Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I’m making the same to use in my green bean casserole


My gosh, ED was so ill and un-prepared his video should be shown to law students. Couldn’t even get the year right.


We had a similar Christmas fiasco, in which the dastardly genius beagle employed the accommodating black lab into retrieving and hitting the chocolate smidgens.
It was a Christmas highlighted by barfing up mint smidgens sprinkled with rabbit turds, hourly.


I agree that the situation got as ugly as it did because RG was egging LK on in the same way MHG was egging MB on. It appears that it was MHG who most intensely wanted LK gone.

Each couple acted as a team warring with the other couple.

I think Tarshis and JK were the more level headed, adult, peripheral people who attempted to resolve the war peaceably.

As it turns out, MB was delusional. He acted on his delusions before the intervention by Tarshis, JK, and ED had time to work. LK was pursuing a legal resolution with ED when MB shot her.

Both sides (LK and RG vs MB and MHG) acted badly, stupidly, in creating and escalating the mess. The tragedy occurred because MB was delusional/insane and shot LK rather than wait a few more days to let LK, RG, ED and Tarshis work things out legally.

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Well this is a new working theory of wrongness. RG the hero is now being cast as a villain.



Idk about anyone else but having a boarder/squatter on my property and knowing that they are refusing to sign a liability release, in itself is enough to make me have many many sleepless nights. It would drive me absolutely nuts.



@Warmblood1. Excellent post! Perfect.


I do not think so. I kind of look forward to the evidence that will be produced at the civil trial that might show just where the encouraging and planning were coming from.

It has been posted on this forum that Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) has gone so far as to call up Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks employer to try to make them take him back as an employee when he went MIA from life and work twice. That kind of shows that Jonathan Kanarek is not the sit back and let his daughter just do her thing with out his input and assistance.


MB and MHG wanted LK & RG GONE. LK wasn’t happy as she wasn’t the center of attention by everyone at HH. She should have packed up her horses, belongings, ill-mannered untrained dog, Roxie and left. There are plenty of other trainers who are highly regarded within minutes of HH.


I think this theory is supported by the very extensive family arrest record, which is visible to all on the New Jersey Courts site. Even the mom has an arrest record! That was just amazing.

Especially since at least one of them had an arrest record that spanned multiple pages.

Who does that?? Nobody at my barn, that’s for sure.


That still comes across to me as he/they would rather throw fits and toss money at other people to keep LK as far away from themselves as possible. Not willing to ride out the storm if she got tossed out and had to fend for herself.


Plus, didn’t Bilinkas repeatedly state “the father” was behind or involved in every element of the FTB plan during the trial?


I went back afterwards and watched his testimony a second time, and on the rewatch, it looked to me like he already knew he had been recorded before he got on the witness stand. But maybe he was surprised to find that everybody else knew it as well. Or maybe he was surprised that the subject came up in his testimony. Hard to say.


That explains a lot about you if you can only imagine someone as 100% hero or 100% villain.

I don’t think that way at all. I think RG egged LK on in the same way that MHG egged MB on to create an ugly, tense situation. With his admitted drug use, he’s hardly a paragon of virtue. At the same time, when MB shot LK and may have shot at him, his willingness and ability to subdue MB was a heroic act at that moment.

I also consider MB as anything but unidimensional — a charismatic, gifted rider and instructor loved by many, but capable of arrogance and of using people.

Do you see life as a Disney fable in which the villains are 100% villainous and the heroes 100% heroic?


This sounds like the flipside of the Cookie McClung column the Chronicle ran for many years around the holidays about her efforts to combine preparations for a big family meal with also trying to fox hunt on the same day. Lol.


JK went so far as to make a phone call to RGs employer on RGs behalf?

Gasp! Oh, dear! A phone call?

Omg. I had forgotten that part!

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As a longtime beagle owner, I would say the “dastardly genius” description should be part of the breed description. Especially when it comes to food.


How so?

By sneaking around the property at night in her ninja outfit? By calling in the fire marshal? By checking the box on the CPS form for child abuse?


This one, my first dog, was beyond.
He was “wicked smaht” and outsmarted us at every. Single. Turn.