Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Ah, perspective!! It was no doubt their BEST. Thanksgiving. Ever!! :smiley: :grin:

It was all a plot! :japanese_ogre: Completely planned down to the last intricate detail between horse, GSD, and Schipperke.

Though I’m shocked that the VET recommended inducing vomiting considering they’d eaten cooked bones! I know the turkey skin can trigger pancreatitis, but cooked bone shards are like glass and can easily cause damage. Guess it’s a balancing act on which is the worse danger. Glad it turned out well for your two miscreants!

:otter: :otter: :otter:


Because the owners are very good friends.


oh interesting, so more people actually have connections to this.


Full circle!

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Novia Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are smaller retrievers, ranging from 35-50 lbs, and are intelligent and affectionate. They are energetic though esp. when young, so need a fair amount of exercise and human interaction.

You might also want to consider another type of smaller gun dog, such as a Field or Boykin Spaniel, or even an English Cocker Spaniel. They are generally not as intelligent or trainable as the retriever breeds, but are usually pretty sweet and fun. I would not recommend leaving food within reach of them, though!


Those Schipperkes are very, very clever little dogs. :smile:


Adding another gluttonous dog post–sorry I’m late on it, but I was catching up. I got married two weeks after my 20th birthday, and simultaneously bought my first house. First DH and I had been living on acreage (in the middle of Los Angeles, no less) and had a horse, which we sold as we were really broke, and no longer had a place to keep him. We were in major financial trouble with buying the house as he was making about $12k a year, and I was making minimum wage, which was miniscule.

We pooled the last of our money (including change out of the couch cushions) and bought a roast that was supposed to last us for a week, until his payday. We were advertising our horse trailer for sale, as we needed the $$$ and no longer needed the trailer. Someone knocked on the door asking to look at the trailer just as first DH pulled the roast out of the oven.

I told him to stay put, and I would deal with the trailer shopper. The guy had a million questions, and first DH got worried when I didn’t come back in. So he came outside.

The guy didn’t buy the trailer. We went back inside after he left, and I asked first DH “where did you put the roast?” He pointed to an empty spot on the counter. Uh oh. Our two lab mixes had totally demolished it. First DH threatened to cook and eat them. Then we sat and cried.

We ended up having dinner at my parents’ house all that week (our only meal of the day). That always came with a very high price (“what were you thinking, buying a house?” “don’t you know how to manage your money?”). But it was that, or no food. In later years, I would have starved rather than ask my parents for a favor.

We did double our money on that house after owning it for two years, moved to Flagstaff, bought a house on acreage, got divorced, finally sold that house at a severe loss. Oh, well.



I decided to downsize a bunch of years ago. Found a 27 lb rescue- best guess is a dose of Dachshund (clear from face/ears/body length) and some border collie - smart as could be, not too crazy, but watcher of EVERYTHING that goes on outside the windows and in yard. SWEET and lovable. He should be a breed.


what a cute long doggie!!


We like to say the last two Beagles were Beagle-lite compared to my first evil genius, but honestly maybe Joseph Napoleon was just a mega-Beagle?


That is why I’ve always been interested to see if it comes out that this information was all sent to MH and MB to serve in his efforts to ban LK from competition but instead further agitated him in the days just prior to when he shot LK.


Thanksgiving and dogs

Years ago I lived and worked on a farm on the western slopes of the Rockies in Canada. The BO’s family owned and ran a hot springs resort just up the mountain from the farm. The BO had 2 Borzois who often went on excursions around the resort - and I would have to go and retrieve the girls. They loved to hang out at the timeshares along one golf course - which being covered in snow, was excellent for chasing rabbits and putting on impressive coursing/zoomie displays.

Cal from the lodge: " Smoofox - the girls are raiding garbage bins and having sprints up and down the 5th fairway and in the adjacent parking lot
Me: "On my way

American Thanksgiving week came and the lodge and timeshares were full. The ski hill was open. Visitors were enjoying the hot springs. All was well. And then the girls discovered a new passion and focus.

Apparently many visitors had the fridges in the timeshare townhouses so packed with all the ingredients for a happy family Thanksgiving that they put some things out on the decks in the freezing weather
 either acting as a big freezer or just to keep fresh things chilled for a few hours.

The first clue was when I came around the corner of the barn to find a large, frozen turkey of the not alive and feathered variety sitting in the middle of the snowy driveway, missing one leg and a wing. Looking and acting like an over-sized pinkish curling stone.


A couple of hours later a large casserole dish with the contents half eaten appeared over by the shavings shed. The foil covering it had been carefully peeled off and was laying to the side.

Then a fully cooked turkey with stuffing appeared - or half of one - by the BO’s front steps. The guilty parties were easily implicated. The zoi girls were positively giddy with excitement about this new game they had discovered.

More goodies appeared.

The BO exiled the girls back into the big dog run (with a heated shed) until the festivities were over for a few weeks. But she did not share the plan with her SO - who believed the girls when they said they were being Horribly Abused and Needed to Stretch Their Legs (the dog run was more like a paddock). He let them out and they headed for the Promised Land at top coursing speed. In due course the phone calls started coming
 it was getting dark so I hurried to get some of the horses in and then headed up the mountain to find the girls.

I patrolled the parking areas, calling. I used a powerful flashlight to scan out on the fairways. I caught a quick glimpse of a poofy white tail going around the corner of one building and ran over there to catch the girls happily gulping down somebody’s tray of hors d’oeuvres
 I grabbed the big one (dog not hors d’oeuvre) and stuffed her in the truck. The smaller one gamboled off around the corner and I called her - trying to sound cheerful and not like I wanted to skin her alive. She reappeared, running at me happily with her prize
 a huge fully cooked ham
 with a few chunks taken out of it for sampling. It must have passed the taste test and now she wanted to bring it home for dinner.

Arrgh. :flushed:

I stuffed her and her prize in the truck, ran the girls home, put them in the BO’s house as directed and went back to the timeshare office with a report. Everyone who called in a complaint received some sort of remuneration
 but there were not enough complaints to cover all the booty the girls had scored. I guess people thought wildlife had made off with their food
 no bears at that time of year
 so coyotes or foxes or Sasquatch

There was still an occasional Borzoi Burglar Banquet after that but for the most part their antics were all but stopped after that one memorable episode


Absolutely, sheer GOLD Smoofox!!! Thanks for the hilarious, well-written story!

:clap: :clap: :clap:


OMG, your story made me smile! I love Borzois (used to show them and a good friend bred them). They are generally fairly dumb and hard to train (not very reliable) but they are SO elegant and can be so goofy sweet. A well bred Borzoi makes my heart go pitter-patter. :slight_smile:


More please!

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Sorry for the segue off topic - but sometimes it just has to happen. Now if anyone can explain to me how that casserole dish was carried back to the farm - it would have been about 2 miles in a direct line over the golf course through the deep snow - or that huge turkey. I still have a mental picture of the girls sweeping the frozen turkey along as if they were curling
 and it was all downhill from wherever they stole it to home

By the next year the BO gifted me a Borzoi pup of my own for Christmas
 I guess I had proved I could wrangle them! We had many adventures together and she loved agility

ETA: photos of my zoi girl
 so long ago now


I am SO envious


The breed was not designed for that in the first place. They were designed to follow their noses, which is what they love to do. Lol.

Once in a great while I will see a video of a beagle that will follow commands to the letter, and I am always shocked and amazed at that sight. :hushed::dog::hushed:


So is it only cooked bones that are a cause for concern? Not raw bones? I would think even the raw ones would be
 uncomfortable for the dog. To say the least.

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This reminds me of that song

The fox went out on a chilly night,
he prayed to the Moon to give him light,
for he’d many a mile to go that night
before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o,
he had many a mile to go that night
before he reached the town-o.

He ran till he came to the farmer’s pen
the ducks and the geese were put therein.
“A couple of you are gonna grease my chin
before I leave this town-o, town-o, town-o,
a couple of you are gonna grease my chin
before I leave this town-o.”

He grabbed the grey goose by the neck,
and he threw him over across his back;
and he didn’t mind the quack, quack, quack,
and the legs all dangling down-o, down-o, down-o,
he didn’t mind the quack, quack, quack,
and the legs all a-dangling down-o.

The farmer’s wife, she jumped out of bed;
threw open the window and cocked her head,
Crying, “John, John! better get out your gun
for the fox is on the town-o, town-o, town-o!”
Crying, “John, John, the grey goose is gone
and the fox is on the town-o!”

Then the farmer went to the top of the hill,
blew his horn both loud and shrill,
the fox he said, “I’d better flee with my kill
He’ll soon be on my trail-o, trail-o, trail-o.”
The fox he said, “I’d better flee with my kill
He’ll soon be on my trail-o.”

He ran till he came to his cozy den;
and there were the little ones eight, nine, ten.
They said, “Daddy, daddy, better go back again,
'cause it must be a mighty fine town-o, town-o, town-o!”
They said, “Daddy, daddy, better go back again,
'cause it must be a mighty fine town-o.”

Then the fox and his wife without any strife
they cut up the goose with a fork and knife.
and they never had such a supper in their life
and the little ones chewin’ on the bones-o, bones-o, bones-o,
they never had such a supper in their life
and the little ones chew’n on the bones-o.