Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

In my former life I was a pharmaceutical rep.
The guy in the territory next to me did that, with co car full of samples, etc… Yes twice.


I dunno, I tend to think of people with lengthy criminal records who go through life not contributing much to decent society, and whose whole purpose in life seems to be gleefully targeting other folks by bullying, intimidating, threatening, grifting, scamming, recording illegally, defaming, and a host of other bad behaviors, to be villains.

Apparently you have different values. :roll_eyes:


I absolutely would not blame MHG for wanting LK and her manservant gone. They were not only drug addicts but were also shiftless, worthless grifters - IOW, absolutely horrible role models for MHG’s kids to be around.


RG was given his job back after the first “disappearance” and after the second time his employers told him he would have to be drug tested before they would consider taking him back. He refused. That’s when JK got involved saying he was RG’s guardian and insisted RG be given his job back. He called several more times until the owners finally blocked his number. Always lots of threats of legal action. It would seem an attorney, of any specialty, would know better.

It is striking that the Kanareks don’t feel the need to be held accountable for anything they do and the world should revolve around them.


Alright… brace yourselves for my Thanksgiving story. It’s an appropriate week for this to come up too. If you’re just here for the civil suit news, move along. Nothing to see here.

One year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, I put my 7 month old boxer puppy in his crate and headed off to work. I worked a split shift 10 am - 2 pm the back from 4 pm - 8 pm. It was going to be my first Thanksgiving that I was not going to be home at my mother’s, but my ex was deployed, so I would be having a Friendsgiving instead. I was a little sad that traditions would be missed, but also happy that I had good friends. I am not a fan of cooking in general, and Thanksgiving being high pressure for me, a friend said she’d cook and provide everything else if I’d just bring a raw turkey over Thanksgiving morning. Perfect. I also wouldn’t have to board the dog or make a 10-12 hour drive with a puppy.

SO, it’ was the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and I had been instructed to put the frozen turkey in the fridge so that it will be thawed in time for the big day. I put the turkey in the fridge, the puppy in the crate, and headed off for an uneventful 10-2 shift. When I came home at 2 pm to let the dog out, walk him, and eat lunch… he had let himself out. His crate was mangled, and he was laying on the couch gleefully ripping up a Horse Illustrated. Great! Don’t ask how many crates I went through with that dog. He’d be fine in it for months and then just decide he wasn’t having it, I’d get something I thought was stronger (they were at least more expensive) and we’d rinse and repeat.

I cleaned that up, and went to make myself lunch, and thought maybe I wasn’t thinking clearly cause I thought I had moved the turkey from the freezer to the fridge to thaw as my chef friend had instructed, but it wasn’t in there. I checked the freezer and it wasn’t in there. The dog is now at the door asking to go out and as I’m reaching down to take the piece of wood I put in the track to the sliding glass door out, I notice a scrap of plastic sticking out of his jowl. A piece of plastic wrapper that had been on the turkey.

The 23 lb turkey, giblets in the bag inside it, the wrapper and all… eaten. Not chewed up, gone. Chewed, swallowed, disappeared into the belly of a 7 month old puppy. Frozen solid at 10 am, now gone and I would have thought maybe a ninja broke in, took it, and let themselves out without a sign if it hadn’t been for that piece of wrapper stuck in his jowl at 2:09 pm.

I called the vet because I’m frantic at this point thinking my dog is going to die because he ate all the bones. (I was 23 and had not been informed that raw bones would be fine, but even then… ALL the bones?) The vet said to see if I could get him to eat some Vaseline to make things a little easier to pass, but just keep an eye on him and he might not need to come in unless things stop moving. I was going to make a Vaseline sandwich, but he seemed really interested in just the Vaseline, and happily gobbled that down on top of the 23 lb turkey, bones, plastic wrap, bag of giblets (including the damn bag)… so at least that part was easy.

I spent the next 2 days in the yard watching 23 lbs of bird pass. Everything was fine… well, except the turkey. I added a refrigerator lock to my Christmas list that year.


The missing person report was filed by the employers because they had been told if anything ever happened to him they should look for him. They called the sheriff and they all went to the house where LK said she didn’t know where he was and seemed unconcerned.

The next time he went AWOL he had a company truck and phone. The owners went to the house and retrieved the truck with the phone inside. They were done with him by this time.


Wow! It is amazing how they do the things they do!!

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Was this info in the trial?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m crying reading this!!


OMG, I would have been more worried about the plastic than the bones! What a miracle that your pup managed to pass everything and didn’t end up having major GI surgery!


Wow. Super lucky! For both of you!!

(The lack of vet work, obviously. Not the great turkey caper.)


Years ago I made Lasagna for New Years Day, friends coming over. It was sitting on top of stove, waiting; I had a "nature call’ and returned to find a big corner missing from the pan. Bad dog, but good that she didn’t eat the whole thing. I boiled some more noodles, patched the thing back together and fed friends later - with no disclosure. :laughing:
Then there was the lab (of course…) that we were baby sitting. Got 3/4 of a big chocolate cake off the counter, ate plastic and all the cake. We did the peroxide route - Dog puked everything up in the driveway and before we could contain him he ate it all again!!! (and puked again, thankfully). :nauseated_face:


Not a problem. He also has books with a bear and rabbit. Not as cute as Shannon’s though.I😁

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There was no reason for it to be in the trial was there? Any of RG’s prior employment had nothing to do with Hawthorne Hill or Michael Barisone and I can’t imagine Taylor allowing it in.


I have always had Labs and Lab crosses.

Mr. McGurk and I are aging, and the current dogs are 75# and 110#. They are both wonderful, lovely, well trained dogs with the typical Lab personality.

But 185# of dog in the house is a LOT of dog in the house.

I keep investigating other, smaller breeds and then finding out about personality or breed traits that I would struggle with. I was almost convinced about Shiba Inus until I heard the Shiba scream. I considered Border Collies or Aussies but was worried about enough exercise for the BC and grooming for the Aussie.

I need mini-labs. I have a acquaintance that breeds English labs that tend to be shorter and squatter; that may be the next dog.

PS - you can leave food out on the table or the counter all day it will be safe from the dogs. They require a release word before they eat.


That statement about Taylor seemed to apply to a lot of things that were much more relevant to the situation at the farm.


I was thinking maybe beagles might work for you until you got to that part. Lol.



That, and the dogs are outside with us all day and are very good off leash with excellent recalls.

I don’t think I’ve ever known of a beagle with good recall. :slight_smile:


I was just curious how you knew all those details and was wondering if I missed it.

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You missed it (here, not at the trial). It has been talked about for years, you were posting then. There is more than one poster who knows (or knew at the time) the people who were Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark’s employer at the time this happened.