Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

What strange behaviour. Have they never left their neighbourhood before? I wonder what those men were thinking. These are the people that give tourists a bad name. :frowning:


Good lord. Did she think she was at the zoo?


Lol. What did I say about pigs flying or winning the lotto and when? What has/had her panties in a twist? When was this posted? Her tweets are protected, so I cannot see them. Hilarious!


Out of curiosity I had actually searched the thread for those terms. Turns out both of those were from CC. LK must have some odd obsession with you to have linked them both to you. Of course facts have never limited her.

ETA: Pigs would fly if the tapes showed what she has claimed they do. A lotto win had something to do with the civil trial, but I donā€™t remember details. In case anybody actually cares what sheā€™s raving about.

Second edit: Oh, this is too good not to share. The lotto win will follow us all learning that the HH gang did in fact believe that the waiver would allow them to murder LK without being held liable!


Maybe she doesnā€™t appreciate that before the trial, I held the view that it didnā€™t matter what she did, shooting her was indefensible unless MB was physically in jeopardy.

The trial made me realize that 1) she had launched a campaign to drive him crazy, and 2) he very well might have been in physical danger but thanks to shoddy forensics, who can say either way?

I would like to think that I am one of the more measured here - I donā€™t know that MB did or did not shoot her. Iā€™m not donating, sending cards or the like. Just following along trying to get a glimpse of the truth. Too bad the glimpses didnā€™t sway me in her direction. Oh well!


Neither of which I said, right? ETA: I see you said they were both CC. Need more coffee!


Except she would probably not ask the animals at the zoo if she could take their picture.

Come to think of it, I was just at the zoo last week. Should I have asked the animals for permission before I took their pictures?


I wonder whatā€™s next. Cinnebon? Hard Rock Cafe?


Iā€™m sure people will disagree but if her account is private and with that I donā€™t think itā€™s right to share the posts no matter what they say.

When you are private on Twitter only your followers can see what you tweet, retweet and reply.

Sharing them outside of those followers is a breach of privacy (no matter how much you dislike the person) it isnā€™t right imo.


Well, we all know that theyā€™re greatly lacking when it comes to any kind of taste and class :wink:

But, sadly, I know that people (Iā€™ve mostly seen it with older folk, in my travels) tourist like that.

So itā€™s just a thingā€¦amongst the sheltered? Not cultured? I donā€™t know. Itā€™s like when people dress or act differently they think itā€™s some type of noveltyā€¦or costume. I donā€™t get it.


In the UAE, you have to ask peopleā€™s permission before photographing them and many places have forbidden photography entirely, for security and privacy purposes. Itā€™s in the national laws and comes with a hefty penalty if you donā€™t do it.


To a degree, I agree with you. But she is tagging others whos accounts are public. So the posts themselves arenā€™t private on her account only


I think she desperately wants them to be shared. I think she is desperate to have access to the forums and is using twitter as a way to participate. Itā€™s sad.

And nothing says class like fat shaming.

Nothing says you have nothing to sue CBS over by running your mouth and posting nonsensical tweets. Any sane person would file a lawsuit and keep their mouth shut.

Seeing what she posts seriously makes me appreciate my own life. She is a miserable person. Happy and stable people do not behave this way.


yes they are, even when you tag they are still private. Whoever is sharing them must follow her.


and just so Iā€™m clear, this isnā€™t about LK to me, itā€™s about privacy.


Yes, 'twas I, the Cantering Carrot.

I said that odds are better re pigs flying past my house or me winning the Lotto (that I donā€™t play) than the tapes/audios actually having the content on them that LK says they do. Iā€™m fully willing to be proven wrong.

I canā€™t tell what LK is on about half the time, nor do I really want to know. Iā€™m interested in proof and developments re this case, to some extent, but incoherent ramblings, not soo much.


Just came here to say that.

Just sue them already.


Oh, I assumed it would show on the tagged persons account. I donā€™t twitter, so not up on how exactly it works


Private tweets are shared everywhere, even on the nightly news.


Weā€™ve had eagles over granny before. So now have pigs over (non-existent) bombshells. :laughing:


The expectation of privacy goes out the window when you are tweeting 48 Hours, a show watched by millions and followed by thousands.