Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Her interpretation of a waiver not holding the barn liable for an injury sustained by participating in equine activities is: a murder plot.


Also, I think LK is so convinced of there being a grandiose murder plot because in her world everything revolves around her. Everything revolves around LK. So even if someone makes a general statement, a joke, or vents, itā€™s about her. It has to be, everything is about her (to her). She, IMO, cannot see beyond or outside of herself. Sometimes Iā€™m not sure that she knows that sheā€™s telling a lie, because to her it really is that way in her little universe. She just strikes me as a person who leads a very self centered life and existence, perhaps enabled by those around her. Just my impression.


So, she went from Kings and Queens playing chess to baseball analogies. Dear Heaven, the woman needs some serious growing up. She seems to be stuck in the 5th grade in a Disney movie, albeit a dangerous Disney movie, but a fantasy nonetheless.


Yes, we had to post the state notification (Calif
) a few years ago for an insurance review.


If I remember correctly, she was talking about having guests at the farm, older people or kidsā€¦ and was talking about someone riding her horses so understandably the farm would need waivers for them, and perhaps they found hers was missing also?


I recall the same. And apparently, according to some, he was so helpless at the management because VK was gone. Because MHG.


I just tried to find the photo of the NJ one on my phone to no avail. Itā€™s standard in NJ, where except in cases of extreme negligence you cannot sue over death or injury related to activities involving horses. Liability waivers are standard across the country. I had to sign one immediately upon entering my current barn. Never knew I was signing off on my own murder.

Side note: I take a lot of photos, apparently - but I remember taking one when she first said this. Itā€™s posted everywhere at my NJ farm - barns, indoor, etc.


That still confuses me, she doesnā€™t seem like the type to let anyone (other than the help) to ride her ā€œponiesā€. I agree they likely found her waiver was missing.


It was probably her mother or sisters because she has no friends. She posted photos of her mother on Symphony in NC. I doubt waivers were signed when she did that either.


Or maybe from the previous year, and they realized it would be a good idea to get a current one.


Maybe those people did not even exist, and it was just another part of her FTB plan to drive MB over the edge.


LK was a first level rider when she came to MBā€™s farm. Thatā€™s walk, trot, canter, some leg yield and slight lengthenings of the gait.

Imagine being so full of yourself you believe you are the highest level rider at HH, home of two successful GP riders and trainers, one an Olympic alternate, as well as a very serious FEI rider - JH.

Imagine being so full of yourself you refuse to move yourself or your horses to one of the many other near by facilities with equally great GP riders - including Catherine Haddad Stallar who was, what? 10 minutes down the road? Because some how, all of these professionals at the top of the sport arenā€™t good enough for our intermediate amateur dressage rider initially performing just above walk, trot and canter.

Then imagine claiming that the reason you are bugging and recording a privately owned equestrian facility is because you are ā€œin fear for your lifeā€ - and the appropriate response was to dress like a ninja and listen to each dayā€™s recordings, all while going no where and only provoking and terrorizing those who she is supposedly afraid of.

Imagine having your dad step in and manage your life including boarding, housing, and providing you your paycheck as a 40 something year old who is seemingly incapable of doing anything other than stalk, harass and try to destroy the lives of others. All of which LK has established a long history of.

Imagine being in a civil trial and conversations like what LK had with GJ being introduced as a representation of your character.

Imagine the civil trialā€™s jury members seeing the checked box on the SS form where LK falsely reported either physical and/or sexual child abuse.

Imagine them hearing about MB being forced from his own home to sleep on a barn porch while two grifters stayed in his own house.

Then the jury members for the civil trial get to see how LK threatened multiple people with illegal voice recordings of a ā€œconspiracy murderā€ and then how the entire shady family failed to produce them willingly.

Bat poo insanity and those are merely highlights of a long list of offenses.

LK was allegedly shot by a 50 something, tall, fit, successful, white male and somehow was still one of the most unsympathetic victims I think any of us have ever seen.

People flat out refused to believe anything surrounding her then fiancƩ with the straight NG charges.

No one is going to care if MHG said ā€œIā€™ll effing kill her.ā€ If someone goes after your livelihood, your career, your character, everything you own - people are going to say that and probably much worse.

Divorce or not, separating assets or not, he was widely successful and stable, until Lauren K., and was proven to be temporarily insane in a court of law, logically DUE TO LK.

And to top it off, the case has been discussed ad nauseam online for all the jurors to google in the civil trial to see who LK actually is.

Good luck to the Ks in their civil pursuit. They absolutely need it.


As she had unauthorized access to the office and possibly the safe, I have no doubt she removed any waiver she had already signed and that may have expired.

Yes, she definitely thinks the world revolves around her. In addition she thinks the sun shines out from under her skirt. Pretty long in the tooth to have hung onto to that belief. Most children mostly outgrow it by 9 or 10. Pretty rare to still be hanging onto it at 41.


I have forgotten this part of the timeline by now.

When was LK bragging online about having unauthorized access to the office and possibly the safe? Was that around that same time frame, so that MB/MHG may have checked to see if they still had her waiver from the previous year?


It seems to me, that in the few days before the shooting she was trying really hard to manufacture a plan to harm her, to the point where she is suggesting to the police that the standard waiver is some nefarious element of such a plot. Remember a few days before this she had recorded that RC had brought her gun.

It makes me more inclined to believe that either she had the gun or it was really a self defense situation.


I donā€™t know about when she said she had access, but Ruth Cox specifically talks about the attorneys wanting waivers for the people that LK was bringing in to stay in the house and ride the horses which led to the 911 call on August 4th.

Edit for clarity - the police werenā€™t called because she wouldnā€™t sign the waivers. They were called because Rob started threatening and screaming at RC. There was lots of screaming and threatening going on.


I donā€™t remember either. The whole thing is surreal. She wasnā€™t happy; he wanted her gone; she refused to leave someplace she wasnā€™t wanted (nobody puts Baby in the corner?) and she proceeds to destroy a manā€™s life & livelihood rather than LEAVING.

I was amused by her whole sex kitten act falling flat on the stand. Playing with your dental plate while fluttering your glued-on eyelashes merely highlights being middle-aged rather than disguising it.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


Thereā€™s also that pesky ole law which forbids anything like assisted suicide, manslaughter, murder - whichever way you want to slice it, a crime is against the State and its laws (Thatā€™s why the State is the prosecutor) and responsibility for it canā€™t be negated by contract.

