Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

My group does this when we see someone who is alone at a show. Just the neighborly thing to do😎


That would be very interesting to learn


And only mentioned once.

I’m sure if it had been a recurring theme, the prosecution would have pointed it out.


As I dimly recollect, people would pay very good money to attend 3 day clinics when Michael Barisone was the clinician and didn’t he get paid a fee up front to be there, plus a cut from the riders and auditors? I can EASILY imagine MB earned more money from one 3-day clinic per month at someone’s facility than LK was paying per month for an ever-increasing number of horses.


This and I know several eventers that would trailer in to MB’s barn to brush up on their dressage… these same eventers would trailer in to our barn to brush up on their stadium jumping.


Among the volumes of her post, that is notably unnoted.


Is he suing SS for banning him and the state of NJ for locking him up for three years?

How did LK cause him loss of income?

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Finish The Bastard!


Why are you asking us if he’s suing SS and the state of NJ? As for LK causing him loss of income…if she had left when she was requested we wouldn’t be having this discussion.


How does texting that three words to your boyfriend affect MB at all?

He would not ever had known about the text if he hadn’t shot her, prompting the police confiscate her phone and disclose the contents in discovery while he was already in jail.

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It is not the words of the text that are important here, it is the actions of the person who texted them as they follow thru with their plan to do what the words say.

Which you know. We both know that. Good try though.

And more importantly, I thought Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks was described as a fiance at that point, not a boyfriend.


It was a rhetorical question. I’ll rephrase.

His loss of income is due to the fact that he has been in jail for three years, and now involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility. He has been suspended by SS all this time. Both of those restrictions on his employment are a result of his having shot someone.

Should he sue RC for bringing the gun? If she hadn’t brought the gun, he might not have shot anyone, causing the state of NJ to lock him up.

The never ending explanation of how innocent Lauren Kanarek is absolutely blows the mind. [edit] It’s exhausting. Maybe she should pay them to be her public image experts! :thinking: /s. Wait, why pay them when they beat themselves black and blue for free?



What were the actions of LK that caused him loss of income?

And why is there any importance at all attached to whether RG is described as a boyfriend or a fiancé?

People were looking to leave MB’s facility before the shooting.

MB cancelled clinics before the shooting

LK driving him crazy

MB in jail for 2 1/2 years

MB being in a psychiatric facility since being found NGRI

So, MB has earned basically NO income in the last 3 or more years

LK testified she wanted to ruin his life, which included his business and reputation


My point is that the loss of income comes almost entirely from the 3 years in jail and the current psychiatric commitment. Those things were actions by the state NJ, not LK.

If she was “driving him crazy” or inducing other clients to leave, it was his decision whether to ask her to leave or, if necessary, evict her.

Shooting her then blaming her for the loss of income when he’s locked up awaiting trial for attempted murder is like the child killing both parents then asking the court for mercy because they’re an orphan.


I’m a black coffee drinker, so no a huge fan of baileys, hence why I prefer Tia Maria in my coffee. :wink:


He did ask her to leave. She received a letter from his attorney

It must be really comforting to live in a bubble, where one has never experienced mental health issues or been close with someone who has experienced mental health issues.


Aren’t you one of the people who is regularly getting their panties in a twist about details mattering.
Like me pointing out that both Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks were both impeached on the stand I believe is the most recent.

Look, details matter here too. They finally fixed the caption on this photo and got Lauren’s sister tagged correctly instead of calling the female in the photo as Lauren. Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks is clearly tagged as her fiance.


You frequently refer to your understanding of the acquittal verdict but you focus on the first of the two parts of it. You claim he was found NGRI because it was proven MB shot LK. But I don’t find that you can rely on that position without acknowledging that the jury also found that he was driven to insanity by the actions of LK. His counterclaim seeks to hold her accountable for that and recompense him for the losses arising from her intentional plan to “Finish the Bastard”.

I understand people having little or no empathy for LK having been shot because they firmly believe she created the environment which led to her being shot and because there iinsufficient forensic evidence to give clarity to how the shooting occurred and who actually shot her. But, I don’t understand the condemation and lack of empathy for MB from those who see LK as a victim. If I recall, it was the evidence of the State’s psychologist that MB was not delusional because LK was putting him in danger.

Her resilience, I think is remarkable. LK seems to have recovered quickly and sufficiently to have returned to her pre-injury activities and has come back fighting her corner. MB, on the other hand, is still recovering from his injuries, I am referring to his mental health but likely physical too, as he probably did not receive the same level of care from the justice system as he would have privately. He will be rebuilding his health, his private life and his business
For some time to come.