Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Fortunately, most trainers don’t have clients like LK AND most clients, when unhappy with their barn situation, LEAVE.


Shouldn’t the world be able to compare the non-professional transcript with the recordings so they can see what Kirby Kanark (@Seeker1) is claiming is on the recordings and see what version they have sent out to very many places claiming they are doing it to ruin Michael?


Not if the non-professional transcript was not verbatim and used as a basis to give false information. Which is why MB’s attorneys want the transcript, to determine the truth or lack thereof of KK’s typed version to compare to the actual recording.

If you were being sued, would you take the word of your opponent that everything they have done was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?




They weren’t words, they were an order.


And her doting daddy.


MBs lawyers already have the report that was sent to SS with transcribed statements as well as the original source audio recording.

They have everything they need to determine whether what was reported to authorities was accurate.

The judge quashed the subpoena for all the transcripts as overly broad. It is not clear what limited subset of specific transcripts will be successfully subpoenaed. If any.

Yeah because most boarders LEAVE when they are no longer wanted. All LK had to do was LEAVE. But her sick, twisted (my opinion) nature instead had her doing anything she could to FINISH THE BASTARD.

THAT is not normal behavior. And it’s THAT behavior that NECESSITATED MB to get an attorney.

The fact that you would even make this statement is weird.


He hired a lawyer. To evict her.
But now for some reason that’s… A bad thing??


Do you know this as a fact?

Can you explain to me why providing the same transcripts that Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) and Lauren Kanarek have claimed as recently as the Krol hearing are being sent places is some how a burden to also send to the people involved in the lawsuit that Lauren Kanarek filed? If they are easy to send to people who did not ask for them for the purpose of making things difficult for Michael, then why are they too difficult to send to a bunch of lawyers that want them?


snap. Well wouldn’t that be enlightening


@Angela_Freda, I want to say thank you for grabbing just one of the very very very many times CH has stated how Michael should have used legal means to get rid of Lauren and putting it together with their comment today where they say that most trainers do not need to use a lawyer.
I stated it, but your post shows it in black and white (or whatever color general you might have your screen set to) just how CH will fight both sides of an argument.
It feels to me that they just like to argue.

Screen shot of your amazing post:

I think what will be enlightening is finding if that was said, and if it was actually said, in what context. I say that because I do not know a single person who has not at some point expressed frustration in words similar to that, but yet none of them actually meant it… Well, other than Lauren Kanarek (who I do not actually know, thank goodness), who clearly was very engrossed in her Finish the Bastard plan when she finally texted those words to Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks.


Testimony says otherwise. Testimony says he was asked to leave several times. And yes by MB.


Both restrictions are a result of being driven insane intentionally.


Beginning at 23:52:

“After welcoming Lauren Kanarek here to Hawthorne Hill, it now seemed Michael Barisone wanted nothing more from her than for to pack up, take her boyfriend and horses, and leave his farm.

Nikki Batiste: Why didn’t Lauren just leave?
Jonathon Kanarek: Michael never asked Lauren to leave.

Nikki Batiste: Did you ask Lauren to leave?
Michael Barisone: Many times.

Nikki Batiste: And she said?
Michael Barisone: Refused. Many, many, many, many times.”


Tarshis testified that MB still did not want to evict her, but wanted to “scare her out”, even at the point that Tarshis sent the letter.

Do you imagine that MBs insanity suddenly appeared at noon on Aug 7 and that he was acting fully rationally prior to that?

Tarshis was not just a lawyer but also a friend. I think Tarshis may have intervened on Aug 5 because he realized MB was not acting rationally.

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Yeah that’s where that whole insanity thing comes into play. Seems now you are acknowledging it. Yay.

MB wanted her out, asked her to get out but didn’t go out filing with the court because he was hoping she would just leave, get the F out like most everyone else would.

I imagine many people would also underestimate LKs ability to be a liability, a burden, a grifter, and a troll. My opinion.


The proximate cause of the restrictions imposed by the state of NJ and SS was MB shooting LK.

The proximate cause of LK being shot was LK herself and the parade of actions she engaged in which led to a situation where gun discharge resulted in her being struck by 2 bullets, in which the exact manner is up for debate.


I’ve said all along that one of the reasons that I believe he was insane when her shot her was that many of his actions prior to the shooting were not the actions of a rational person.

He was insane when he shot her, and probably for a significant period of time prior to shooting her.