”

[quote=“eggbutt, post:570, topic:778966”] I
remember that post and her bragging about knowing how to use every type of gun. WTH?

Seriously.:roll_eyes: As retired military, I am proficient with the weapons with which I have experience. If you hand me a totally unknown type of weapon, not so much. (Well, I could probably figure out which end to point at the enemy, so maybe that would count as knowing how to use it)?


quote=“MorganSercu, post:572, topic:778966”]
A base AR-15 (no bump stock) can fire a bullet every second. That is still plenty.

True, but that’s still a long way from firing an automatic weapon. Those things are scary. The first time you fire one, it feels like the weapon is going to jump out of your hands (or at least kill some birds unwittingly).


YOu know, I keep wondering why they don’t subpoena Shelly Nelly Belly for her copy of the tapes and videos, but I guess they have copies of them from Shellhorn, don’t they? They may not need them, if they have them. What they want are the transcripts Lauren ssays she has which she sent out hither and yon to defame him. To compare to the originals, no doubt. So now that that clicked in my tired old brain, it makes sense now.


I’m so happy if he’s still with horses and successful. He had such a lovely, calm demeanour. I could see him being absolutely ace with youngsters, bringing them on.


The only way I’ve ever enjoyed sweet potatoes is in a recipe that boils them (cut into 3rds skins on), then cools, peels and slices them. Putting the sliced peeled potatoes in a buttered baking dish, drizzled with lemon juice, well seasoned with salt and pepper, and topped with batons of raw bacon, baked at 350 for 30-40 minutes, then run under the broiler to crisp the bacon.

A small amount of brown sugar can be sprinkled on . I agree that sweet potatoes are sweet enough by themselves and I do like them in a savory manner, not as a dessert. The small sprinkling of brown sugar just caramelizes the bacon but doesn’t make the dish taste sweet. : yum:

Happily enough, no one that I have made this for has ever disliked it, nor have they not come back for more.