Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

“.… to her son Jordan…”
That link reads like spam…


I only get to the thread every few days, today there were 600 new comments, and I’m still 300 or so behind. I’m assuming there’s no new information, and it’s just the usual suspects kicking up the dust for attention and screaming:-

“Look at me!
Answer me!
I need you to write you answers down so they’re plausible!
I need you to link to the information so I don’t have to do it!
Look at meeeeee!

Then when someone does actually acquiesce to their constant demands, they squeal:-

“Ha ha! You said you weren’t going to answer me!
I’m the winner, you’re the loser!
I didn’t tag you, you tagged me!”
Pretend not to understand the answers that they’re given,
Copy paste random legalese that has nothing to do with anything really.

Rinse and repeat.


Prefer not to disclose the vet, but it is a prominent practice that operates out of NJ and Wellington.


Those that want the recipe for Bourbon Sweet Potato Casserole with Bacon Pecan Topping, send me a PM. I’m not going to post it in the thread since it is off topic.


Following the amazing example of that shown by the person they are twisting themselves into a knot trying to defend.


My bad. I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to ask you questions in a discussion forum if I have a question about what you posted, even if it wasn’t directed at me. Sorry.

I specifically asked why Schellhorn only had one 9 month old text about alleged cash flow issues, yes.

I’m not hinting at that, at all. I am stating, as clearly as I can, a nine-month old text listing his monthly bills is not the evidence you (or Schellhorn) think it is that alleged cash flow issues from nine months earlier played a part in what happened nine months later.

Yeah, no. She made it worse in what she cost him.

Dr Schlesinger got more than one detail wrong.

Is a far cry from


MB is lucky to have someone like LO in his life. We should all have a friend like her. But she’s not saying she, and by extension he, are or were all alone. We know of at least two other people, not including her daughter, that didn’t “abandon” him. Based on the testimony of people who still hadn’t “abandoned” him three years later, I would submit that she was able to organize more people willing to help. I’m sure that felt like a Herculean task then, and now.

Since MB’s counterclaim is seeking loss of income, I imagine we will learn a lot more about that as things progress.

Keep doing your list that blames everybody and everything except the person he’s suing in his counterclaim though.


I think the thing that you are not getting that @ekat is talking to you about (regarding the financial situation) is actually very simple and basic and that is probably why it is being missed.

Sure, Michael sent a text to some of his friends about the final divorce settlement and how it is a road bump in his financials. Like everyone has said, that is what people going thru a divorce do, vent about how their side did not get a fair deal. Both sides think that, even the one getting the big check think the big check is not big enough.
This road bump reads like anyone would say if their money has to be shifted temporarily to do something other than what they had planned to do with it. Example - say your house is about to be paid off, and you are looking forward to the relief that it is all yours, but then it needs a new roof so you have to take out a home equity loan to swing that expense. Darn it, back to having a house payment.
It does not mean you are financially ruined. It just means all those fun things you had planned in your head for that money every month just have to wait a little bit longer.

All that logic aside.

That text conversation that keeps getting pointed out as the example of how destitute Michael was (and how that somehow makes it logical that he would want a client who is horribly under paying) happened some time before everything fell apart. There was no evidence showing there were any other conversations where Michael was screaming to his friends about having no money at the time that things fell apart.
If the prosecution had evidence that actually showed Michael needed Lauren’s way under market money anywhere near the time of the incident, they would have shown it.

Edit to add - Sorry @ekat, I appeared to have typed while you were typing. You said it much better than I did.


You said it quite well. I’m glad you understood my point!


I think a person would have to work hard to NOT understand your point.

Pretty simple - If this is the cause, why was it only mentioned Nine months before Lauren proclaimed finish the bastard?


That’s the thing…who knows what was given to Nellie/Girtie whatever? Could be tapes they already have or maybe it could be tapes no attorneys, etc have heard! Videos? Audio? No one knows, do they? Why was any evidence given to Shelley to “keep safe”? What happened to it? I believe there was someone else with Shelley when she was given the evidence so one has to wonder if she has something too or could at least testify as to what Shelley was given.


Thank you. I wasn’t sure if it was a vet here in NC she had a run in with too.

Can she get along with anyone?


I am not sure that is true because LK called the cops when someone tried to get her to sign A barn release form, saying (my recollection) that this showed there was a murder plot against her.


Yeah, that $5k per month with the number of horses she had at MB’s is a liability not an asset.


I think it was MB that called the cops that day, per RC’s testimony but yes, that’s what LK said she told the, when they got there - that he asked her to sign her death warrant.

The only time she called the cops was to report the black SUV that she saw the night before.


Okay, thanks. I wasn’t sure. I just remembered the brouhaha over signing the release.


I can imagine when daddi-o finally wised up to look for a place the princess would approve of, he got a very harsh awakening to the actual costs of keeping that many horses! If it is actually LK’s $$, she may have had a fit about the new expense, not even adding the cost of somewhere to live!


Brouhaha - I love that word! So accurate. :slight_smile:


Yep. BNTs in NJ, at that time, was a minimum $3500/month per horse. Start adding on extras plus showing…


Who were the posters here who deluged Michael with their grudges against LK? We all know GJ, but who are the others?

