Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Your point?

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They did not travel anywhere near as fast, but one year in Florida, we had stalls at a place adjacent to a vet clinic. And my dog and my coworker’s dog figured out pretty quickly that when they arrived at work in the morning, it was right around the time that the staff at the vet clinic would be sitting outside the building, eating their breakfast at the picnic table.

So the dogs would hop out of the car in the morning and make a beeline to go see what was for breakfast each day. That is, until we heard about their naughty habit. Lol.


My brother has an English Lab. Sweet, sweet, sweet dog! Yes, they tend to be smaller and WAY less hyper than the US Labs. Cute as all get out, too. Kind of an otter face. I love when I get to dogsit her.


Standard long-haired dachshund?


My childhood trainer wouldn’t let us wear bows. We had hairnets from our first show onwards.


What are you saying?
Information about Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks to get Lauren Kanarek banned because RGG/JES had previously been fired from a job?

You do realize that Michael paid a private investigator to do a background check on them and their arrest records and all that would be right there, plain as day. Which I am sure had more of an impact than the fact that RGG/JES got fired from his job.


Bows were not a thing back in the dark ages when I started riding either. Hairnet all the way for everyone.


Well, you’ve thought wrong all this time, at least as far as my involvement! At no time was I ever contacted by MB, MHG or anyone at HH regarding LK and RG. Believe that or not, I really don’t care. Honestly don’t care. You have to believe what makes you comfortable and I am tired of explaining myself to you and your buddies.

After August 7, I reached out to MH and others to see how I could help in any way. Imagine my surprise when I was told LK discussed ME with MH on many occasions - obsessed is the word used. LK had 3 people from NC she consistently raged about to anyone who would listen.

Even when around RG’s employer, LK couldn’t stop talking about me at company gatherings, unaware that I was close friends with the owner! All LK knew was I was the breeder of a colt the owner purchased from us. That was the connection LK needed to show her obsession about me. She had no idea we were and had been friends for quite some time. The truth is it was after a company Christmas party at the owner’s home that the owner asked me how I knew LK and told me about how LK had followed her around all evening trying to bash me and my daughter. Who does that? She finally told LK to back off and stop being rude.

Ironically RG’s employers were always pleased with his work and he had very high customer satisfaction ratings. But imagine what would happen if they had allowed him back the second time and he made major mistakes or pulled some stunt while under the influence of whatever at a client’s home!

I fully realize you and a couple of others here believe some of us have made things up about LK. Nope. I understand it is difficult to believe someone could behave as she does.

By the way, I know you read a post I made in one of the last threads at the guilt I felt after learning of the situation at Hawthorne Hill. You have no idea how many times I’ve wondered why I didn’t contact MB/MHG when I learned LK was with him and tell them what she really was and to be careful, and wondered if somehow I could have prevented the events of August 7.

So, @hut-ho78, until you can tell me you have had any direct experience with any Kanarek, your opinions and long term thoughts are meaningless to me. You have no idea what you are defending.


I guess not - used to get a big bone from the butcher, and it would take my flat-coated retriever/border collie mix about an hour to consume it. Now there’s a mix of dog for some adventures, big eye rolly on that one.

I guess I can tell one since its goose related.

We got him from a resuce at age 5 - He was tall and looked like a black irish setter with a white ruff. We lived on a property with a pond, off a big lake, and it was November, with Canada geese on the pond. We opened the car door his first evening home and he made a beeline for that pond. Me and my girls called and called, the girls crying - (we didn’t know his name) for an hour while he swam those geese in circles, herding them with one half of his DNA and wanting to bring us one with the other half.

Eventually I realized that our shouting was more likely encouragement to him, and made us all go into the house. Not a moment later he followed, “Where’d ya go? Wasn’t it fun?”

I soon learned that I could not train him to voice commands. He was a real “partner in crime” type, and if I wanted him to “leave it” I had to turn and walk away, and he would do the same, for example. He really was a small animal killer - it was a challenge to keep him from going after something and snapping its neck, but he would only do it if I was there to watch, and if I turned my back, he would stop.

He would go every saturday with me to the grain store to get dog food and horse grain, and considered it us going out on the hunt, I think. One day he was no where around when I left and I left without him. I came home to a dead Canada Goose right smack in the middle of where I parked my car, with him sitting happily next to it all prim and proper. As if to say, see mom? I can bring home the bacon. I guess he found hunting was something he could do to please me wether I was there or not. Well I wasn’t pleased, I put him in the house and didn’t know what to do with the goose where he wouldn’t get into it. I wasn’t going to encourage him by eating it, and didn’t know if it was healthy or not anyway, took it on a shovel so my scent wasn’t on it, a mile into the woods and buried it deep under a stone wall. Came home, he zoomed out of the house into the woods and in just a few minutes brought it back, covered in dirt, proud as punch, and put it at my feet.

I later saw how he did it. Usually he left the geese alone, but one day he plunged into the big lake and swam out to them, dove under water, grabbed a goose by the feet, and swam back, the squacking and flapping not to be concerned about. He came up on shore, and quick as a cat, snapped its neck. Le sigh.

But he never went after our food in the house. I always fed him in his bowl when we ate supper, and he never begged at the table, but would go stand over his bowl, waiting for it to be filled with dinner. He was intelligent, and a great companion out riding the trails and powerlines. One hot day he ran ahead, and was waiting for me, deep in a flooded area of the trail, up to his back in water. I hesitated riding through it, as I didn’t know how washed out and tricky the footing would be underneath, it looked deep. Then he stood up. Alright. Okay. Good dog. Hard not to laugh and love him.


I had a Labrador that would swim out in the pond and catch turtles.


Poodles! I know they get a bad rep because of idiot owners who dress them in human clothes and bows, but they are really just a wicked smart retriever with a non-shedding coat. The standards are my favourite, but not much smaller than your labs, so go for a more moderately sized one.


None of the people involved in RG’s previous employment have anything to do with this. They never contacted MB nor were contacted by him. After he was fired he and LK never crossed their minds.


I have four poodles!

ETA: 3 minis and a moyen


I have ONE lab related counter surfing incident.

My first, absolutely wonderful, glorious, perfectly trained yellow lab went to work with me at the barn everyday. She went pretty much everywhere with me that was vaguely suitable to take a dog.

If I dressed up in “town clothes” she would sit and look at me expectantly and ask if she could go; if I dressed in barn clothes she went to door and waited to be let into the truck. Her doggie brain conflated barn clothes = I get to go; town clothes = sit pretty, ask politely, look pitiful, I might get to go.

One fine day, the BF at the time and I are doing a float trip down the local river and plan to be gone most of the day. We packed a cooler and were definitely wearing BARN CLOTHES. The dog kept going to the door and waiting to be let out and into the truck, and we kept explaining to her that she wasn’t going and she needed to STAY.

We left a very disappointed dog and two dozen glazed pecan cinnamon buns cooling on racks on the counter. This dog had never, ever counter surfed or taken a bite of food without permission before.

I came home, 8 hours later, sunburnt and exhausted, opened the door and was astonished that the dog didn’t come to greet us. First words out of my mouth were “Where’s the dog?” followed by “What happened to the cinnamon rolls?”

I called the dog and was treated to the classic guilty dog slink from the back of the house. She had apparently fallen into a carb coma after devouring two dozen cinnamon rolls. Her belly was distended and she looked wildly uncomfortable. There was not a speck on the counter to indicate the rolls had ever been there. Just the spotlessly empty wire cooling racks. She had apparently assumed the apocalypse was upon her and had no other choice.

She looked so guilty and remorseful all we could do was laugh.

She never counter surfed again in her long life, but I never made the mistake of putting on BARN CLOTHES and not letting her go either.


You have nothing to feel guilty about. Even if you had warned them they would never have believed the extent of her depravity - nobody would. I think you have to experience it firsthand to truly understand that are really people like that walking among us.


My Rottie had to be released to eat too. He knew it was a human requirement for food, wait to be released. Much to his delight, his good friend the counter did not have that requirement, so when the humans who required a release to eat were not there and his good friend the kitchen counter was offering up something yummy, he was all for going along with the counters eating plan.


I love standard poodles, but, but, but 
the grooming.


I always say our next dog is going to be a poodle, but them other rescue dog ends up in our household. As a kid we always had Labs. As an adult the only one whose breed we specifically chose was our Dalmatian. We had adopted a Dalmatian / Lab cross (best dog ever) from the local shelter and though researching the breed got connected with a local Dalmatian rescue group, and before long added a spotty doggy to our tribe.

Our current motley crew is:

  1. 6yo-ish Mountain Cur / Lab cross who got pulled from a shelter in Tennessee and brought to Ontario by a Canadian rescue group
  2. 13yo Cockapoo who had belonged to a friend of a friend who found herself in way over her head with dog ownership
  3. 16yo Coton de Tulear. He’s actually my parents’ dog but my dad passed away in January and my mother has been struggling with health issues since summer and had to move into a retirement home that doesn’t accept dogs.

I have two standards that are the joy of our lives! Brilliant dogs!


Just keep them clipped short all over. Easy peasy.