Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Hey, I agree, anyone who willingly deals with Lauren Kanarek and her father Jonathan Kanarek has to be insane. (Just my opinion.)


Best example of victim blaming I’ve seen in a while.

You claim you don’t know the exact circumstances in which LK was shot, but whatever it was that happened, it was LKs fault.


As does anyone who believes what they say (LK, JK, KK & EG).


I can’t wait for LK past mental health issues and treatment (or lack of) comes out. That will be very interesting.


That’s awfully rich coming from someone who questioned the veracity of an allegedly incapacitated minor child’s sexual assault claim. Even more so since Lauren testified to willfully engaging in the contributory behaviors.


Any horse that lunged in circles so much would be dead lame. Or just dead.


My head hurts.

From personal experience…

How can some people not understand that having a toxic person in your barn affects your income? It means instability and worries for the good boarders, it stops new boarders or even visitors from coming - especially when they are accosted at the front of the barn by the toxic one and yelled at.

It changes the atmosphere. Everything becomes tense and unhappy and something to be endured as opposed to enjoyed. And yet, some long time boarders were determined to stick with it in the hopes that somehow the toxic ones could be removed. YES, they were asked to leave many times. But without the BO actually being there, they smugly refused. The worst one was the Trainer B***** From Hell that I have mentioned earlier… who once freaked out on me in the barn late at night (lunge whip in hand) when I was quietly checking water buckets. She howled that I was spying on her. No, I was doing the night check that needed to be done and that had always been done. Every night. For years. At the same time.

The insistence that the mere existence of such a person in a barn has zero effect on anything else is not just willfully blind… but sad.

I have seen it play out in real life. We had a happy barn full of boarders who supported and helped each other - and the staff. We had barbecues in the summer. A big Christmas party in the arena in the winter. We supported someone when they had to have a horse put down. After a devastating winter windstorm that left us without power for 9 days, boarders managed to get through the fallen trees and power lines and help with fixing fences and clearing debris. Including tall fir trees that had pierced the arena roof like javelins.

Segue to the reign of the TBFH… all of that disappeared thanks to TBFH and her clients/minions. It was hard to watch some teary boarders loading up and leaving, no longer willing to have to tap dance around She Who Must Not Be Named.

Soooo… show of hands! Who thinks that none of that had any effect on the income of the barn?

That realization - and one ill-advised screaming tantrum TBFH had in the BO’s face about how terrible I was - finally kicked the BO into action… and TBFH was OUT. But not graciously or peacefully… :angry:


If you want to interpret my pointing out that Ben Ebeling had not been charged with a crime by the police, who investigated the allegations of “the allegedly incapacitated minor”, nor had SS issued a sanction against him, despite having investigated, as “questioning the veracity” of the minor making the allegations, then yes, that’s what I did.

False allegations of rape are very rare. But I was pointing out that Ben Ebeling had not been charged with a crime or sanctioned by SS after those two authorities investigated the allegations. It’s not clear what happened.

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Who has said this?

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Acknowledging this is good.


I don’t know the exact circumstances of the shooting but I know very well how MB was driven to madness by a concerted effort of Ninjagirl.


By the same token that you claim MB didn’t know about “finish the bastard” by all accounts LK was not supposed to know about “I’ll effing kill her.”

That being said I know you cannot possibly be arguing that you are a picture of polite perfection and have never, ever said “I’ll kill him/her” over something that frustrated or angered you. It’s part of the lexicon and any lawyer who wants to argue that was a legitimate death threat will have a big hurdle to overcome given that 1. It wasn’t directed at the person in question and 2. It was uttered with an expectation of privacy.

Nice try tho.


With moral support, if not outright goading by her father and her lackey.






Imagine the horror MB felt when he discovered boxes of Suboxone in the trash cans on his property. The realization that someone who is a former addict but is living with an active user = likely someone who is also using illegal drugs and quite probably on his business property.

LK brought nothing and no one to the table to better anything. Everything she has done for many years has sullied and besmirched.


May I ask the source of this illustration? I don’t recognize it.

It’s one thing to have them just as a boarder but imagine discovering all those dirty secrets of someone living in your same house!!


And you know this how?

A copy of the report and some cherry-picked “transcribed statements” does not equal a full picture of what was sent to SS. It’s like basing your opinion of an issue on a few out-of-context sound bites from a biased source.