Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022


Yes, she received a letter from his lawyer on Aug 5. Not from MB.

My best friend from grade school had mental health issues and committed suicide in the midst of an acute episode as a young adult, not that it’s any of your business.

You have no basis for presuming I have not been close with anyone “experiencing mental health issues”. Your presumption is wrong.


This is all that’s necessary. Whether the consequences are unintended or not, they are fundamentally what she wanted and was pursuing.

That is why there is a damages claim. Whether he shot her or not she intended to damage his business and reputation and can be held accountable for that.


No, the jury did not find that “he was driven to insanity by the actions of LK”.

The jury had to determine whether he was sane or insane at the moment that her shot her. They did not determine the underlying genesis of his insanity.

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No, they didn’t. The next one does get to decide that, though.


Darn, and I thought that was why people paid lawyers
to represent them and send those pesky letters.


And August 5, 2019 was before the shooting. Accommodations had been worked out for her to move along with her horses and her boyfriend. She did not move.

The letter DID come from MB through his retained attorney. Therefore, the attorney was speaking FOR and ON behalf of MB. That is how the attorney/client relationship works.

I think you are arguing for arguments sake and your arguments are flawed.


Really? MHG stated that she was “going to effing kill her.”

Merely saying that makes no difference at all. What would matter is any concrete actions MHG did or didn’t take to attempt to kill her.

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Most trainers manage to end relationships with clients without using lawyers. Or guns.

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Most trainers are not up against someone who refuses to leave and rallies every governing body they can find against the trainer. Most trainers are not up against Lauren Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek.

You make no sense, you start with he should have evicted her but when he starts to use a lawyer to do that you are all - most trainers do not have to use a lawyer.
In other words, You do not care what Michael did, it is all wrong no matter what it is and you are going to argue whatever the opposite of what he did is for each moment of his life.


And most trainers do not have to deal with the likes of LK and the actions she was doling out.

Most people would have realized that the relationship had gone south and had moved on to another place quickly and quietly and resumed their life.

LK did not do that. She stuck around to finish the bastard. She almost accomplished that.


MB has decades of income via tax records to bolster his claims of financial losses due to LK.

LK is going to have to cough up proof of income to show she has suffered any loss of income.

starts making popcorn


It appears that MB never asked her to leave, and his lawyer stepped in on Aug 5th telling her to leave even though MB still did not want her evicted.

Please don’t tell me what I’m going to argue. I get to determine that.


There’s a guy on Twitter named Bouzy. Ironically or not he is incorporated in NJ. His business model is to run interference for public figures and such (Amber Heard and Meghan Markle for example). I’m not exactly sure how it works, but the tactics Bouzy uses is very much like I see certain posters use here. I’m not saying that’s the case here
just the similarities make you go, hmm. And since LK uses Twitter I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a connection.


Lawyers don’t send letters out of the blue. No letter would have been sent without MB’s direction.


 If Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) provides the transcripts finally maybe the world can see if MHG actually said that and in what context.


MB has had undeniable financial losses. They were caused by the state of NJ taking him to trial for having shot LK.

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Please tell me how MB’s attorney sending a letter to LK is not telling her to leave?


Don’t all parties already have the actual audio recordings, @trubandloki?

Shouldn’t the world depend on the original source rather than a nonprofessional transcript?

And I am not telling to what to argue, Or even to argue, I said you are arguing for arguments sake and that your arguments are flawed.