Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

A few years ago I was thinking of moving away from “our” breed, heavy bear-type competition bred Labradors, and thought I’d try a beagle - asked some beagle breeding friends who said “no, just don’t do it, the difference in breed is too vast - they will drive you insane”. If they made beagle sized Labradors, I’d have a house full!


I’m impressed that your beagle breeding friends were that upfront with you, instead of just handing you a beagle and wishing you luck. Lol.

I got my first beagle by accident many years ago, and I’ve always had one ever since. They are great dogs, but maybe not for everybody. A beagle owner needs to be able to roll with things a little bit. Lol.


Yes, and that is normal to you?

My parents have never called any of my employers to beg them to give my job back after I totally screwed up my job. Did your parents do those things for you? Oh wait, but Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) is not Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark’s father. He is the father of Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark’s girl friend/fiancé/home boss.

From what was posted here it was not just a simple - please let Robbiekins have his job back, he promises to never again vanish from work for days on end with work property being unaccounted for. It was more of threaten them to take him back kind of thing. Just like Jonathan Kanarek has been mentioned doing to Michael on behalf of Lauren Kanarek.

That is not how adulting works. Fully adult humans do not have their parents (or the parents of their girlfriend/fiancé/home boss) make threatening phone calls for them.

(Disclaimer, I have never totally screwed up my job.)


Well, then we don’t know yet what your father might do, right? /s



How would you know this? We’re you there?

We cannot blame MHG for anything. In my opinion she was perfectly within her right not to want any creature feature.

The fault was LKs alone. She was unwanted and just wouldn’t go.


I think next time - and there will be a next time- LK should stay with YOU.


This may be TMI but I think I have you beat with the worst Thanksgiving ever.

Our dog was out running the woods while everyone had just finished eat dinner. A hunter must have cleaned out a deer in the woods and left it behind. Our dog proceeded to eat it, all! He came in the dining room and thought it was a great place to vomit. Right next to our table. My father and brother immediately run outside to get sick and the rest of us were left to clean it all up. #soeffingdisgusting


At my old job the receptionist (in her 50s) husband would call our boss and complain when she had issues with the staff (which was always). He also showed up everyday at 4:00pm and sat in the waiting area by reception until she was off at 5pm every day almost. Bizarre.

Laugh, valid point. But that would be challenging since my father, my step-father, and my father in law have all be shoved into an urn at this point. I do not believe the phone system works well in those things. Two of them are buried in that urn, that only further interrupts the connectivity.


Maybe with 5G?

Sorry for your losses, though.


Oh, they’ll have to do a haunting on your behalf then. So much effort, from the beyond.

(I don’t mean to make light; I’m very sorry for your losses. I just think the whole idea of having your girlfriend’s father call up your boss to get your job back is just hilarious - without gender stereotyping, what man would accept that?)


Oh no, you can make light of my losses, I am the one who brought it up. I think we need to laugh at life sometimes.
The thought of figuring out how to make an urn of ashes make a phone call had me giggling.

I personally can not see most people finding their partner’s parent calling up their boss to get their job back after they vanished on a bender to be an OK thing. It is not right for either gender. Maybe when you are 18, but that was not the case here.


Anyone in their 30’s who had to have his/her parent(s) or his/her SO’s parent(s) call and beg for reinstatement at their job is an utter failure at the game of Adulting. I don’t care if the termination was unwarranted or not - that is beyond pathetic.

But I guess some addicts just don’t care as long as they can afford their next fix by any means possible.


Plus it’s not as if he was fired for being five minutes late for the first time in ten years.

The version that has circulated is that he went AWOL for an extended period with a company vehicle and equipment. (Twice?)

And JK believed RG should still get his job back?!? Who does that?


Hmm…who filed the missing person person report? Was it the employers because they were really looking for their stuff?


I seem to remember something about ED NOT being happy about his role and that a conversation that he had with LK, and possibly RG, was recorded without his prior knowledge.


Gee, what a surprise. It’s NJ, where the judicial system circles the wagons to protect its own scum.




My green bean casserole is also made from scratch - fresh green beans (not frozen), fresh cremini mushrooms, shallots, and heavy cream. And crisp fried shallots for the topping. It presents beautifully and is much tastier than those versions that rely on frozen green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and fried onions from a can. I’m making both a green bean casserole and the bourbon sweet potato casserole with bacon-pecan topping for our Thanksgiving festivities. Our kitchen will be hopping Thursday AM! :grin:


I also got the sense that he had learned at some point prior to the trial that he had been recorded. And that he was somewhat agitated that it was brought up during his testimony. It made me wonder if he had said something unethical during that meeting and was worried it was going to be revealed during the trial.